Chapter 13- i'll stay

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As me and the girls drove away I started to cry.  I tried not to but, my wrist were killing me and my cheek was pounding.  Polly was in the backseat with me.  "Where are we going?" Polly asked Betty.  Im taking her to Jugheads trailer.  She will be safe their.  We arrived at the trailer and FP and Jughead were outside waiting for us.  Fp came and help grab me out of the car.  "What the hell happened?" He said brushing over my swollen and bruised cheek.  "My dad happened." Betty said before I could.  They brought me inside and put me on Fps bed.  It was comfortable there so I felt safe.  Polly came and sat down with me.  "I brought an ice pack and some advil." She said.  "Thank god because I'm going to need some so I can kick your dad's ass." I said trying to get back up.  "No your not going anywhere." Polly said sternly.  "Fp, Betty and Jughead went to go handle the situation." "They let Fp go with them?" I asked Polly.  "Well Fp kinda Just left and Betty and Jug followed." "Great they are going to find out aren't they." "No mom." Polly brushed my hair reassuring me.  "I already texted him to remind him and I texted Fred and told him what happened so, he is also on the lookout for Fp."  "You have nothing to worry about just relax." Polly was trying to calm me down.  When in reality I had everything to worry about.  I was worried Fp was going to go to jail for killing Hal.  That Betty and Jughead would find out about the whole thing with me and Fp.  My life was flashing before my eyes.  I pretended to fall asleep to see if Polly would leave.  After a couple minutes she left the room and went into the living room.  I could not go out the front door or she would see me.  I crawled out the window like I had done before.  I had no car so I just ran.  I ran as fast and as for as I could go.  I finally made it to the house and no one was their.  I went next door to Freds and knocked on the door.  "Have you seen Fp or Betty tonight? Or even Hal." I asked him out of breath.  "No I haven't Alice what happened?" He tried to bring me inside.  "No time I have to find Fp." Just keep a look out ok."  I went inside my house to make sure no one was there.  I grabbed my keys and got in the car.  Polly had lied earlier.  I know she was just worried, but god damn that kid.  I drove around town for at least an hour and I could not find anyone.  There was only one more place that I hadn't checked.  The "whyte wirm."  I didn't really want to go, but it was my only chance of finding Fp left.  I walked inside scanning the room for Fp I didn't see him at first, but then I felt a hand on my shoulder.  I turned around quickly.  It was Fp.  "Thank god your here." I said sighing in relief.  "Ya I came here because Hal had already left your house." "Where are the kids?" I asked to see if they had caught up with him. "The last time I saw them was at the trailer."  "Let me send Betty a text telling them to meet us back at the trailer. Ok." He nodded.  We drove back to the trailer and arrived the same time as the kids.  "Mom how did you get your car?" Betty asked me.  "I kinda ran." I said with a chuckle.  "Polly let you out?" She was mad.  "No she didn't do that either I crawled out the window after pretending to be asleep." Fp looked at me and couldn't help but shake his head and smile.  We went inside because it started to rain.  "Thank god you guys came back mom was really worried." Polly said as they walked in ahead of me. "Mom how did you?" I cut her off.  "Through the window in the bedroom." "Wow." She sat back down.  We all joined her.  "So what do we do now?" Betty asked.  "Well I don't know honey." I responded back to her.  We all spent the night at the trailer that night.  Me and Polly in the bed.  Jughead and Betty on the couch and I don't think Fp slept.  The next morning we all woke up around the same time.  We had decided to go to Pops for breakfast.  Pop let me take the day off and Fp come in late.  "Betty if you want you can stay at Fps trailer for now if you want and Polly I want you in a hotel for now.  At least till I figure things out."  "No way mom I am not letting you stay home alone in that house knowing he can back." Betty snapped back.  "I'll stay with her." Fp said.  It shocked me that he said that because he didn't want the kids to even know we were friends let alone together.  "Ya I like that idea, but Polly I want you with me and Jug since your getting close to your due date." Betty said.  Polly just went along with it knowing she would not win.  Later that day Betty and Polly came home to get some clothes from the house and Fp came over with a bag of his own clothes.  Fp ended up taking the day off and we all stayed at the house.  We had dinner and the kids went back to the trailer.  Me and Fp went upstairs.  "If you want I can sleep on the couch." Fp asked me.  "Why would I want that I would feel safer with you in the bed next to me.  Hell I might actually fall asleep like that." Fp nodded his head and changed into pajamas.  We got into bed.  He was holding tight, but it made me feel safe.  That night we both got some sleep.  I set my alarm a little earlier than the kids would get here so we could act like Fp slept on the couch.  "Morning mom." Betty said as they all came through the door.  "Morning sweety how did you sleep."  "Good how did you?" I slept good honey." "Ok mom we have to go to school bye." "Bye." Me and Fp said at the same time.  I made breakfast for Fp and he left for work.  "Bye." He gave me a kiss leaving the house.  "So, that is what your future looks like mom." Polly said.  "Not exactly I wish it was that easy." "Why can't it be?" Polly asked.  "I don't want to wreak what your sister has she is very happy." "Well if she is mature enough then they can work it out between themselves and if they really love each other this should not affect them." Polly was always the wise old owl of the family.  I was not going to work because I was staying home with Polly incase she went into labor.

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