No reason to lie

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Ash woke up to the uncomfortableness of her shoe getting tangled in her sheets and blanket. As she rubbed her sore eyes trying to focus on the clock on her desk 8;46 pm. Fuck. Ash sprung off her bed realizing she knocked out for 3 hours, laughing at herself for being to lazy to change into her home clothes. Her laugh soon faded when her memories of what happened earlier that day came back but were interrupted when she heard a tap on her window. Ash looked to find the infamous Patrick she hesitantly opened her window letting him crawl in, sitting at her bed as he sat across from her on her chair. Nether of them spoke not knowing what to say, Ash having déjà vu didn't want to start the conversation. "Why didn't ya come to school today?" "Didn't wanna." Ash quickly replied not meeting his gaze. Patrick sat next to her as she looked down at her fingers that played with each other. "Hey." Ash snapped her head up locking eyes with Patrick. "What?" "Why are your eyes red?" Patrick asked moving his cold hand to her warm cheek. Ash was a very good actor and lier but for some reason when it came to this boy she ether couldn't or didn't have reason to, kinda like she saw no reason for it cause Ash knew Patrick would know. Leaning into his hand Ash closed her eyes and said "I don't wanna talk about right now." To which Patrick replied with a simple okay.

A/n: next chapter might have some smut;) (266)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2019 ⏰

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