•T w e n t y F o u r• - Noah

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At last, Sunday came along. Finn got his voice back, which is good. And, we were going back to Atlanta to finish up filming.

Finn and I was to make it official to people. Like, on the plane or at the condo. We just want the world to know, keeping it a secret is hard.

A few minutes within being on the flight, Finn and I started to make a time to tell everyone.

"I think it would be better at the condo, we don't have cell service up here anyway. And, we would be a bit more comfy at the condo then here." Finn explained. I nodded in agreement.

"And this flight is noisy." I added. "So, it's settled then?"


"Great!" I cuddled up to Finn's side, and he wrapped his arms around me. We cuddled for the rest of the flight, as Millie and Sadie fangirled about it.

Soon enough, 5 hours later, we land in Atlanta. It was around 5:30, and we had the rest of the day off. We got through the airport, and we got in the limo to take us home.

"You ready, smol bean?" Finn asked me, with a smirk on his face. I nodded excitedly, the internet knowing we are together in a matter of minutes is really exciting.

We got dropped off at our condo, and we quickly made our way inside. Finn held his phone, which was on camera, to where it showed both of our faces. He pressed the start button.

"Hey guys, it's Finn." He said

"And Noah!" I replied.

"So, Noah and I have some news for you guys." He told them, looking over at me, smiling like an idiot (my idiot, got it?).

He grabbed my hand and held it up for them to see. "You all might have gotten the vibe that we were becoming more then just friends. We started posting things that would give you an idea, and you all caught on." He pecked my cheek, and I blushed. "Now, we are here to tell you that we are officially a couple! Not Fillie, not Fack, FOAH!"

"I've been the happiest that I've been in a while. Finn makes me happy, and I make him happy. That's what matters. So, you haters might as well stay away from us." I told them, and laid my head on Finn's shoulder.

"Thank you guys! Have a good rest of your day!" Finn ended the video. I took a deep breath. "You ready to post it to everywhere?"

I nodded. "Yes, I want them to know."

Finn got on Instagram, and posted it. People went NUTS. For the most part, everyone was so so SO supportive of us. Some people here and there said some negative things, but screw them, am I right?

I posted on my story, we were going to do our first live as a couple in about 30 minutes. 6:30. We wanted to do a couples QNA, people asking anything they wish about our relationship.

6:30 rolled around, and we went up to my room and got settled. I started my live, and waited for people to get on.

"Yay! Our first live as a couple!" I yelled excitedly.

"You're so adorable." Finn said, pecking my cheek repeatedly, me giggling.

"Finnie, we gotta answer questions. As much as I love you, we gotta do this." I told him.

"Okay, fineee." He replied.

"How long have you two been a thing?" I said out loud. I look over to Finn. "Four months, I'm pretty sure." He nodded in response.

Finn nuzzled into my neck, and a light blush came upon my face.

"Have you two kissed yet? Definitely." Finn told the people. "It's actually quite enjoyable with this smol bean."

"Aww, thanks tall bean." I told him.

A few more questions went by, normal couple questions like 'how often do you cuddle?' Or 'who was the first person you told?' 'Is the cast supportive?' 'Who fangirled the most?'

Soon enough, it was 7:45 and we still needed to eat some dinner and get to bed.

"Okay, peeps. I think it's time we eat some dinner and get to bed. We just got off of a 5 hour plane like literally and hour and fifteen minutes ago. We are TIRED." I told the live.

"Yeah, I think we will end it here. Hope you all got your answers, well, answered! We will be doing a lot more of these, if yours didn't get answered." Finn said.

"Byyeee!" Finn and I said in unison, and ended the live stream.

I got up tiredly and made some beef ramen, because why not. After I finished making it, I went back upstairs.

I set my bowl down to cool off, and turned on the tv in my room so I could watch a bunch of crap. Just as I reached for my ramen, Finn came into the room.

"Hey. Do you need anything?" I asked him.

"Yes. I really need something." He slowly made his way towards me. His face was so close to mine that I could feel his warm breath on my skin, it sent shivers down my back.

"W-what do you need?" I asked him.

He paused for a moment, his lips just lingering in front of mine. "You." He pushed his lips onto mine, kissing me passionately. My hands slipped onto the sides of his face, and his made their way to my waist.

He licked my bottom lip asking me for an entrance, which I gladly accepted. We fought for dominance, but of course he won. He pushed my against the back of my bed, not breaking the kiss. He started to make his way down my neck, leaving little love bites on me. He made sure not to make them noticeable.

Soon enough he found my sweet spot, and earned a moan from my mouth. "You like that, Noah?" He asked lightly. I nodded. Then he stopped.

"I guess you will have to wait to find out what happens next." He smirked.

"My lord, Finnie. You are such a tease." I giggled.

"Well, I'm going to hit the hay. I'll see you tomorrow smol bean." He lightly kissed my forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too, Finn. Goodnight."

He shut my door on the way out. I grabbed my ramen from my nightstand, and took a bite.


HEYO PEEPS! Oml, 10k reads?! You guys are the best! And, that was my first time writing people making out. Your opinion? That's all for now peeps! BYEEEEEE!

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