•F i f t e e n• - Finn

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"Finnlard. Wolfhard. Tall bean. Finnie. WAKE UPPP!"

I groaned. I have to get up and go to set. Wait. OOOOO. YAAYYY IMU KISS MY LIL BBY ON SCREEN TODAY!

"Morning Schnapple Sauce." I said, grabbing his hand.

"Morning Finnie. Are you ready to kiss me?"

"I've kissed you once, wouldn't mind doing it again."

Noah chuckled and pulled me up and out of bed. "We need to go, we are going to do a run through with the script before we film."

"Ok." I say and grab a pair of clothes. I head into the bathroom and get ready, as usual. Cologne, brushed teeth, brushed hair, clothes, and done.

I head downstairs with my bag, and I slip on my Adidas. Not even a moment later, Noah comes skipping down the stairs with his bag, and he has on a hoodie and joggers matched with a beanie. Cute.

"Ready to go, small bean?" I asked, pulling him into a side hug.

"Yes I am, tall bean."

We walked to set hand in hand, as usual, and went off to our trailers. Now we just had to do a run through then showtime.

(Time skip brought to u by Noah sitting by Finn in a lot of interviews)

"I love you Will." I said with passion.

"I love you too Mike." Noah, or Will, replied back.

"CUT! Dang, that sounded so real guys." Shawn said. Little does he know ;). "Ok, people! 5 minutes to freshen up to your character, and then we film!"

Noah and I walked back to set, aka Castle Byers. "It sounded so real, Finn. It's like we are actually a couple." He said, nudging me.

"Yeah. It is like we are an actual couple." I replied, nudging him back. We giggle a bit and got ready to film. Here goes nothing.

(Skip to the part where Will is crying in Mike's arms)

"EVERYTHING! T-this shadow monster is slowly killing me, and it hurts Mike. It hurts." Will said, looking up at me, as Mike of course.

"It'll be ok, Will. I'll be right by your side no matter what, ok?" Mike, or me, said pulling Will's chin up.

"Ok..." Will replied, resting his head on my chest. He slowly calmed down, and he spoke.

"Mike, I can't keep it in any longer." He said, sitting up.

"What do you mean?"

"Honestly Mike, when you talk about El and how much you miss her, it breaks me inside. Just hearing how you talk about her, it hurts. Because unfortunately, I'm in love with you. Your freckles, your smile, heck even your clothing is amazing."

This was my cue to lean in.

"I'm understand if you don't have the same f-"

I smashed my lips on to his, as if I've longed to kiss him for ages. It wasn't rough, but soft and passionate. I pulled back to se his expression. He was blushing like crazy.

"I love you too, Will. I only talked like that about her because I thought that I liked her. But, I finally opened my eyes and you were there. When she comes back, or, if she comes back, I'll tell her about this." I lifted Will up from the ground and gave him a tight squeeze. He melted into the hug, wrapping his hands around my waist and laying his head on my chest.

"I love you William Byers."

"And I love you Micheal Wheeler."

I was looking into his soft hazel eyes in that moment, and he was looking into mine. I felt him grab my hand and squeeze it. I squeezed it back, smiling at him.

"aaannnnddd CUT!" Oh my lord you guys, that was... I have no words it was so good!" Ross said, tackling us into a bear hug. Noah started to giggle, and I just hugged back. "I don't think we have to film it a second time, that was really good. Great, even." He went down to Noah's tiny figure and whispered something. He started to blush, but he quickly pushed it back.

We both thanked him and we walked to where all the food was. "So. What did Ross whisper in your ear?" I asked, sitting down by him.

"He said 'Nice move with the hand holding.' Do you think he's being suspicious?" He told me, a worried expression appeared on his face.

"No, I think he was just trying to say good job." I replied. But then why would he whisper it in his ear?

"But he whispered it. That might be a bit suspicious." He said.

"I mean, I can't read his mind so I really don't know." I replied. I looked over Noah's shoulder and I say everyone fangirling and coming over here. "Here come the paparazzi."

"OmiGOOOODD! That was SOOOO CUUTTE!" Sadie yelled, a smile taking over her face.

"Thanks?" Noah said, looking over at me. I shrugged and looked back over to them.

"Noah, come with me." Millie said, dragging him off somewhere.

"And you Finn, come with me." Sadie said, dragging me into her trailer, leaving Gaten and Caleb there. She gestured me to sit on a chair next to her, and I did. "Spill the beans."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You and Noah. Millie and I know what's going on. Just admit it, Wolfhard. Foah is real."

A blush made its way up to my cheeks. "W-what? No, why would you think that?"

"Finn. Really? You can tell us. It's not like we will sell you out to the paparazzi."

"Fine. But you can't tell a single soul. Got that?" I said, giving her a death glare.

"Ok, ok. No telling a soul." Just a moment later, she let out a squeal. "FOAH IS REALLLL!"

"I KNOW HE'S MY SWEET LIL SMOL BEAN. Now can I go get some food? I'm hungry."

"Ok. See you later?"


I walk out of her trailer and head back to the food. Noah is sitting there, head in his hands,

Millie fangirling.

"Noah, are you ok?" I went over and put my hand on his back, and he looked up at me. His face was really red.

"I told her Finn! I told her about us and I wasn't supposed to!" He said, looking ashamed.

"Don't worry about it, I told Sadie too." I said, giving him a hug. He hugged back immediately, his hands wrapping around my waist.

Today was a crazy day, but it can't get any crazier. Right?

HEYO PEEPS. I'm waiting for my bus to come to the middle school RIP ME. Oki bye now. BYEEEEEE!

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