•T e n• - Noah

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"SHAWN! ROSS! MATT! Help me!" I yell, pounding at their door.

"Jesus Christ Noah, what's up?" Shawn answered the door.

"Finn. Finn is what's up. He's having an anxiety attack! And I don't know what to do!" I respond, grabbing Shawn's wrist and pulling him to the condo. We ran as fast as we could up to the bathroom, where he was.

"Finn? Finn! Stay with me!" I yelled cradling his head. His eyes closed, his body going limp. "OH MY GOD! Shawn, what do we do?!"

I looked up and Shawn was calling someone. I turned my attention back to Finn. He was breathing, but it was shallow. He was just laying unconscious in my arms. "Finn! Wake up!" I started to shake him, but he wasn't responsive. "FINN!" I shake him a bit harder. Tears were streaming down my face, as Shawn started to talk.

"I informed everyone what's happening. I talked to Ross, and he said that Finn would wake up in at least a few more sec-" Shawn paused as Finn's eyes shot open and he took a deep breath. It felt like weight being lifted off of my shoulders. The first thing he looked at was me, with red puffy eyes.

"Shh, it's ok Finn. Take it easy." Shawn said, helping the boy lift his head up. "We're gonna take you to your bed, ok?"

"O-ok." He replied weakly. It hurt me so much seeing him in this state. Shawn lifted him up and carried him to the bed. I grabbed his water that I set on the counter, and quickly followed.

"Are you ok?" Shawn asked him.

"No. No I'm not ok. I'M NOT FINE!" He screamed, tears forming in his eyes. "THOSE SO CALLED FANS! T-THEY ARE MAKING ME FEEL LIKE CRAP! They call me Things I don't like... They point out things about me that make me self conscious... I just can't-" He was cut off by letting out a sob. All he could do was helplessly sob. I quickly took action, wrapping my arms around him. His head nuzzled into my chest, his tears leaving tracks on my shirt. But I don't care. Finn is hurt and I need to help him. I gave Shawn a look, saying I got this. He quickly nodded and made his way out of the room.

"Let it out, Finn. Shh, it's ok. I got you." I cooed, gently stroking his hair. Finn slowly calmed himself down, taking in deep breaths in and out.

"You okay now, Finnie?" I asked in a clam voice, knowing that he could break at any second. He nodded in response, looking up at me.

"Thank you." He said giving me a sad smile. I returned the smile back, looking longingly into his eyes. I was noticing every feature of his face. How many freckles he has, his curly soft hair, and much more. I don't know if it was me, but Finn started to lean in. I started to lean in too.

"May I?" Finn asks me. I nodded closing my eyes. His soft lips met mine as his hands made their way to my waist. I let my hands wrap around his neck and I leaned my head to the side, deepening the kiss. Our lips were moving in sync, like they were meant for each other. Finn slowly pulled away, looking up at me to see my reaction. He was my first kiss. MY FIRST KISS! (I'm not sure if he's already had his first kiss, tell me in the comments! Let's just act like Finn gave him his first kiss for now.)

"Was I ok?" I ask him in concern.

"More than ok. Was I your first kiss?" He asks back. I shyly nod looking down at my hands, but he lifts my chin so he can look at me. He gave me another quick peck, then snuggled into my side and pulled the covers over us. I let our legs tangle each other's, and he wrapped his hands around my waist. I rested my head on his chest, and we fell asleep into a peaceful slumber.

HEYO PEEPS! Hehe. Did you like it? They kissed. I did it for you. Your welcome. Oki. BYEEEEEE!

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