•T w e n t y T w o• - Noah

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HEYO PEEPS! So, quick note. I love when you all leave little references from Marvel/Stranger Things in the comments. Fill free to do that! Also, if you have any questions of any sort, ask away. I won't mind at all. Oki. That's all. Enjoy!

Finn and I just chilled at the condo the next day. We cuddled, as that was our normal routine, when I got a phone call from my Mom.

"One moment, Finn. I need to take this." I went into the kitchen and picked it up. "Hello?"

"Hey, Noah! How are you?" My Mom said I to the phone.

"I'm good, Mom, you?"

"Boring without you here. But I hope you're having fun!"

"Hey, uhm, I have a question for you Mom."

"Okay. Ask away."

"I never really got to know who the guy was that one day... when I was nine... and yeah.. and I wanna know more. I know I have no business knowing about him, but I just-I don't wanna be clueless forever, ya know? I wanna know who he is, and why he did it. That's all."

"Oh, okay. Well, his name is (whatever u want), and he was a reckless driver. He had gotten into many car crashes before, and this time he was seeking revenge on a friend of his. So, I guess he thought it would be a good idea to run into us-"

"So he killed her on purpose?"

"I mean, sort of, yeah."

I sighed. I was on the brink of tears. "Okay." My voice cracked. "Thanks Mom."

"Noah, it's okay to cry. Sometimes you need to."

"I know, Mom. Thank you. I just-I don't get why he would kill a child. Like Chloe. She was the perfect sister, ever." I let out a little sob.

"I know, he was a horrible man."

"Yeah, freaking psychopath."

Mom chuckled. "Even when you're sad, you can still be you. I'm so proud of you. And so is Dad and Chloe."

I smiled softly. "I love you, Mom. So much."

"I love you too, Noah. Have a good day."

"You too Mom. Bye!"


I ended the call, and freshened myself up before I walked back into Finn's room.

"Hey smol bean. You good?" He asked, and opened his arms for me to sit in.

"Yes. I'm fine. My mom called to check in. But, I also got some info out of her. About Chloe and the accident." I replied, laying my head on his chest.

"What did she say?" He asked.

"Well, she told me his name is (whatever u want), and he was out to get revenge. So, he thought that it would be a great idea to run into us on the way to the grocery store. He basically meant to kill her." I said, sighing. I wasn't crying, there weren't any tears left to cry.

"Oh, I'm so sorry baby." He told me, hugging me tightly. I hug back, never wanting to let go.

"He killed the person that meant everything to me. The person who would help me in bad times. The person who always had my back." I laid my head down on a pillow and stared blankly at the ceiling.

"Oh, Noah." Finn got down to my level and grabbed my face. "It'll all be okay. Just like what happened to me online. It all went away. You can get through this. We can get through this."

I sat up, grabbing his hands that lay on my face. "God, I love you so much."

"I love you too, Schnapple Sauce." Finn replied.

We sat there for a moment, just looking into each other's eyes. I loved all of his freckles, and his hair, and his smile. Oh, that smile.

Finn started to lean in, as did I. Our lips lightly brushed, and he pulled me into a passionate kiss. He pulled away and gave me a cheeky smile.

"Wanna go to bed? It's pretty late, and you need it." He told me, getting up.

"Yeah. We have to get up early tomorrow, anyway." I got off the couch and went upstairs with Finn. We said our good nights, I went to bed, dreaming about our future together.


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