Joyful moment

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Ash's mind began to haze, her insides tingling making her feel as light as a feather. remembering the lurking Patrick she turned to him as his stare burned into her, taking another inhale from the joint he lit not so long ago, Ash meet his gaze both just deeply trying to read each other, until the tension was cut by Ash quietly laughing holding the toxic blunt towards Patrick "Wanna try?" He looked at it before nodding, slowly taking it from her hand their hands brushing Patrick looked at her curious while taking a puff.

•Moments later•

both Ash and Patrick sat leaning against the side of the house looking beyond the sky full of stars. Ash giggling for no reason just finding everything funny in that moment. "What's so funny?" Patrick asked wearing a light smirk. Ash became hysterical "I dunno? Everything!" She exclaimed looking at the stars amused at every detail of the night. Patrick followed her wide bluish grey eyes leading to the sky, he then felt the weight of something on his shoulder looking to his left he noticed Ash laying her head on him. Patrick bewilderingly stared at her. Turning Ash meet his mysterious forest green eyes both locking eyes feeling overwhelming desire. Patrick closed the gap between them hungrily pushing his lips against hers, Ash didn't hesitate to do the same running one hand through his dark long hair pulling every now and then earning a muffled groan. Patrick slid his arm around her waist bring her closer Ash not protesting. Not wanting to end the heated make out both were forced to, since they'd almost suffocate each other. Ash panted eyes lustful Patrick the same but his grinning lips red and almost swollen. Ash stood before anything else could happen dusting herself off and giving a flirtatious smile. "Thanks for that joyful moment but my curfew don't last forever." Ash ran waving bye, leaving Patrick wanting to know more about her and find out everything there is to her.

Once Ash got home she dropped her shoes at the bottom of the stairs and rushed up stairs quickly shutting the door to her room Ash leaned against the door thinking of what to do since she wasn't really tired, thinking it'd take awhile to think of something she changed into grey sweats and a white t-shirt putting her pink hair into a bun. Ash laid on her bed not noticing her eyes beginning to feel heavy soon sleep taking over her as she feel into a deep rest. it's going to get you. Faster you're gonna die. Running for what seemed like hours Ash felt herself slowing down trying to push herself further she felt the 'thing' grab her leg almost dragging her. it always got closer to her throughout every night but this time it got her. she was finally caught.

(A/n) ain't got time for dat bullshit. 🖐❌ (492) whoop whoop !

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