Shit kid!

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"Dad watch out there's more snakes in the road!" Ash yelled ecstatically pointing down the street they drove through, "Oh no!" Ash's dad exaggerated turning the wheel left and right causing Ash to giggled at the fun game her and her father made up. Ash's mother light laughed and sighed at their actions, "Will you two quit it, I swear sometimes it's like I have to take care of two children." "What about me?" Daniel asked from the back seats. "You're my responsible baby boy" the mother answered picking up her second child from her husbands lap and placing her in the back with her brother. "He's not a baby he's 12!" Ash said confused. "Well soon I'll be a teen so that'll suck." Daniel rolled his eyes at the fact. Ash looked at here brother in amusement "Why?" "Cause being a kid is better than anything so enjoy it, your like what five?" Her brother responded gently ruffling her hair knowing his question bothered her. "Hmph I'm not five I'm seven!" She frowned and crossed her arms. "I know I'm just kidding!"

Ash smiled softly at the wonderful lost now found memory. Patrick turned to see the smile intrigued as to why she was wearing it, "Whatcha thinking about?" "Nothing just a day dream." Ash replied turning to him looking at his forest green eyes. Patrick had a small pile of rocks meant for throwing into the water and picked a big one and handed it to Ash causing both their hands to slowly touch. Ash took the rock and tossed it in her hand, "As much as I love... whatever this is I gotta blast before someone comes hunting me down." Ash gave a small smile before putting the rock in her front jean pocket getting up to leave. "You gotta protective family or something?" Patrick questioned getting up in the process. "Something like that" Ask said looking down kicking some dirt.

Soon both Ash and Patrick were outside her house, "welp see ya later alligator" Ash waved walking into her driveway. Patrick nodded in response and watched as she stood on the porch and hesitantly knocked on the door. Patrick slowly started to head home as the door was answered for Ash. Once she was pulled in by her worried friend Ash knew she would get shit for being late. "Where the hell were you!" Jae shouted frustrated. "You're no fun when you're not high." Ash pouted "this wouldn't be a problem if you weren't such a shit kid!" "Excuse me sir Imma 'adult'!" Ash replied in a matter in fact tone. "Sure don't act like one." Jae mumbled ending the 'argument' and headed up stairs to his room. Ash sighed a slight smile crept on her lips as she dragged herself up stairs into Jae's room. She slumped on the bed he laid on reading a book. "As you know I got after school detention while there a ah classmate I know from... well one of my classes, was also there so we talked and ended up hanging out afterwards!" "If they were at detention too means they're bad. Who was it?" Jae let his eyes leave his book to watch as Ash answered. Ash scoffed "No it don't and it doesn't matter" "Clearly it does if you're hiding who it is?" "Fuck'n ugh fine it was Patrick!" Ash was now a little piss she gave in cause of the pressure. Jae chuckled at how frustrated she was, "sorry it's just when you're mad it's like a chipmunk getting pissy!" He continued his laughing fit. Ash just glared at him trying not to laugh but Jae's laughs being contagious made her and his laughter echo within the empty house. Jae grabbed his round thick glasses before wiping a tear away and saying "I'm sorry I pushed you I just" he sighed "need to know you're okay, you know ever since we found ya and you came into my life, you're just important and I don't want ya getting hurt like you did in the past." He paused and looked her in the eyes giving her a gentle smile. "Jae are you queer?" "What the fu- you know what screw you!" Jae harshly pushed her towards the door. "Hahaha ow I was just joking I care about you too dipshit." Ash said turning before he could close the door and hugged him. "Please be careful with... well you know." "Ya ya you got it." Ash pulled away before giving him a peck on the cheek him doing the same but on her forehead. Jae bid his goodbyes before getting ready for bed, "Goodnight" "don't let the bedbugs bite" Ash finished his sentence before leaving to her own room.

A/N: so tired I need more cocain- coffee! (801)

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