Blast from the past

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Waking up the next day Ash didn't feel like going to school. So she walked to Jae's room to find him getting ready. "I don't wanna go to school." Ash simply stated. "You never wanna go" Jae scoffed then looked at her. "You can stay but you know you'll have to-" "I know I know I'll have to stay away from the church and be careful where I go." Ash said and smiled knowing she's free. Jae sighed "okay then go do whatever the hell you want to."

Feeling successful in something Ash went to the grocery store. 'Cake. strawberry cake' she skimmed the aisles finding what she needed. 'Now I just need milk!' Once Ash got all she needed. Ash payed and exited but before she could leave, Ash accidentally bumped into someone, "my bad I'm a clumsy idiot!" Ash smiled lightly picking up her things not looking at the stranger. "A-Astrid" she was shocked when she heard the strangers voice. Ash dropped the milk causing it to leak. She got the chills just from hearing him. Chase.

Both old friends stood in the silent alleyway, not knowing what to say, they only listened to the engines of the cars passing by. Ash not wanting the awkward silence to last tried starting conversation, "so uh how've ya be-" "Stop. Don't act like this is normal! I haven't seen you in 8, 8 fuck'n years and you wanna try and act like it's nothing?" Chase stepped closer causing Ash to flinch pressing her back against the brick wall. "especially after what you did and how you left?!" Chase bursted out angrily. "I-I'm sorry bu-but you don't understand." Ash whispered her voice shanking and timidly breaking down. Chase huffed "What, What don't I understand explain it to me please so I can understand why you're here and why you did what you did!" Ash fell to her knees and began to sob, whimpering "It wa-wasn't my fau-fault" she looked up at him her eyes red full of tears, her bottom lip quivering, her whole body trembling. It broke his heart to see her like this, but he needed answers. "If it wasn't your fault why'd you leave?" With that Chase left, leaving her as is.


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