Chapter 17- breakfast company

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I woke up and started to make breakfast for the girls.  I was walking down stairs when I saw Fp and Jughead.  "Good morning." They both said.  "Uh good morning, but if you don't mind me asking why are you in my house?"  "Oh Betty invited us she didn't tell you." Jughead said.  "No she didn't I would have cleaned up a little bit if I knew."  "Your fine Alice." Fp said smiling.  "Ok well sit down anywhere and I will start making breakfast."  Fp and Jughead sat down on the couch as Betty came down the stairs.  "Betty can you come help with this please."  I called for her.  "Ya mom what's up."  "It would be nice to have a heads up before you invite company over."  "Well I mean there not really company I love Jughead and Fp." I cut her off.  "Just tell me next time ok." "Ok." She left into the living room with Jughead.  Fp came into the kitchen with me.  "Are you really that embarrassed to be seen in a robe?" He laughed.  "No I just have to act the part." I said making eyes at him.  "I'm surprised our kids will let us stay in the same room together let alone with nobody in here." "Ya me to." Fp responded wrapping his arms around  me.  "You better be careful there they could come in any moment." I said looking up at him still trying to cook.  "No were fine Polly is awake and keeping an eye out for us." He gave me a kiss on the cheek.  I finally gave in and turned around.  "What do you want?" "You." He responded making me blush.  His lips moved onto my neck.  It lasted for a minute, but than a timer went off for breakfast.  I jumped and Fp backed up and we both started laughing.  I put my robe tightly back over just incase he decided to leave a mark.  "Go tell the kids breakfast is ready." I told Fp.  "Yess boss." He said saluting to me and walking into the living room.  I put the food on the table and everyone came in.  "Your up early Polly." I said.  "Ya I just woke up and could not fall asleep, so I came downstairs." She said.  "Smell delicious mrs. um." "Mrs. Smith Jughead or Alice if you like." I cut Jughead off.  We all ate and then the kids and Fp left.  I went upstairs to get changed for the day and noticed that Fp did leave me a little love mark.  I covered it up and then went back downstairs with Polly.  "Hey honey what do you want to do today?" I asked her.  "Um I think I am just going to take it slow today because I am pretty tired." I shook my head yes and sat down on the couch with her with a cup of coffee.  We watched tv and started talking about the baby again.  Her next appointment was tomorrow to check up on the baby. Talking about the baby somehow lead to my daughter giving me the be careful talk.  "Mom I know you have done it plenty of times before, but just be careful I don't want my kid to have a younger aunt or uncle." I looked at her "What are you talking about Polly?" "You think I am that dumb to not know what you and Fp do." Polly laughed.  "Just don't worry about it." I changed the subject back to the baby and asked Polly.  "Do you think it is going to be a boy or a girl?" Polly wanted it to be a surprise, so nobody knew.  "I don't know, but either way I will love them." We smiled at each other.  We finished talking and was getting ready for lunch, but we decided to take some lunch to Betty and Jughead.  Polly texted Betty and told her.  We got their order from Pops and called it in.  we headed for Pops to pick up the order.  We walked inside of Pops to see a whole house full of people.  Polly went to the bathroom and I waited at the counter for our food.  Fp had just got done taking everyone's orders, so he was able to talk for a minute.  "Are you taking the kids lunch?" he asked me.  "Ya I decided to since me and Polly were coming here to get lunch anyway.  The bell rang and Pop had our order ready.  Fp grabbed it and touched me hand on purpose since there was a house full.  Me and Polly dropped off the food and went home to eat ours.  We ate and then Polly decided she wanted to take a walk around the park.  We walked around the park slowly, but I love our talks.  We got back to the house and I started making dinner.  It was just me and the girls, but I wanted to make a nice meal for us.  There was a knock on the door.  I went to open it and it was Mary andrews.  "Hi Alice." She said.  "Hi Mary." I was surprised because I thought the she had left home already.  "I'm sorry to come over unannounced, but I'm leaving tomorrow and I was wondering if we could chat like we used to?" "Of course come in."  I lead Mary to the couch were me and Polly were sitting.  "Would you like some coffee?" I asked Mary as she sat down.  "No thank you." We sat down and started to chat, but I felt like she was not opening up to me all the way.  "Hey Polly will you come check on dinner with me.  We will be right back Mary." We walked into the kitchen.  "Polly will you go up stairs, so I can talk to Mary alone.  I feel like she wants to talk, but she won't say it infront of you."  "Ya mom see you for dinner." Polly went upstairs and I went back with Mary.  "Sorry about that." We talked for awhile then she finally opened up to me.  "Has Fred been with anybody since I have been gone?" Mary asked me.  "Well not with anyone that has been anything serious."  I responded.  "Do you know who it was?" I really didn't want to tell her, but I did.  "It was Hermione Lodge." I Looked at her waiting for a response.  "Oh high school really does come back around huh." When we were in high school one night Fred and Hermione got really drunk and well lets just say there was a lot of arguing between Mary and Fred the next day. "No that's not true Mary don't say that Fred still loves you." I tried to cheer her up.  "Really how could you say that in position your in." "Sorry." I could not talk because high school came back into my life as well.  "Well I better get home Archie and I ar. I didn't know that Mary knew, but I guess we have always been close.  "me and Archie are making dinner for Fred tonight." "Bye Alice."  She said as she walked out the door. "Bye Mary." I got back to making dinner for the girls.  Betty should be home soon.  She had to stay a little later to help Jughead with the school newspaper. 

That's the last one today. Hope you liked them!

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