Chpater 74- home

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"I guess I could say I'm at least happy you didn't know and were hiding it." Jughead shrugged breaking the silence. "Pregnant." I repeated. "I can't believe it." Fp had a small smile creeping on his lips. "I'm not going to lie I'm happy. I'm going to be an auntie!" Hermione squealed. Everyone chuckled including the kids. "You two are ok with this?" I questioned looking down at my stomach. "Well, your already together and we live together, so this is just another step of the way." Betty shrugged. "We probably won't get married though." I pointed out. "I mean I will wear a ring and mentally be married, but I don't want to make it to weird for you kids." I smiled at them. "Thanks Mom, but if the time comes we can talk about it."  Betty grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. I felt FP's hand kreeping onto my belly. He started rubbing small circles and I couldn't help my smile. "We will give you two a minute." Hermione smiled and showed the kids out. "I'm so happy." FP smiled largely and brought his head down to my stomach. "Me too." I sniffed feeling tears pool in my eyes. "Don't cry baby." FP chuckled and wiped my tears away. "It's the baby. Knowing how much she or he is loved by there daddy." I let out a cry within a laugh. "The baby is a size of a peanut. It doesn't have eyes yet."
He laughed and I joined. "I love you."
"I will always love you." I smiled and kissed him. "Let's get you some rest." FP laid us down and slowly drifted to sleep.
"Knock knock." Betty smiled walking in. "Hey sweetie." I smiled sleepy still waking up. "The doctor said you can go home today." She cheered. "I will happily go home, but we have to wake him first." I chuckled and shook FP's shoulder. "Yes Al?" FP murmured into the pillow. "We're going home and you have to sign me out." I ran my hand trough his hair. "Finally." He sighed and got out of bed. They helped me clean up the room and packed the little clothes Betty had brought me. "You ready mom?" Betty questioned double checking the room. "I was born ready." FP signed me out while I changed. "Alright Dad lets go home." I giggled and took his hand. "So is this daddy name going to stick because I like it." FP whispered into my ear as we walked out. "Play your cards right." I shrugged and got into the car. On the way home we stopped by Pops to get food for us and Jughead, knowing none of us would wan to cook dinner. "I'm so glad to be home." I hummed with content. "And I'm glad we get to sleep in our own bed." FP added taking my things upstairs. I rolled my eyes and sat back down on the couch. "Have you heard from your sister?" I know this isn't the best time to bring it up, but it has been on my mind since we left the hospital. "She um...she hasn't, but jughead and I are trying to find her. We are getting close I can feel it." Betty tried to hide the sadness in her voice, but I could hear right trough it. "Thank you, both of you." I smiled and looked at FP coming back down. "I think tonight calls for a movie and couch night." FP declared pulling out blankets from the hall closet. "What movie?" Jughead questioned skeptical. "How about a family movie. I know we don't have little kids here, but we need a pick me up movie." I chucked. "Actually I'm thinking Rebel Without a Cause." Betty smiled and popped the dvd in. "We don't have to." I protested. It is my favorite, but I don't have to watch it. "Jug And I love old movies. Plus this is your guys favorite movie." She smiled. "Well, it's your mothers, but I get good rewards for watching it."
"Dad really!"
"Mr. Jones!"
"FP not in front of the kids!" I laughed looking at the two grossed out teens. "Just get the popcorn so we can start the movie." Jughead whined. "I'll help." Betty went into the kitchen. "I'm glad your ok." Jughead smiled. "Thanks Jug that means a lot." I scooted closer to him and gave him a hug. This kid has grown on me so much. "Alright everyone ready to start the movie marathon?" FP questioned jumping over the back of the couch. "You know, normal people just sit down." I chucked and leaned into his side. Taking the cup of coffee from Betty. "Since when have we ever been thought as normal people." Everyone shrugged and jughead started the movie.
"Al, baby the kids are asleep. Do you want to go to bed?" FP questioned already trying to lift me up. I nodded my head yes and allowed myself to be carried upstairs. "Do you want to hear what it felt like?" I questioned watching FP get ready for bed. "You want to talk about it?" He asked carefully. "It was like...meeting a new person, no it's like being born into a new dimension."  I thought out loud. "I'm sorry you had to go through it and that I left when we were arguing." FP sighed placing my pjs on the bed. "It's not you fault. I asked to be alone and well, that's what I got."
"I shouldn't have left and from now on no matter how stubborn you get, your stuck with me." He smiled and placed a sweet kiss to my head. "And I hope I never ask you to leave again." I chucked and changed into the fresh pajamas. "Who found me?" I was curious. "They were anonymous." FP shrugged. "I got a call and you were brought in by whoever and then your caught up from there."
"That's so strange." I tilted my head thinking why someone would do that. "Thank goodness they were there.  I don't know what I would do without you. Or this little one." FP rubbed my belly and placed kisses. "The baby doesn't have ears." I mocked. "Then by the time it does. It will be tired of hearing me." He chuckled and lifted my shirt up. "Your so tiny. You don't show much."
"I don't really show much in the beginning, but when I hit about three to four months then I really start showing." I smiled and ran my hand through his hair. "I'm goin to get us some water and then we are going to bed." He gave me a small kiss. FP came back with the water he promised and after chatting about the future we laid cuddled within each other finally getting some peace.

Alice and Fp storyWhere stories live. Discover now