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i get pushed in to a cell along with marcus. the police closes and locks the door.

"why the hell are we here? i haven't done anything and neither have you!" marcus paces around throwing his arms in the air.

"marcus! marcus, stop!" i say and take a hold of his shoulders. he sighs and looks at me. "i actually did something that could be the reason why we're here."

"what did you do?" marcus asks slowly. i sigh and let go of him. i bite my lip and sit down.

"i killed astrid." i whisper so quietly even i didn't hear it.

"you did what?" marcus asks mocking my whispering. i give him a murderous glance so he raises his hands in defense.

i'm just about to tell him when a police walks in. he tells marcus to go with him and then he locks the door again.

"you are such a fucking idiot, martinus." i say to myself. i sigh and sit down on the bed. this is not gonna end well. i'm so grounded if i ever get out of here.

"martinus, you're next." the police officer says while pushing marcus back in the cell. i sigh and get up from the bed.

i look at marcus who has an unsure look on his face. the officer takes a hold of my arm and pulls me out.

he takes me to another room where there's only a table, three chairs and another officer. a woman. i sit on the other side of the table and the officers sit on the other.

"okay, martinus. you have a chance to tell your side of the story. we interrogated marcus and he told us his side." the woman says.

"you're suspected for the murder of astrid bergvall." the man says.

"i didn't kill her!" i say before thinking. "i just walked her home."

"we have been told you were outside at the time of death." the woman says. "you have to explain everything that happened that night."

"well, she was at my house. then she had to leave, and we got into a little argument about something stupid so she got mad and left. the next day i was going to go over and apologize but i found out she was dead." i say with my voice cracking in the end.

how am i coming up with all this? wow martinus you're on fire.

"we don't have enough evidence to keep you here for now. if something comes up you'll have to come back." the officer says.

"o-okay. can i go home now?" i ask looking as innocent as i can. the woman nods and i get up.
"what is happening boys? you have to tell me if something's wrong so i can be prepared for something like this!" mom says as soon as we get home.

"i'm sorry mom. i felt really sad about astrid so i just kept it all in." i mumble and look down.

"i understand, honey. but you know you can always tell me." mom hugs me. i just nod.

i go upstairs followed by marcus but instead of going to my own room marcus pulls me into his.

"i know you're not completely honest with everything." marcus says.

"what do you mean?" i ask. he takes my phone and unlocks it. of course his fingerprint is on the touch ID.

"adrian told me about the messages." he says showing them. my heart skips a beat and i gulp.

murderer // martinus gunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now