Chapter 112- adjusting

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"How long do you think they will be gone?" FP asked rocking the baby back and forth.  "Who knows? As long as it takes to get JB to calm down." Wendy frowned. "I feel bad." Jug sighed and sat back down next to Betty. "You should." She smacked the back of his head. "You two come to conclusions way to fast." Wendy shook her head at the boys. "Well I'm going to put this one to bed and wait for Alice." FP sighed and carried Elli back to bed. "You two can head up too. I know JB wont want to talk tonight." Wendy smiled sadly and watched the teens go to bed. 
"You ready to go back?" I asked watching JB look intently at the river. "Not yet...can we just stay here for a little while?" She looked so small and sad. "Of course, but you only have about two hours before I have to feed Elliana." I chuckled. "Just a few more minutes are fine."
She sighed and I nodded wrapping my arms around her. "I'm so sorry this happened to him...and you." I kissed the top of her head. "He can fight, I know he can."
"He will beat it." I gave her hand a squeeze and sat in the silence of the river. "I think I'm good." JB inhaled standing up. "If your good." I smiled and she nodded. The walk back was silent most of the way.
"Thank goodness your back." Wendy smiled sadly and brought JB into a hug. "I'm going to go to bed." She smiled and hugged me goodnight. "Everyone left?" I asked looking at the empty house. "Ya even dad. He got a hotel yesterday apparently." Wendy shrugged. "I'm going to bed." I yawned. "FP is waiting for you." I nodded walking up the stairs. "Hi baby." I smiled and the sight of Elli on FP's chest. "Is JB ok?"
"Yes...She is just adjusting. I'm assuming Wendy told you." I sighed and snuggled into his side. "She did." He nodded and looked at the baby. "She will be ok and so will Jake. They will make it through this." I smiled and brushed his hair back. "I know, it s just a sucky situation." He sighed and I nodded. "I could not agree more." I took Elliana from him and sat her in the bassinet so I could lay closer to him. "I love you." I whispered into his neck. "I love you so much more." He kissed the side of my head.
"Morning." FP mumbled waking up to see me feeding Elli. "Look baby girl, daddy finally woke up." I smiled and brushed through his hair. "You know...I used to have a whole different feeling when you called me daddy, but now it just makes me smile." He smiled cheekily and sat up against the headboard. "I never called you that." I scoffed chuckling. "Never say never." He smiled and tapped my thigh. "When did I..."
"I'm not discussing this in front of my week old daughter." FP gawked. I rolled my eyes and adjust Elli so she could burp. "JB awake?" He asked slipping on some sweats. "I heard some noise downstairs, but I'm sure that was the other kids getting ready." I sighed and handed the baby to him. "I'll go check on her." I kissed his cheek and quietly made my way to JB's room. I opened the door and peaked my head in. Her back was toward me, but her breathing was calm, so I let her sleep. "Still sleeping." I smiled and FP followed me downstairs. "I feel sick to my stomach Al...the kid has cancer. He is JBs age." FP sighed making us coffee. "I know. I can not imagine what his parents are going through. Should we try to help them out some how?"
"I can ask Mike. I'm sure they could use it." He rubbed his forehead and sat beside me. "Do you think JB will be ok?" I asked. "I think it's going to be really hard for her. This is her first crush..."
"They said I love you." I smiled at FP and he sighed. "This sucks." He mumbled into his coffee. "Can I see Jake today?" JB asked quietly coming around the corner. "Did we wake you?" I asked ignoring her question. She shook her head and sat down with us. "I really want to talk to him about all of this. I didn't give him much of a chance the first time around." She sighed playing with her fingers. "I'll see what we can do." FP smiled and grabbed his phone. "You want me to come with you today?" I turned back to JB. "I think I need to do this on my own. I need to talk to him." She brushed her hand through her hair, trying to tame the curly locks. "That's fine. Your dad and I can wait in the car or get lunch or something." I smiled and squeezed her hand. "Why don't you head up and get dressed, so when your dad comes in we can leave." She nodded and ran up the stairs. I followed slowly behind her and changed into casual clothing. I changed Elliana's diaper and clothes, so we could actually leave when FP got off the phone. "So...can I see him?" JB whispered with hope in her eyes. "Yes you can. He is at home so it may be a little more comfortable." FP smiled and grabbed his jacket. "I can give you directions." JB smiled small and got in the back. "You know I would usually give you a really hard time and ask why you know where this boy lives, but today I will let it slide." FP smirked and JB rolled her eyes. "We will be at Pops. If you need anything just call me or your dad." I have her a reassuring smile. She slowly made her way to the door hesitating a bit before she knocked. Jakes dad opened the door and we waved goodbye.

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