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"hello guys, what would you like?" the random guy in the room asks when everyone else has left.

"a couple pills, thanks." adrian says. what pills? is his head hurting?

"okay, here you go." the guy hands him a small plastic bag with pills in it. those do not look like normal painkillers.

"thanks. let's go guys." adrian says and leaves the room. i glance at disa who just shrugs her shoulders.

we go to another room, i'm guessing someone's bedroom too? man this house has many rooms.

adrian drops the pills on the bed and everyone looks at them and then at him. oh, i think i know what they are now.

"okay no, this is where i draw the line." marcus says strictly. "i'm going and martinus, you're coming with me."

"you're the one who told me to loosen up and just relax for once." i say and take one of the pills in my hand. i look at it for a while and swallow it. "now i'm being loose.

"okay, way to go martinus!" adrian pats my back and takes one of the pills too. "these are strong by the way, they'll kick in fast."

"oh god, well i'm leaving." marcus says and leaves the room.

"uh, me too." disa says. i feel like i should've done that too. well, i'm gonna be the loose and crazy one for once.

astrid takes a pill herself before adrian puts the rest in the bag and to his pocket. i don't really know what to do now.

"okay, let's get this party started!" i say and we go back downstairs to get some drinks.
i wake up in my own bed. thank god.

"morning marcus. so, what happened last night?" i ask when i go to my brother's room.

"you were fucking annoying." he answers. "so were adrian and astrid."

"what do you mean?" i ask confused. "we were just drunk, sorry."

"just drunk?" marcus repeats with a sarcastic laugh. "so you don't remember you were also on drugs?"

"what? i would never do drugs!" i say shocked.

"well last night you did. and you can't blame alcohol on that, you were sober at the point you did it." marcus explains.

"i- what?" i ask. how don't i remember that. "i would never do that. are you sure it was me?"

"yes i'm sure. you told me that you're gonna follow my advice and relax for once." marcus rolls his eyes.

"did you do it?" i ask rising my eyebrow.

"no!" marcus says. "i do not do drugs and neither should you."

"jesus, i'm sorry marcus." i sigh. "you should've pulled me out of that room."

"oh so now it's my fault?" he asks. "besides i tried to tell you to leave but you didn't listen."

"no, but you still should've done that! i was clearly pissed at you and wasn't thinking clearly." i throw my hands in the air in frustration.

"oh fuck off dude. you would've just snatched your hand away and done it anyways." marcus rolls his eyes again.

i sigh and leave the room. well i think i didn't do anything bad. i was just annoying, that's all. i'm always annoying according to marcus.

murderer // martinus gunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now