Chapter 34- he didn't know

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It was three in the morning and the babies had woken up for the fourth time tonight.  I got up from my bed and went into Polly's.  "Mom I can handle this one." She said picking juni up.  "No babe it's ok.  You have to deal with it for life I am just part time." I gave her a weak smile.  I picked up Dawgwood.  It took me awhile to rock him back to sleep, but I eventually got it.  I laid him back into the crib and went back to sleep.  My alarm went off at six AM because I had to be at Pops by seven.  I arrived at Pops early, so I could have a cup of coffee to try to wake up.  I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat down in a booth.   It was silent in Pops.  I started to drift asleep then I heard Pop call my name.  "Alice your here early." "Ya I just got ready early." I finished my coffee and washed the cup out.  I started to wipe down the counter and turn the coffee pot back on as Fp walked through the door.  He could tell that I had not gotten any sleep.  "You look a wreck." he sat down his things in the back.  "Ya Polly is having trouble with the twins lately, so I have been helping." "Well if you need a break this weekend Jughead will not be home." He grabbed the broom and stared to sweep.  "Thanks Fp I'm going to hold you against that."  It was really early in the morning, but a customer had come in.  He was probably from out of town because I had never seen him before.  "What can I get you?" I asked trying to say as perkey as possible.  "I don't know I've never been here before what do you recommend?" He stared up into my eyes.  I saw him look at my hand to see if I was wearing a ring.  Which of course I had on the one Fp gave me.  "I would suggest the pancakes." He looked back up into my eyes.  "That sounds great." He handed me the menu and touched my hand.  I pulled away quick and went behind the counter to give Pop his order.  "Excuse me mrs can I get some coffee to?" I nodded my head at him and poured him a cup of coffee.  I sat the cup on the table to avoid touching him again.  I could not belive that he was flirting with me even though he say the ring on my finger.  I started to walk away and saw Fp looking at me.  I smiled as I walked towards him.  He looked to the side of me and started glaring.  I turned to look at what he was looking at even though I already knew what is was.  I turned to see the man staring at the lower half of my body.  Fp walked towards me and before he could go past me I stuck my hand out pushing him back.  I glared into his eyes.  He saw me and backed off.  He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into a kiss.  I was caught off guard especially since we were at work, but I guess that never really stopped us before.  After he stepped back from the kiss he walked behind the counter giving the man one final glare.  I looked at the man, he was staring into his coffee.  I tried not to laugh and went back behind the counter.  I grabbed a towel and walked past Fp giving him a little slap on the back for making such a big scene.  I wiped down the tables and gave the man his food.  He ate as fast as he could and left.  "Why did you get so jealous?" I put my hand on my hip.  "He was staring at something he didn't need to, so I put a stop to it." He tried to continue cleaning to see if I was just going to let it go.  "He didn't know Fp you don't have to be so dramatic." He turned to look at me.  "So, your saying if a girl was staring at my ass you wouldn't get jealous?" he put his hand on his hip to mock me.  I rolled my eyes to try to end the conversation knowing I would not like the answer to the question he asked.  " wouldn't do anything.  What if she touched my hand like he did to you.  Like we used to before Polly knew or if the kids are with us." I looked back at Fp. "Fine you win, but I would handle it different.  That's all I was saying." "Oh really how would you handle it?" He smirked.  "First I would start flirting with you to just so she would notice and then if she still tried to flirt I would..." I smiled and walked towards him putting my hand on his forearm.  "I would rub my hands across your chest, back, and around your face and if she tried after that well then you would be in trouble when we got home for not stopping her." I turned to clean the tables again.  He left it alone for now, but I knew it would be brought up and used against me later.  The day went by fast thankfully.  I was ready for bed by the time our shift was actually over.  Fp walked me out to my car and said goodbye.  I brought home Pops for the girls because I was too tired to cook.  I sat the food down and told the girls I was going to bed.  I took a long hot shower thinking about what me and Fp did in here last time. I laid down in my bed and started to read my book when I found myself dozing off, so I set my book down on the nightstand and turned my off my lamp. It started to rain, so I finally fell asleep to the sound of the rain.  I woke up to my alarm the next morning.  I rolled over and clicked the button on the phone not wanting to get up.  I opened the curtains to see it was still raining.  On days like these I wish I could just lay in bed with my man.  I took a quick shower and put on my uniform.  Even though it was raining I was happy because it was friday and me and Fp both had the weekend off.  I went downstairs and started making breakfast for the girls.  Betty was still getting ready, but Polly was already downstairs feeding the twins.  "How did my grand twins do last night?" I said smiling down at the babies.  "They did much better." "Good." I walked into the kitchen and made a quick breakfast then left as betty came downstairs. "Hey mom this weekend can I go with Jug to a writers convention?" I stopped and thought about it before I left.  "Ya just be careful." I stepped back inside the door and gave her a hug and a kiss goodbye.  I headed for the diner to start my day.  I walked in to see Pop and his wife I assumed it was his wife.  "Alice hi this is Annie my wife." "Hi Annie." I shook her hand.  "I'll be back later to get you ok." Annie gave Pop a kiss and walked out the door.  I didn't know Pop had a wife I just always assumed he did, but now that I have seen her it's real now.  I waited for Fp to tell him.  I know he has always wondered about that to.  We used to make fun of it and say Pop's wife was a vampire, so she could never leave the house.

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