The broken

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Ethan is mentally and emotionally unstable

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Ethan is mentally and emotionally unstable. That's all there is to it he simply can't control his sadness. He injures himself to feel something other then sadness and frustration. Nothing really caused or triggered the start of his bipolar depression it just came one day and ever since then he just can't handle himself. Their are days when he could be ok or somewhat stable other days he could want to run and never stop. Ethan doesn't wish or hope to die like most people who face depression he just simply wants to stop thinking and feeling but then again that's what makes him human.

When with his friends Ethan feels a little bit released somewhat free. Ethan only having a aunt grew up wondering where his parents and sister were not that he hated his aunt he just wished he could meet his family who abandoned him as a young child alone. Ethan always had the choice of having friends and he wasn't bullied but he chosen to not have friends simply cause their like jesters only their to company you and make you laugh and he found that quite annoying. Until he met Astrid and James that were different than the other people who approached him asking if he wanted to be friends they were far from it, his first encounter with Ash starting off with...

"Boiling bird shit are you okay!" A pink haired girl said alarmingly trying to contain her laugh as she ran and sat beside Ethan. "I'm good." Groaned Ethan as he sat up looking for his book. "Here ya go" said a boy with round glasses as he handed Ethan his book offering a hand. Ethan being Ethan didn't accept the kind gesture and picked his self up. "Sorry about almost killing you with my bike" the pink headed girl said guilt filling her voice. Ethan looked at the girl and gave her a slight smile "It's fine you probably didn't see me." " No I saw you" the pink headed girl said straight forwardly. It was silent for about 3 minuets until the boy with glasses nervously laughed saying "she's kidding" the pink head started "no i wa-" the boy quickly elbowed her and mumbled something the pink headed girl turned to Ethan with a huge smile " my bad I'm a dumbass I did see you but thought you would move so my fault sorry." she said trim fully then started again. " my names Astrid but call me Ash," she then nodded towards the boy with glasses. " that's James, he could hook you up with some good kush if you know what I mean" raising a brow the girl winked at Ethan. "Sorry again about my friend" James said with a worrying smile. "Ok well I should g-" started Ethan but was cut of by Ash burping. "Fuck sorry it was the grape soda I had earlier." Ash giggled. Seeing Ash made Ethan feel weird inside causing him to plaster a grin on his face and slightly laugh." Its okay happens all the time" Ethan slowly starting to head home saying bye but was caught off by Ash yanking his hand towards her dropping pieces of candy on his hand "taste the rainbow" she whispered to his ear and saying "I know you saw me coming" Ash being on her tippy toes set her feet flat on the ground again flashing a smile at him and walking off with James.

And ever since then Ethan knew they were very different, Ash more than Jae. Also adding Liz a year later after their first meeting. Ethan's friends made him feel like he was alway in a daze or dreaming, they kept him away from reality.

A/N- sorry this sucks I did it at 3 in the morning (x_x;)

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