The hippy

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As a young girl Lizeth Anderson was a bright child

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As a young girl Lizeth Anderson was a bright child. Loved by both her parents perfect basically. As an only child her parents worried she'd grow lonely so not wanting to bare another child they bought her pets. Liz's favorite pet was Fish her first cat. In most child photos of Liz she was always with Fish playing, sleeping they were inseparable. Lizeth being a responsible child always took care of Fish. That is until one day....

As her mother cooked breakfast and her father read the daily newspaper Lizeth grabbed Fish's green bowl and got him food. As she walked down her creaking porch she saw Fish sleeping peacefully in the tall twigs of grass. Once she approached the lazy orange cat she gently put the bowl down besides him and sat next to him watching him sound asleep. Liz pet Fish slowly as he purred and ate.                             
The next thing Liz saw was red plain dark red on her yellow dress and her hands just covered in warm red blood. Lizeth sat there blankly as she look passed her hands and saw Fish laying motionless on the ground his neck cracked and head gushing blood. Looking to the side she noticed a rock with small red finger prints. Lizeth didn't realize her mother had come slowly walking behind her until she said worriedly "Liz ar-are you okay?" Liz turned facing her mother "of course!" She said smiling. Liz's mother not knowing what to do hugged her daughter thinking she was trying to hide the pain. Liz simply said emotionlessly "I didn't think he'd break so easily."

Ten years later 
"I wish I was a cat all those fuckers get is tuna like food and tuna is super duper good damn just thinking about makes my mouth water!" Astrid ranted kicking the air causing her shoe to fly off "shitstool!" Ash yelled sprinting to grab her shoe "hahahaha that would be pretty rad" chuckled Liz catching up to Ash. "cats are perfect" Liz mumbled as she played with the multiple cat collars on her wrist.

A/N-Liz kinda has a love/hate feelings towards cats at some point she loves cats and others she could snap and want to murder them. She doesn't know why she feels this way though all she knows is she can't control the way she feels towards them sometimes. Other than that she loves all animals and creatures. Also you notice her mother didn't know how to act or respond to Liz. That might happen with her parents quite often because her parents think she's fragile.

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