Cinnamon sticks

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Ash sat on her bed thinking about the dream. 'why the hell?! What does this mean? Is it because of school? What about the nightmare of that nig-' Ash's thoughts were cut off when Jae entered her room. " You just gonna sit your ass down or get ready?" Jae asked leaning against the door way. "I mean if I could that'd be great!" Ash responded grinning, Jae just gave her a tired look. "Come on today we don't gotta walk I got my baby last night." Jae stated before leaving. 'Yes!' Ash then hurried to get ready so she would have time to think afterwards.

Soon Ash, Jae and Ethan were heading to school. After thinking Ash realized they were parked in the school lot. She noticed Patrick and Henry leaning against a car not to far from theirs, with two other boys one with bleached blonde hair, to Ash 'not to judge' but looked outta place 'eh not my business', The other with a buffer body and a hat. Ash exited the car soon being seen by Henry. He glared at her from afar Ash was able to feel it, she didn't hesitate to stare back then chuckle to herself making Henry's glare to grow with more anger. Jae quickly nodded for her to follow him into the school but Ash not wanting to seem scared winked at the gang then head into the school with Jae. Ash didn't realize she left three of the boys surprised but one with a devilish smirk.

Once Ash arrived to class she was greeted by someone's ass as they leaned over some boy with glasses. Ash unamused picked up her leg and gently pushed the other boys behind, causing him to unbalance and stumble next to the boy with glasses. Ash then headed to her seat whistling to herself, the boy she had kicked got up and hurried to the front of her desk slamming his hands on it in the process. "And who the fuck might you be little shit think you could kick me and get away with it!" The boy spat out pissed. " My name is Ash and I think I already did." Ash spoke with a neutral look. The boy snapped and flipped her desk to the side about to pounce at her but before he could do anything Ash quickly kicked him in his crotch, making him jerk in pain she then grabbed his collar and kneed him in the stomach. Ash let go of his collar, he then fell to the ground. Everyone stood there in shock not knowing how else to react a girl half his size had just kicked his ass.

Patrick had also seen everything as he stood in the doorway but not shocked more amused. The morning bell then rang starting first period the boy quickly scrambled to his seat. Ash fixed her desk not wanting Mrs. Baker to ask what had happened. All the other students sat at their desk whispering to each other about what had happened.
Patrick then walked to his seat looking at Ash as she dug through her bag she then yelled frustrated, "shit!" Everyone jumped. "Language!" Mrs. Baker said already annoyed as she entered the class. "I mean oh cinnamon sticks! I forgot my pencil" Ash mumbled the last part causing only a few people to hear one being Patrick. Mrs. Baker then sighed and looked at the two 'delinquents' in the back. "How come neither of you showed up to lunch detention?" Ash then looked to her right meeting Patrick's eyes as he looked at her too for a answer. They both then said, "had shit to do." "Didn't want to." The teacher was at her limit and asked "Oh and what did you 'have' to do Patrick?" "I don't remember but I think it involved not going to detention." He yawned out. Ash chuckled but tried to hide it. "Fine since you both can't simply go to one detention for 25 minutes then you both will receive after school detention for 45 minutes or I'll have to call your parents!" She reassured before starting the lesson.

Patrick heard as Ash cursed under her breath, to him he just thought maybe she was on the same boat he was and had to go, but he left it at that and played with his lighter until he felt a tap on his left shoulder, he snapped his head to see Ash with a apologetic smile. "Do you by any chance have a pencil I could borrow?" Patrick surprised she'd ask him out of everyone just nodded and gave her his pencil since he wouldn't be using it anyway. "Thank you good sir!" Ash praised with a wide grin. Patrick then scoffed with a light laugh at the 'good sir' part.

After class was over Ash had forgot about the pencil but once she remembered she was on her way to her next class 'fuck!' 'eh I'll just give it to him after school if he even shows up.'

School continued on boring and slow Ash thought of the nagging of her friends from lunch earlier, telling her she shouldn't have started crap with people and asked why she would do it in class especially in front of other students Ash just put it at the back of her mind not really caring.
The last bell of school then rang but for Ash nothing was over for her she headed to detention where a few other students were, she could feel them looking and talking about her but ignored it and sat in the back. After a while a teacher came and just sat at the desk and read a book "no talking, no passing notes, no being annoying, blah blah blah you no the rest" he said not hiding his tiredness.

Patrick walked to meet the Bowers gang outside with Amy but knew he had detention so he'd tell them so they wouldn't wait and get pissed.
Once he got there Belch asked sounding almost exited, "Hey Pat is it true that a pink haired girl in your first period beat up that preppy boy Mark?" "I guess" was all Patrick said bored. Vic then laughed at how little detail he gave and said, "I think she did a lot a people were talking about it." "I gotta go to detention"Patrick said before leaving. "Hey Henry you think maybe pinky got detention too for the fight?" Vic asked interested on the topic of the fight. Henry noticed maybe he was right. "Let's find out" Henry said with a sinister grin.

A/n sometimes writing or talking about school makes me want to puke (1119)

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