Sweet cheeks ?

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Ash tapped her foot lightly on the floor being careful not to catch the teachers attention, she spun the wooden number two pencil in between her fingers as she looked out the window seeing the fluffy white clouds. 'Guess he's not gonna sho-' she snapped out of her thoughts when the teacher raised a brow and questioned, "finally decided to show up?" Ash's eyes shot to the doorway where Patrick stood nodding to the teacher, he quickly meet Ash's bluish grey eyes and gave her a smirk. Ash was surprised at the sudden expression but let it go. Patrick then took the seat next to Ash in the back. Patrick whispered and asked, "I believe you have something of mine?" Ash hesitatingly stopped spinning the pencil and handed it back to its owner. Ash whispered back, "I forgot bu-" she was cutoff by the teacher yet again "Finally want to show up to after school detention after you've reserved so much?" Henry just shrugged "Thought why not." Vic followed him to the back where Ash and Patrick sat. Henry sat next to Patrick on the right and Vic sat in front of Ash. Right away Ash sat straight not wanting to feel or look intimidated she put her guard up, she was now ready for whatever 'shit' they give her. 'These fuckers really wanna try and corner me ha!' She then chuckled to herself finding it almost entertaining. Patrick grinned as she laughed like a maniac he already knew by now she wasn't scared of them surprising. Henry didn't like her laughing he felt as if she was mocking him and laughing in his face. Vic just looked at Henry waiting for a response not knowing what to do. Henry then leaned over to Ash and asked "something funny sweet cheeks?" Ash quickly stopped laughing becoming uninterested. 'Sweet cheeks?' Ash leaned towards Henry and whispered seductively "No but I can show you something funny" Henry looked intrigued and nodded yes, Ash quickly pulled his collar and harshly said "look in the mirror" with that she let him go. Patrick being the only one who heard tried hiding his huge grin. Ash looked at Henry sweetly and giggled "I'm just kidding" she gave him a warm smile that made Henry's anger fade away, he didn't know why but he believed her.
"You're now dismissed." The teacher announced before seeing Henry "except you, you came late so you have time to make up" Henry sat back down mumbling cruse words. "See you later squirrel boy" Ash whispered before winking and leaving the room, leaving Henry excited and confused. "What're you planning?" A familiar voice asked making the empty hallway echo. "Well if you must know I'm kinda bored and your friend seems interesting?" Ash gave Patrick a wide smile. Patrick snickered "Makes sense." "You gonna tell him?" Ash continued to leave the building as Patrick did the same, "I ain't a rat and I kinda wanna see where this goes." Both walked the streets before one stopped and asked "you gonna follow me home?" "I don't mind" Patrick admitted. Ash ignored the comment and continued walking, "wanna go for a swim?" Ash stopped walking and burst out laughing at the question and quickly replied "I don't know how." Patrick was surprised at her response that didn't include complaining about how it was to cold or it's not swimming weather. "Let's go for a walk." Patrick began walking a different direction. "We kinda already were" yet Ash still followed him. Ash soon caught up as they both entered the woods Ash hesitated remembering her dream but shook it off. They soon arrived to a little rock cliff looking down Ash saw the water waving as the wind harshly blew causing it. "Scared?" Patrick asked amusement written on his face. Cutting Ash out of her thoughts. "Just cause I can't swim don't mean I'm scared of heights and a little 'lake'." She giggled. Ash then sat on the edge letting her legs hang, Patrick sat next to her throwing rocks into the water. "So why you bring me here?" Ash questioned swinging her legs back and forth. "I don't know" Patrick answered sounding puzzled. Both outcast sat just sinking in each other's presence .Ash didn't know why but she convinced herself to stay with the little known classmate. To her he was like a book she's only read the title of and already wants to read it but then again she's not really into reading. Ash laughed to herself thinking of how 'funny' she is.

(A/N) SUMMER STARTS TODAY well for me :| yaaaay (771)

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