Chapter 76- day one

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"So my dad or brother have no idea I'm here?" Jelly questioned asking all her questions. "Not one clue. They will be so excited!" Betty clapped with excitement. "I get why Betty is here because she is Jugheads girlfriend, but why are you?" She turned to me. I cleared my throat trying to think of an excuse. "We're here." I changed the subject parking the car. I jumped out finding the boys around a fire. "I got stuff for marshmallows!" I held the bags up. "That's not all." Betty mumbled under her breath. "Betty your hair is dark?"
"I'm not Betty." Jellybean smiled and ran to her dad. "Jb! I missed you so much. What are you doing here." FP released her and she ran to Jughead. "Betty called mom." She shrugged still hugging the men. "You did this?" Jughead hugged Betty. "She did." I butted in before she could answer. "This is amazing." FP whispered into my ear wrapping his arm around me. "Ohhh. I get why your here now." Jb nodded with a chuckle. "Jellybean this is Alice my girlfriend." He scratched the back of his neck. "I know we met already. She gave me candy." Jelly chuckled and showed the raper. "Gladys didn't have a problem with you?" He whispered into my ear. "Wasn't there." I shrugged. He nodded. "I will be right back." FP told the kids grabbing my hand. "Why are we in here?" I questioned watching him change. "I'm cold." He chuckled. "Thank you." FP pulled me in by the waist. "For...?"
"For bringing Jellybean. I know it was you." He smiled and I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Your welcome." I smiled giving him a small kiss. "Now get dressed and spend time with your daughter." I slapped his butt before leaving.  "Are they always like that?" Jelly bean questions looking between me and the tent. "Yup, so you better get used to it." Jughead laughed and handed her a s'more. "We aren't that bad. At least if you can handle kisses." I sat next to her. She shrugged and leaned her head onto my shoulder. "I hope you don't mind me leaning on you." JB propped her head on my shoulder. I looked down to her. "Not at all." I wrapped my arm around her making it more comfortable. "My family is beautiful isn't it." FP smiled sitting next to me in the log. "You bet we are." Jelly pointed to him and we all laughed. "So Jelly tell us about yourself?"
"Well I like rock bands, being sarcastic, and candy, so sharing candy was a good way to buy me over." She chuckled and threw the rapper into the fire. "Good to know." I nodded and laid my head on FP. "You guys look like dominos." Betty chuckled and snapped a picture. "We are very comfortable dominos." I muttered and yawned. "You tired?" FP asked tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.  "Sleep sounds wonderful." I nodded. I sat Jellybean up who had fallen asleep in my lap. "Someone thinks so to." FP chuckled and I picked up JB. "Which tent is she sleeping in?" I questioned and began to sway by habit. I could see FP smile through the dark and lead us to our tent. "I didn't bring an extra tent for her or air mattress, so tonight we have a another guest." He chuckled and pushed the blankets back allowing me to lay Jelly bean down. "She's tiny we should be fine." I smoothed her hair and laid next to her. "Good night beautiful I love you." FP kissed me goodnight. "I love you too." I snuck in one more kiss before he laid down on his side. Throughout the night I slept like a little baby. I didn't think I would considering JB was in the bed, but it worked out perfectly. I woke up to find JB basically laying on top of me and no FP. I laid there for a minute enjoying the warm cuddles, until I heard everyone talking. I eased away from Jelly careful not to wake her and put on some fresh clothes. "There is the woman of the hour." I smiled walking towards them, sitting down on FP's lap. "You tired?" He questioned rubbing my back. "No I slept good. Great actually, just missed waking up to you." I snuggled in closer to him. "Get a room." Betty huffed. "I would if I could." I muttered into FP's ear and he chuckled. "Was JB awake I wanted to take a walk with her. Introduce her to Betty." Jug smiled over at Betty. "She is knocked out still."
We all looked over at the tent to hear small snores coming out. "I'll get her." FP stood me up going to the tent. "So how long do you think your walk will take?" I questioned seeing how much alone time we will really have. "I want to walk for while. We will see if JB will allow that." Jughead chuckled. The zipper unzipped and they came out. "Good morning." Jellybean yawned and sat in a chair. "You feel up to a walk?" Betty offered and she shook her head yes. "Alright we will see you in a bit. Will call when we're on our way back if we have service." Betty said as they walked away. "We're alone." I jumped up and hugged FP. "Miss me this much?" He chuckled and walked backwards into the tent. "Yes and maybe a bit more." I smirked

"How long bad it been since the kids left?" I questioned rolling over to check the time. "They have been gone for almost an hour we should be fine." FP kissed the side of my head and pulled me close. "I missed sleeping like this." I hummed and closed my eyes. "Well why don't we put clothes on and that way when the kids come back all they think we did was sleep." He suggested handing me the clothing we shed earlier. "Time for the best nap ever!" I plopped back down onto the air mattress waiting for FP. "I'm going to get water be right back." I sighed waiting for FP to return. "Finally." I huffed and he handed me a bottle. "I think my hormones are kicking in." I whimpered and FP brought me close to him. "And I will be here to help you through all of them." He whispered stroking my hair softly. 

"Mom we're back!" Betty yelled shaking the tent. "We're asleep." FP whispered back. Betty opened up the tent peaking her head in. "Your actually sleeping." She chuckled. "It's late anyways good night you two." She closed the tent back up and the kids all fit into the other home. Well, almost. About ten minutes later a little Jellybean creeped into our tent finding her spot between FP and I.

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