Chapter 43- dating website

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It was Monday morning and my alarm went off at 6:00AM. I slowly rolled out of bed and got ready for the day. I put on my uniform and headed downstairs. Polly was coming in through the front door, so I helped her with the babies. "Hunny why are you home so early?" I asked taking Juni's car seat from her.  "Dad was on his way to the register, so he dropped me off." Polly said setting her bags down. "Well if your hungry I am about to cook breakfast?" I asked. "Um sure I'll eat." Polly smiled and took the twins upstairs. She came back down followed by Betty. "Hey Betty almost ready for school?" I asked setting a plate down in front of her. "Ya just going to eat and then Jug is picking me up."  "Oh good. Well I have to go, but I love you both." I said and headed out to my car. I arrived at Pops and saw Fps motorcycle instead of his truck. "Hey bad boy." I smirked walking into Pops. "What's with the bike?" I asked leaning over the counter. "Well I was wondering if you wanted to go in a ride later on after our shift?" Fp asked mocking my position. "Mmm sounds like fun. I'll be there." I smiled. "Now get to work Jones." "Hey you distracted me." Fp laughed. "You know you love it when I distract you." I smirked back. "It is one of my favorite things." We smiled at each other and I gave him a quick kiss before starting to get the diner ready.   I started a pot of coffee and wiped down the tables. It was a slow Monday morning. Pop came out from the back. "Hey kids. Betty and Jughead have been have been asking me about your past and I don't know what you told them, so I just told them you guys used to hang out here like them."  "Oh um thanks Pop." Fp said coming over to the counter. "They know everything about our past relationship. Even the baby." I said. "What about your future relationship?" Pop asked. "Oh um they don't know anything about that." Fp said scratching the back of his neck. "When did you start to notice?"  I asked. "Well when you started working here actually. I would be closing up the shop after you guys left and I would see you saying goodbye in the parking lot." Pop softly chuckled. "I guess we weren't very discrete were we." Fp laughed and looked over at me. "No we weren't." I laughed with him. "But Pop please don't tell the kids or anyone for that matter. The less people know the better, until Fp divorce finally goes through." I said grabbing the broom. "No problem Alice if you guys are happy my lips are sealed." Pop smiled and went back to cook. The bell rang above the door as someone walked in. "Hey Mom, Fp how's it going?" Polly asked walking in with the twins. "Good how are the twins?" I asked walking over to see them. "There good. They were being fussy this morning, so I decided to take them for a walk." "And you ended up here?" Fp chuckled. "Well I got hungry."' Polly smiled. "Well then what can I get you?" Fp asked. "My normal thanks." Polly sat down on a stool. I made her smoothie and leaned on the counter. "What?" Polly asked taking a sip. "Have you told Jason about the twins being born?" I asked. "Yes I did. He said he has been working and saving up so he can come back to Riverdale actually." Polly smiled shyly. "Do you believe him?"  "Not sure. I guess we will see if he is telling the truth if he comes." She shrugged her shoulders. "Well if he hurts you again I'm going to have to hit him." Fp said bringing her food out. "Oh get a grip big boy. Polly can take care of herself." I laughed at how protective Fp was being. "I'm serious. Nobody is going to hurt any of the kids or the grandchildren without getting hurt by me." Fp smiled at the twins.  "You almost sounded tough and then you cooed at the babies." Polly laughed and I joined. "I believe you." I kissed his cheek and went to take another order. I got Polly a smoothie to go and said goodbye to the twins. I cleaned a few tables then went to check on Fp who was cleaning up the bathroom. "How are you doing in here?" I asked closing door. "Well I'm cleaning a bathroom." Fp chuckled. "You known seeing you being so protective is a real turn on." I bit my lip and started massaging his shoulders.  "Oh really?" Fp turned around and grabbed my waist. "Very much." I smiled and leaned in to his lips. Someone knocked on the door and I jumped away from him. "Occupied." Fp said trying not to laugh. "Hey Dad it's Jug. Pop said you were cleaning in here can I come in?" Jughead asked trying to open the door. "Uh ya Alice is in here though." I looked over at Fp with wide eyes. "Um..this kinda involves her to anyways."  Fp and I looked at each other. I stepped forward and unlocked the door. "Hey Jug what's wrong?" I asked. "Can we speak out side of the bathroom." He chuckled. "Ya." Fp chuckled back. We made our way out of the bathroom and over the the counter. Fp sat down on a stool with Jughead and I went behind the counter. "So Betty's birthday is coming up and I want to get her something special." Jug smiled softly. "Like what?" I smiled back. "I was thinking like a promise ring. Something special."  He scratches the back of his neck. I looked over to Fp. I could tell he was waiting for my reaction. "I think she would love it Jug." I said smiling at him. "Really your ok with it?" "Yes Jughead, But you better make sure she understands that all it is is a promise ring nothing else." I raised my eyebrow at him. "Yes of course." Jughead had a huge smile on his face.  "We should also throw a surprise for her." Fp chimed in. "That sounds like fun." I smiled. "Where is she anyway?" I asked Jug. "She is working on the paper I came to get us some food." "Two normals coming right up." Fp smiled and went into the back. "Jughead can I ask you something?" I asked standing in front of him. "Of course what's up?" I played with the Fps ring on my finger. "If your dad ever moves on and well started seeing someone would you be ok with that?" I asked not looking directly into his eyes. "Um...I guess he doesn't seem to be saying anyone though. Is he telling you about anyone?" Jug asked sipping his coffee. "No. I just wanted to see if being someone would make him happy. I know he likes being with someone." I sadly smiled. "So should we put him on a dating website or something?" Jughead laughed. "Were you being smart or serious?" I asked not really knowing. "I'm serious. If you did it for him he wouldn't even be mad either." Jug smiled Evilly. "Ok I will make one and then I'll show you how does that sound." I smiled just as evil. "Perfect." We laughed as Fp came out with his food. "What's so funny?" He asked handing Jug the food. "Nothing." Jug smiled walking out of Pops.  Fp turned and gave me a strange look. "It's nothing." I smiled and started to tend other tables. The rest of the day was pretty quick. We said by to Pop and Fp walked me out to my car. "What was so funny earlier with Jug?" Fp questioned leaning me against my car.  "Ok if u tell you, you can't tell Jughead." He looked at me strange again. "We agreed to set you up on a dating website." I smiled scarily. "You two are crazy." He laughed. "Your not mad?" I asked. "No, but you didn't think this through did you?" He asked tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "No why?"  "Well when the kids make me go on dates with random woman in riverdale.  How are you going to act?" He questioned. "Your not going to go anywhere with anyone." I pulled him closer. "Well then Ali I guess you will have to find a way to explain to Jug why you can't do the dating website then." He smirked. "What if I sign up to?" I smirked back. "Then when we get matched maybe the kids will just let us go out." I smiled. "That may just work." He smiled back. "Alright well I better get back to the kids. By Jones." I gave him a small kiss. When I got home Betty had cooked dinner for us. "It looks great hunny, but you know you didn't have to do this."  I smiled. "Well Mom I know your signing up Fp for a dating website and I know you are going to need convincing for you to sign up too." Betty smiled setting a plate down for me. "Your signing me up to." I asked. "Please mom, so at least Fp won't feel alone." She pleaded making puppy dog eyes. "Fine, but I am making my own account." "Thank you so much." She gave me a hug. I ate dinner with the girls then headed up to bed.

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