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Ash had figured out and gotten used to the fact she keeps having the same dream but not the ones from her old memories. Her running in the woods from who knows what and every night it seems to get closer and closer to her until her dream ends, in her falling and waking up.

Waking up early Ash got ready and waited in the living room watching morning cartoons hoping Jae would hurry. "Since its Friday imma be out later, so I'm leaving right after school, which means ya gotta walk or get a ride." Jae paused putting on his all black vans. "Also tell pops I'm at Ethan's house if he ask." Finishing he gave Ash a look seeing if she understood. She hummed in response.

"See ya in second" Ash waved before leaving the small blue car and entering the hellish school. Jae didn't leave it unnoticed that Ash was acting off he assumed she was on her period. Then it clicked. He quickly took out his notepad remembering he had wrote down the date of her tragic loss. It was in fact the day.

Ash went to her first period feeling gloomy she sat in her seat setting her head on the desk trying to keep her mind off things. She quietly whistled the opening to Thundercats. Drifting to her thoughts she didn't realize class had started and for once she intended on paying attention. "Since this trimester is coming to an end we'll be trying to get students who don't have the greatest grades to bring them up by partnering up with someone who does." All while saying this Mrs.baker kept her eyes on Patrick who wasn't just failing her class but not even trying. "So let's see... the one with the highest grade is of course Jackson Villa" the elder women smiled at the boy before turning her direction back to the paper then rapidly blinking as if taken aback. Patrick didn't bother listening knowing his partner would be a preppy prune and won't be any help cause he doesn't want it. "Oh I apologize Jackson it looks like someone else has gotten a higher score from the last test... Ash Grimm" Ash wasn't shocked by this she remembers Jae's dad explaining she had gotten above average on an important test. The whole class looked at her surprised or doubtful as she stared back tiredly. "So who am I with" Ash asked turning towards the window bored. Mrs. Baker scanned her paper before rush fully answering, "You're with u-uh Patrick" she then regretted saying it fast as she wished to switch them knowing it'll only be trouble. "Peachy" Ash sighed not wanting to do anything at all just rest, sleep or die. Ash sheepishly smiled at the thought. Patrick devilishly smirked to himself thinking of how this could actually turn out interesting not the work and 'shit' but he was indeed thinking of a new 'fun' project.

*Time skip cuz I'm lazy*

Ash hastily left the school building wanting to go home more specifically her bed, she then felt a drop of water fall on her forehead 'fuck'. She knew she couldn't get a ride from Liz cause her parents despised her and Ethan had gotten rides from Jae too and had to get one from his cousin. Ash began to speed walk but then heard the engine of a car slow down besides her she didn't look not wanting to see some creep or someone pitying her. The honk of the car then caused Ash to snap her head towards it recognizing to blue trans am seeing the four delinquents. "Whatcha doing out here in the rain for princess?" Henry smirked while getting out and opening the seat for her to enter the back with Patrick and Vic. "Nothing like a walk in the rain" Ash gave a small smile before entering the car Patrick spread his legs trying to make it seem as if there wasn't enough room, Ash scoffed "Hey Henry I don't think there's space, can I maybe sit in the front. I don't mind sitting on your lap" whispering the last part Ash gave a wicked grin. "Sure" Henry replied with no hesitation. Ash glanced one last time to Patrick before settling on Henry's lap smirking at the unapproved look on his face.

The car ride wasn't completely dreadful belch the built up boy had a amazing taste in music which Ash was grateful for not had wanted the car ride to be stupid conversations and useless talking. Coming upon her driveway Ash opened the car door and gently rubbed against Henry before leaving the car. "Thanks for the ride" Ash nodded to belch giving a warm smile and waving to the rest of the gang excluding Patrick.

A/N (804) yayy.

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