The stoner

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James being the oldest most expect him to be the maturest

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James being the oldest most expect him to be the maturest. They're wrong. Not that he's not responsible he is. He just likes having fun more than anything.

When James was 3 years old his parents were expecting a baby girl but his mother ended up having a miscarriage. Jae's father being the only working parent wasn't always there leaving just Jae and his mother. James would always try to keep his mother distracted so she wouldn't breakdown thinking about her lost child like she usually did. Jae didn't like to admit it but his mother started to slowly change and act strange and odd, Jae not wanting to worry his father never really said anything about it until one day.

"Mom can we go visit dad at work? Please!" James begged. "Sure we could stop by the church and maybe get some ice cream after, How does that sound?" Jae's mother said joyfully."Great! Yay!" James quickly ran to put on his shoes while his mother grabbed her purse and keys.
After visiting his father James noticed his mother seemed a little off she'd be quite as if something bothered her.
Once James got his ice cream him and his mother headed home. Halfway home his mother stepped on the break roughly causing Jae to jerk towards the back of the passenger seat dropping his ice cream. Thankfully James had his seatbelt on but that was the least of his worries he looked around for a stop sign or red light even another car to see what caused the sudden stop, but he saw nothing it was a clear street close to home. James mother turned to him plain faced then it quickly turned to rage " James! Look what you did!" She gestured to the fallen ice cream. "It was an ac-accident I-I'm sorry!" Jae stated guilt forming on his face. James mother sighed then turned to him again she raised her hand before it landed on the side of James arm. James felt a sharp pain and quietly welped in pain, Jae was shocked his mother hit him both his parents never hurt him.
Arriving at home James went in quietly and sad to his room. After what had happened Jae didn't know what to think or do. James mother though went back to her happy self once she entered her house.

Little did James know that wasn't going to be the last time James mother hurt him.

"Ash I told you I called dibs on the last toaster strudel!" Jae nagged at Ash poking her cheek harshly. " I know but early heard gets the bird!" Ash stated pushing his hands away. Jae chuckled,"It's early bird gets the worm! Idiot."
"Eww who would want worms!" Ash said pretending to gag. Jae gave her a funny look, "who would want a bird!" As James and Astrid bickered James father stepped in the kitchen. "Good morning kiddos" he greeted happily. "G'morn pops" Jae said smiling at his father. "Good mornings to you too Mr. M" Ash said saluting him. "You guys make me feel old, anyways you excited for school next week Ash?" James father asked taking a cup of coffee and sipping it. "Nah cause schools a hell-" Jae quickly elbowed her." Healthy place and you know me I'm very passionate about being the opposite which is unhealthy so ah yeah." Jae snorted trying not to laugh. "Oh well hopefully it is to your liking" James father chuckled before leaving the kitchen. Once he was gone Jae burst out laughing. Ash sighed "guess I gotta act more lazy around you pops more than I already do." "Is that even possible?!" Jae joked causing Ash to turn and give him a goofy glare "Jae don't you have a corner to be at or back alley!"

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