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*Jonah's pov*
Nothing has made me feel this pain. We can't lose her. Nicola is traumatised and she hasn't been talking to anyone. The doctors haven't spoken to us but they have said they are assessing her.
"Mr Marais?" A Doctor walks into the waiting room and I stand up
"Follow me" he turns and starts walking towards the room Nicola is settled in.
"Nicola has suffered a Placenta previa which is the placenta moving over the cervix. Due to her loss of blood and still having another few weeks until the due date we are going to do a blood transfusion and then we will have to keep her here until the birth. She will be on bed rest and hopefully we can save the baby and not have to perform a emergency caesarean on Nicola, the little girl seems to be doing okay but we have to make sure to check her every few hours" the doctor points towards Nicola and I nod
"So we won't lose the baby?" I look at the doctor and he takes in a breath
"If everything goes well....you won't but if another problem occurs we will need to do a premature birth and that can cause complications to the baby" he looks at Nicola who was staring at nothing
"You can be the one to give her the news Mr Marais, I think she will listen to you a lot better then us" the doctor smiles tightly and walks away
I walk into the room and Nicola continues to stare at nothing completely ignoring me.
"Hey baby, the doctor has explained everything to me about Violet" I grab Nicola's hand and she turns to look at me
"You need to get a blood transfusion and you will have to stay in here until the birth of our little girl" I whisper
"She is going to live?" Nicola murmurs
"Hopefully" I say trying to not get Nicola's hopes up in case of the worst
"Are you okay?" She squeezes my hand and I look at her
"I'm fine" I give her a tight smile and then Jack and Gabbie burst through the door with Olivia behind them.
"Nicola!" Olivia screams and hugs Nicola tightly
"How is she?" Jack sits beside me
"The baby has a chance and I'm not really sure about Nicola" I whisper
"Hey little baby" Gabbie whispers towards Nicola's belly
"Jonah can you get me some kit Kat and peanut butter?" Nicola looks at me
"Why?" I frown
"Please I'm craving it" she pouts and I smile
"We will let you girls talk and Jack and I can get you the cravings" I kiss Nicola softly and Jack does the same to Gabbie
We walk to the car and Jack drives as I stare at my hands.
"Is she gonna be okay dude?" Jack looks over at me
Tears fill my eyes and I shake my head.
"I don't know" I choke out
Jack pulls over and climbs out of the car dragging me out and wrapping his arms around me. I sob into his shoulder letting out al the tears I had bundled up for a few days.
"We are all worried for her, you aren't alone in this so if you need anyone you have all of us" Jack murmurs rubbing my back
"I'm just so scared of how Nic will be if Violet doesn't survive" I wipe my eyes and we climb back into the car
"Nicola is strong, if anything she'll be back on you for another one" Jack chuckles
"Gross dude" I look over at him
"Why are you complaining?" Jack frowns
"Good question" I laugh and Jack pulls a face
"Oh we all know you and Gabbie have done it before" I shove him lightly
"Shut up" Jack mutters and laughs
I shake my head at him laughing and we continue to laugh and chat away. I'm glad I have Jack around to cheer me up even when I'm in a rough patch.

Ayeeeeeeee you think I would make this story sad and have them lose the baby!? Nah but seriously had to do so much research for this chapter for the Placenta previa but I'm dedicated haha I hope you enjoyed blah blah vote and comment blah blah

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Ayeeeeeeee you think I would make this story sad and have them lose the baby!? Nah but seriously had to do so much research for this chapter for the Placenta previa but I'm dedicated haha I hope you enjoyed blah blah vote and comment blah blah....it's currently 3:12am that's why I'm too lazy to type.
Night ma dudes.

My roommates friend - Jonah MaraisWhere stories live. Discover now