Good shot

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Pulling up to the driveway of their home the Grimm family got out of the car chuckling about what had happened not to long ago. "I was not that scared!" Daniel stated. "Yeah you were, you were like ''momma!" When they surprised you!"Ash imitated giggling. "Hey don't make fun of your big brother who's the one who gets scared every time someone knocks on the door?" Ash's mother questioned raising a brow to her. "That's not me that's dad every time he jumps and goes "ahh!". "Guilty." Ash's father confesses earning a laugh. "Guess we're the brave ones right momma!" Ash jumped waiting for the door to be unlocked. "You got that right" Ash's mother replied unlocking the door.
Entering their quite home the father hung his jacket and turned the lights on as the mother went to put her things away leaving the children in the living room getting ready for bed soon. Everyone ignoring something so small yet so important.
11:53pm Ash woke up having to use the bathroom seeing her parents cleaning the kitchen she tried to stay silent to not catch their attention.
Washing her hands before leaving the bathroom Ash heard the front door slam open with shouting voices of men commanding thing, putting her light brown hair behind her ear she then placed it on the door hearing her mother's shaky voice. "P-p-please take everything just don't hurt anyone." Ash then heard stomping as loud as thunder in the hallway outside the bathroom door but luckily passing by it. She then heard her brother crying asking what was going on. Her heart beat every time it got quite and she was able to hear her own breathing. "Anyone else in the house" one of the men asked. "No." Ash's father lied. One of the men then shot their family photos on a cabinet. "You fuck'n better not be lying." The man threatened through gritted teeth. Getting anxious Ash's mother screamed "don't you think if there was someone else they would've called the police already!" Ash then got the message and slowly opened the bathroom door praying it didn't creak. She peeked out her head looking down the hallway seeing her family on their knees while the back of about four men pasted around them. Shaking Ash then began to go towards her parents room where the house phone was but whimpered loudly when she heard a gunshot and her father screaming. "NATALIE!" Ash snapped her head seeing her mother on the floor bleeding she smiled one last time to her mouthing 'I love you' as tears escaped the corners of her eyes. Daniel sobbed and her father silently cried trying to hold them in. Ash's heart stopped everything felt so unreal like a horrible nightmare she prayed would end. She couldn't move the only movement was her body trembling. Ash didn't notice one of the men spotted her, walking to her he yanked her hair dragging Ash like a rag doll. The only sound that left her were the little grunts from trying not to cry from the loss and pain. "You mother fuckers, you'll pay for this I swear!" Ash's father yelled earning a snicker and knee to the stomach by one of the men. As he knelt in pain, the men huddled in a corner discussing something, Ash's father sat up and whispered something to Daniel who was quietly sobbing and nodded. One of the men then came back but before he could say anything Ash's father rose and rammed the man to the wall, taking the mans gun Ash's father was going to shoot but the gun was knocked out of his hand. Daniel leaned over to receive the gun but was shot in the head by another man. Ash winched feeling her heart hurt seeing her brother laying motionless, the dead look in his eyes. The men went to hold her father down ignoring her. Ash picked up the pistol with her small timid hands pointing it to the man wrestling her father, noticing Ash her father screamed, "shoot!" Ash pulled the trigger. The pistol fell as so did Ash's father she fell to her knees as they felt weak, the air left her lungs. 'I-I-I- sho-shot him. D-dad' Ash then crawled to his body getting her hands dark red from the blood "DAD DAD IM SORRY IM SORRY PLEASE WAKE UP IM SORRY IM SORRY" Ash cried out feeling everything she knew start to fade away. Ash laid next to him feeling his body grow cold, "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" she mumbled over and over again as it grew quite she heard the men talking saying "what do we do?, we could kill her., the gun got her finger prints., if we go now we'll be good.," The men then got the things they needed leaving ash lying their with her now dead family. One of the men went to Ash "good shot kid you could become a great shooter one day the cops will be proud when they see what you've done!" He sarcastically grinned. Ash's stomach turned as the men left she vomited thinking about it 'What I've done? What have I done? This is my fault. What have I done" Ash stumbled to her feet looking at what she had caused. Ash quickly went to her room 'but it wasn't my fault I didn't mean to!' 'Or maybe you did.' ' I have to go!' Ash got her backpack dumping her things out she scrambled getting her clothes not really knowing what she needed. Once done Ash opened the front door facing her family one last time. "I'm sorry" with that Ash left never to be innocent again.

(A/N) sorry it sucked I wrote most of it but didn't save it so I had to re-write it by memory which isn't my thing :) Also I write like at 11:00pm-3:00am which makes me miss spell a lot any-who this probably still would've sucked. (1012)

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