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"dude, wake up." i say and poke marcus on his head. he just groans and turns to his other side.

i sigh and take the glass of water from his nightstand and throw it at his face.

"martinus, stop!" marcus says and pushes me away. "it's like seven in the morning, let me sleep."

"come on, it's almost eleven. if you don't get up now i'm gonna have to tell disa she has to go home." i say. marcus opens his eyes and sits up immediately.

"wait, what do you mean go home? she's here?" marcus asks. then he looks at his door and turns completely red when she sees disa standing there. "hi, disa. what are you doing here?"

"i have something i have to tell you." she says and then looks at me. i take the hint and leave the room.

i go outside the door and leave it partly open so i can listen to what disa has to say. not that i always do this when marcus has a girl in his room, which almost never happens.

i carefully peep through the door and try to see what happens. marcus stands up and yawns then taking disa's hand and pulling her close to him.

then i can see him smile before placing his lips on hers and kissing her. wait what, when did this happen? and why didn't marcus tell me? i'm hurt.

i quickly leave and go to my room. i take out my phone and text astrid. i have to find out if she knew about this.

turns out she didn't know anything either. but why are they both hiding this from their best friends? i mean, i would tell marcus if i has someone.

"get your shoes on and meet me at the store." i send to astrid. i wanna hang out with her since my brother is having fun with another girl.

i don't even bother waiting for a reply before marching out the front door and start walking to her place.

i get to her door and ring the doorbell. astrid opens the door with her shoes on and steps out closing the door behind her.

"where are we going?" she asks. "you're not gonna throw me off the hill, are you?"

"hmm, who knows." i say winking and laugh.

"okay, bye." astrid says and turns around but i take her hand and pull her next to me. i start walking again and don't let go.

"i'm not gonna kill you, just come with me." i say. "we're going to the store, i want some ice cream."

we get to the store and i finally let go of astrid's hand when we're at the ice cream shelf. we both pick up something we want and i offer to to pay for them.

we go outside and sit on the benches. it's a really sunny day. i love it.

"i really like hanging out with you." i say smiling when i'm walking astrid home.

"same here! see you tomorrow?" she suggests.

"yes, i'll text you." i say and give her a quick kiss on the cheek. before turning around i wink at her. then i start heading home.

murderer // martinus gunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now