•N i n e• - Finn

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I can't breathe. I'm on the cold tile of the bathroom. I'm having an anxiety attack. I can't take it. Noah is hollering for the Duffers and Shawn, they live right next to us. Hot, fresh tears roll down my cheeks. The world is spinning. Noah came rushing in with Shawn, and that's where everything went black.


I woke up with my alarm going off, signaling that I needed to wake up to go to set. I sat up, stretched a bit, and got up. I chose what outfit I wanted to wear. It had to be simple, knowing I would have to change out of it to become Mike. I put on gray sweatpants and my 'let's get weird' hoodie. I walked into my bathroom to freshen up a bit. I put on some cologne, and brushed out my black hair. I popped on my Converse high tops and waited for Noah to finish getting ready. Minutes later, he walked downstairs with a simple white tee, with jeans and his fancy white sneakers. Hot.

"Hey Finn. Good morning." He said walking up to me.

"Same to you Noah." I reply, holding the door open for him. We both walk out the door to the fresh Atlanta air. I take the moment to take in a deep breath. It really is beautiful out here at 7 am when the sun is just then rising. Noah and I walk for 5 minutes to set, just like any other day. I went to my trailer and my makeup artist was there waiting for me. She had me sit down to touch up my face, and do my hair. I was on my phone most of the time, and I was scrolling through Instagram. So many people were calling me 'daddy'. It made me feel weird. It reminded me of the time people kept saying 'spicy' on my most recent posts. I noticed how some people started to tell them to stop it, and that made me feel a bit better. Soon enough, she was done with my hair and makeup and sent me to put on my Mike outfit. I wore a striped sweater with some jeans, and old Nike shoes. I head over to the break room for some breakfast.

"Hey Frog Face." Gaten said as I walked by.

"Hey Toothless." I replied with a fake smile. Today didn't really start off well, and I'm not really in the mood for smiles. I grab myself some yogurt and sit down in a corner table all to myself. I go ahead and pull out my phone to a lot of Instagram notifications. I open it up and people are going crazy on my recents. 'Finn has too many freckles' 'I hate is curls' 'He is way too skinny' 'Finn is my daddy 🍆💦' and so much more. My heart dropped at all of this. I wanted to hide in a corner and die. I turned off my phone and stomped out of there to my trailer. I didn't want to be around people right now. The whole rest of the morning and afternoon was just a blur, scenes at the school and my basement. It was finally the end of the day. Noah and I walk home peacefully, chatting about a bunch of random stuff.

We got inside and I got my phone out to be charged. My Twitter was going crazy now. What now? I click on the app and I see what's going on. Then, every part of my body froze.

'15 year old Finn Wolfhard is being sexualized by kids and adults. Click link for more info.'

I dropped my phone as I felt faint. Why would people do this? The first person I go to is Nick. I called him, explaining what I'm feeling.

"I feel dizzy. I feel faint. What do I do?!" I scream through the phone.

"Well, I'm live streaming right now, but all you need to do is sit back, relax, and rock that anxiety. Ok?" Nick told me comfortingly.

"O-ok. Sit back and relax. I can do that. Thanks Nick." I responded.

"No prob. Love ya bro. Bye." He said.

"Bye." I reply and end that call. Sit back. Relax. Rock the anxiety. I lay down and look up at the ceiling. I need water. I sit back up, the faint and dizziness still there, and try to walk downstairs. I almost face planted just getting out the door, so I just decided to go to Noah for help.

"Noah!" I yell and knock on the door. "H-help me!"

Moments later, be opened the door. "Hey Finn. What's wrong?"

"M-my rational a-anxiety. I feel dizzy and faint and n-now I'm stu-stuttering." I relpy, desperately wanting him to help.

"Oh my god, here. Let's go back to your room." He replied, grabbing my waist. I use his shoulders for help and we make it to my room safe and sound. At least we thought.

"Here, I going to get you some water from downstairs. I'll be right back." Noah tells me and leaves the room. Why would people do this to me? I don't know what to do. Sexualize me? Why?

I wanted a wet rag to put on my forehead, so I get up and go to the bathroom. I grab a small towel, and start to run it under the water. Out of nowhere, I felt pain shoot through my chest. I drop the rag and drop to the floor, holding my chest. I take in a sharp breath, but my lungs won't let me take in a full breath.

"N-Noah!" I try to scream, but it came out as a mumble. The people. They are causing this to happen. If I wasn't getting harassed by them, I would be in my bed, perfectly FINE.

Tears make their way down my face, as I lay on the floor unable to move or breathe. I hear the door open a few feet away from me, and Noah comes to my side.

"Finn! Oh my god, Finn! You need to breathe, ok? Breathe! I'm going to get help!" He yelled running out of the bathroom.

I can't breathe. I'm on the cold tile of the bathroom. I'm having an anxiety attack. I can't take it. Noah is hollering for the Duffers and Shawn, they live right next to us. Hot, fresh tears roll down my cheeks. The world is spinning. Noah came rushing in with Shawn.

That's when everything went black.

HEYO PEEPS! I told you. Be on the lookout. Next chapter, coming soon! BYEEEEEE!

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