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"martinus you're gonna have to turn yourself in." marcus says.

"i know." i admit. i explained everything to him right from the beginning up until now. "i'll do it soon, i just want so spend some time with you before getting locked up for good."

it's the first day of school tomorrow. it's 1am we're sitting in my bed talking about what could happen to me.

marcus is being surprisingly calm and supportive. i don't know how he does that.

"you should get some rest. i'll wake you up in the morning." marcus says and gets up.

"yea like you're gonna be up before me." i roll my eyes.

"just trust me, i'll pick up an outfit for you so you can get some extra sleep. now close your eyes and sleep!" marcus demands.

"okay, mom." i say mocking him. i get under the covers and close my eyes. marcus turns off the light and leaves the room.
i hear a loud bang and then some mumbling "son of a bitch." that must be marcus.

i turn on the light on my nightstand to see what he's doing. he bumped his knee to something.

"damn it martinus, you weren't supposed to wake up yet." marcus says. "now go back to sleep and let me handle this."

"i'll just wait till you're done with the outfit." i suggest. marcus picks out something but won't show me.

"okay, i'm done. close the lamp and sleep for some more." marcus says and leaves the room.

about thirty minutes later i wake up to someone shaking me carefully.

"good morning sunshine." marcus says in a mom voice. i chuckle and stretch a bit.

"morning marcus, can i get the clothes now?" i ask. marcus hands me a pile and i put them on. 

it's just some ripped jeans and a nice off white hoodie with some basic vans. it's a nice outfit, good job marcus.

"now get downstairs and eat while i pack your bag." marcus says and basically pushes me out MY room.

the word about astrid's death has spread, of course. everyone is looking at me. even tho i'm used to having thousands of eyes on me i'm feeling really uncomfortable.

"don't care about anyone. just mind your own business." marcus says quietly. i just nod.
this has been a pretty basic first day of school. boring, mostly. we are in the last class right now.

there's a knock on the door. i don't mind it until two officers walk in.

"martinus gunnarsen, you're under arrest for the murder of astrid bergvall."

murderer // martinus gunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now