•F o u r t e e n• - Noah

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The next day, Finn and I wake up to hearing a photo being taken.

"Guys! Noah is awake. CODE RED!" Gaten yelled and everyone ran out of the room. I sat up in bed and I stretched, taking in what just happened. Finn slowly rose to my height and looked at me with tired eyes. He groaned, grabbing me by my waist and pulling me back down with him.

"Let's skip today and sleep." He mumbled, his head laying on my stomach and his hands resting just under him.

"We can't, Finn. The Duffers want us two to come in today, apparently he has to discuss something important with us." I say, running my hands through his hair. He groaned even louder, and sat up.

"Good morning smol bean."

"Good morning tall bean."

Finn got out of bed lazily and took some clothes with him to his bathroom. I picked myself up and went to my own bathroom, brushing my hair and teeth. I grabbed a  random light blue shirt and some black sweatpants, and got changed.

"Noahhhh, Let's goooo." Finn yelled from downstairs.

"Coming." I reply, grabbing my script and heading out. Finn and I walked there together, huddled close and holding hands. After all, we are a couple. As we walked in we moved apart and we let each other's hands go, so no one suspected anything.

"Finn, Noah. We need to have a chat with you." Matt said, Ross just behind him. "You're not in trouble, we just need your permission for a scene."

"Ok." We both replied at the same time and followed them to their trailer.

"So." Ross started. "Open your scripts to page 102." Finn and I flipped the page of our scripts in unison. "Now, read to yourselves to page 108." I started to read.

Mike wondered around the forest, he needed to clear his mind. He hears muffled sobs coming from his left. Will's house. He walks that way to see what's wrong. As he got closer, he saw Castle Byers. So, he walked up to Castle Byers and said the code
Mike: Radaghast.
He flung open the door to see a sobbing Will in the corner on the fort.
Mike: Oh my god, Will.
Mike goes over to him and wraps he arms
around the small boy. Will sobs hopelessly into his chest, wanting nothing more then to just disappear.
Mike: Will, baby, what's wrong.
Will: EVERYTHING! T-this shadow monster is slowly killing me, and it hurts Mike. It hurts.
Mike: It'll be ok, Will. I'll be right by your side, no matter what, ok?
Will: Ok...
Will's sobs slowly become little sniffles, and he turns to look at Mike.
Will: Mike, can't can't keep it in any longer.
Mike: What do you mean?
Will: Honestly, Mike, when you talk about El and how much you miss her, it breaks me inside. Just hearing how you talk about her, it hurts. Because unfortunately, I'm in love with you. Your freckles, your smile, heck even your clothing is amazing. I understand if you don't have the same f-
Will was cut off by Mike giving Will a gentle kiss on the lips.
Mike: I love you too, Will. I only talked like that about her because I thought I liked her. But, I finally opened my eyes and you were there. When she comes back, or, if she comes back, I'll tell her about this.
Mike helped Will up from his spot in the fort, and engulfed him in a tight hug.
Mike: I love you William Byers.
Will: and I love you Michael Wheeler.
End of scene.

I looked back up at the Duffers. I couldn't tell if Finn was himself or a tomato. That was probably me too, my mouth hung open and my eyes frozen on the script. They literally have no clue what Finn and I have going on.

"So? We've already gotten permission from your parents, all we need is your consent." Matt said, looking at us two flustered teens.

"O-okay. I'll do it." Finn said, giving me a look.

"I'll do it too." I told them, setting down my script.

"Great! We'll start filming this scene tomorrow afternoon, ok? Be prepared!" Ross said, following Matt out the door. I looked over at Finn, who was looking at his hands and blushing like crazy. I chuckled and grabbed his hand.

"I guess we are an on screen couple and real couple." I said smirking.

Finn looked over at me and smiled. "Yeah. I guess so."

We walked out of the trailer and back to our individual ones.

The rest of the day went by quickly, as we just filmed group scenes. Finn and I walked back to the condo hand in hand. The rest of the evening was pretty normal too. We ate dinner, and cuddled in his bed until I needed to go to bed. I said goodnight to him, gave him a kiss, and went off to bed, dreaming about the scene tomorrow.

HEYO PEEPS! They started filming season 3!! YAAAYYYY! Oki that's all. BYEEEEEE!

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