One thing ends another begins

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Ash stood up and grabbed her time table and looked at the tall dark haired boy. Before Ash could say anything the boy from the office appeared saying, " Patrick hurry the hell up Belch and Vic ar-" the boy cut himself off noticing Ash. 'Squirrel boy?' "What do we have here fresh meat?" The boy with a mullet asked wearing a sly smirk on his face. "Fresh? Hmm I didn't really try this morning though eh whatever" Ash said while walking to her first class and eyeing the tall dark haired boy who had a small grin at the corner of his lips from her comment.

Once Ash entered her first class math all eyes were on her. 'Damn flys.' "You must be the new student, I'm Mrs.Baker!" The old lady said making it sound like a question. "No I'm the plumber I heard there was a leak and the books in my bag are just instructions." Ash sarcastically said causing the senior to glare at her. Most kids in class laughed some gasping and others glaring with the teacher. "Well congratulates, you just earned detention in your first class on your first day!" Mrs.Baker said angrily writing on a paper then handing it to her. Before Ash could say anything else the door opened and the teacher said irritated ,"Oh looks like you decided to show up mr.Hockstetter !" Ash turned to see the tall raven haired boy from earlier." Now both of you take your seats and Patrick I'll see you after class to receive your detention." Mrs.Baker said before starting the lesson. Ash went to the first open seat she saw which was in the last row next to the window. Ash saw as the boy Patrick looked at the other open seat in the middle row across from hers then looked at the girl sitting next to Ash. Patrick then approached the brown haired girl and said harshly,"move it." With that the girl grabbed her stuff and hurried to the open seat. Patrick sat casual then met Ash's eyes and smirked as if entertained by something. Ash looked at him blankly as he asked, "what's your name." Ash quickly responded "Why you wanna know?" Patrick chuckled at her confidence to leave him unanswered. "Either tell me your name or I give you one pinky." Ash amused by his response gave in. "Astrid Grimm but call me Ash." Patrick gave a satisfied grin then nodded in reply before setting his head on his desk.

After the bell rang Ash snapped out of her daydream and grabbed her stuff and quickly headed to her other class. Ash knew her next class science was with Jae so she wanted to get there not wanting to be with strangers. When Ash arrived to the class she was relieved to see the seat next to Jae was open. Without hesitation Ash hurried to the open seat. "Heyo bozo!" Ash greeted. Jae gave her a confused look and asked, "you seem happy, how's school been so far?" "It's still a pain in the left cheek but it's ok I guess" Ash said sighing and giving a small smile. "That's good I wanted to tell you before but I forgot, try not to get into trouble ok?" Jae said looking Ash in the eyes showing he's serious. "Pfft to late for that I got detention for making a joke!" Ash exaggerated. Jae sighed "Not that kinda trouble dumbass I mean don't start shit with people, remember you gotta keep your record clean." "Oh ye-" The classroom door swung open cutting Ash off and catching everyone's attention. "Henry what do you think you're doing!" Mr. H asked -Ash didn't bother remembering his name so Mr.H it is-. "Sadly showing up to class, why would you rather I ditch I'd be happy to tell the principal I ditched cause a teacher didn't want me here." Henry said taking a open seat in front of Ash. Mr. H huffed not replying and started talking.

After a while Mr. H handed out homework sheets to the front row as it led to the back row, Henry didn't bother grabbing a sheet and turned to hand it to Ash then suddenly recognizing her from this morning. Henry looked at Ash with a nasty grin then asked, "heya girly aren't you new here?" Looking her up and down Henry waited for an answer. "No I've been here for 16 years alive and breathing," Henry glared at Ash pissed at her sarcastic response. "Oh you meant to the school oh yeah I am how'd you know!" By now Henry was angry and annoyed. "listen here stupid bitc-"Henry rudely yelled jumping up from his seat but before anything could happen Jae stood up stepping in front of Henry. "Stop or you'll regret it." Jae said in a low deep voice sounding serious. "Or what you'll kick my ass? I'd like to see you try" Henry took a step closer. "Both of you sit and calm down or you'll be sent to the office!" Mr. H yelled annoyed. Both boys sat back in their chairs." Who ever said I'd be the one to beat your ass." Jae mumbled.

Once that incident happened Ash didn't bother talking to Jae knowing he was probably still a bit upset about her getting him involved in shit with the school bullies known as the 'Bowers gang.' 'What a lame name and their leader has a squirrel on his head.'
Before Ash realized it school was already over and she was more then ready to go home. Right when the bell rang Ash sprung from her seat and ran out of school quickly. Seeing Ethan first she ran up to him. "Hello hoe" Ash greeted lightly bumping his shoulder with hers. "Hi Ash heard you causing trouble already" Ethan asked raising a brow and slightly smiling. "What who told you that!" Ash asked acting shocked. Ethan laughed and said, "what do you mean everyone's talking about the crazy pink haired girl who's picking fights with the bowers gang." "What I've done no such thing I am a good child I go to church!" Ash started. "Liar" Jae said sneaking up behind them with Liz. "Fine I lied I don't go to church." "She also did start shit with Henry and I had to step in" Jae explained. "Ha so you did!" Said Ethan. Ash looked blankly at her friends "I wasn't trying to but they gave me shitty nicknames like girly and pinky." Ash mumbled the last part. "Wait Henry didn't call you pinky" Jae said confused. Ash then explained what happened with both boys earlier that day. "Ash you should be careful with both but mostly Patrick." Liz stated sounding concerned. "Why?" Ash quickly questioned, "doesn't squirrel boy have anger issues and a knife last time I checked that's a bad combination." "Yeah but Patrick's different-" Liz was cut off by Ethan. "More like weird, last year I had a class with him and suddenly during class one day the girl sitting next to Patrick screamed later on she switched classes and people were saying he showed her something in his pencil case." Ash looked at Ethan with wide eyes curiously interested.

Ash ran up the porch waiting for Jae to hurry since he had the key. "When do you gotta go?" Ash asked knowing he'd be leaving in a bit. "I go to Toms in 20 why?" Jae replied unlocking the door. "Just wanted to know I was thinking we could chill or get blazed but guess not" Ash joked. Jae chuckled and responded,"you only get high when shits bad." "True" Ash said plopping on the couch then putting on the real ghostbusters.

Soon it was late and Ash had to 'sadly' go to sleep. She changed into a plain white shirt and a pair of grey sweats she looked at her clock then her watch 9:45 pm. Ash then turned to her bed a then out her window, she sighed. Ash turned off her lights then hoped into her bed pulling the sheets to her shoulders. Looking at the ceiling Ash hoped for the 500th time to not have I nightmare of her past. Lucky for Ash that night she didn't.

Ash turned her head quickly trying to recognize where she was. 'The woods.' Ash took in her surroundings it was morning and very foggy, twigs and soil touched her bare feet, she mostly saw fog and long trees. Ash broke out of her thoughts when she heard sticks and twigs snap behind her. Ash turned fast to see what it was but all she saw was fog. Without hesitation Ash started running the opposite direction of the noise, whatever was behind her chased after her not close but Ash could still feels its presents. After running for what felt like hours, Ash tripped over a log of wood causing everything to go black.

Ash woke from the sound of her alarm '6:00 am' Ash didn't know what to think or feel about the dream, she was glad it wasn't her usual nightmare but ticked off it was a new one.

A/n I just finished exams! Hell ya (1540)

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