Shit that came outta satans ass and escaped from the toilet (school)

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Astrid sat on the cold floor as she saw her brother laying still with no movement. "Da-Daniel ?" Ash stuttered. Astrid then weakly began to stumble to her motionless brother. She turned him to face her only to see the blood dipping from him forehead. Daniel's eyes then suddenly opened.He looked at Ash with a disgusted look then said "This is all your fault."

Astrid gasped waking up from her nightmare of her past, inhaling air as if she'd been holding her breath. Breathing unevenly she coughed. Getting up from her bed Ash left her room going down stairs to the kitchen and getting water. Ash hated sleep, every night she'd wake up cause of her 'stupid' nightmare. After calming down Ash headed to her room looking at the clock on her desk 3:14 am,she then put on sweatpants, shoes, watch, and grabbed her big jacket on the way out of the house. Once she had those kind of dreams she couldn't sleep afterwards so she'd take walks around Derry till the sun came out. Ash was home schooled so she never worried about being late and 'shit' until today she'll be attending school like a 'normal student' the thought of school made her shudder. She did care about James and his dad being worried though, so she'd go before they wake up. Ash then began to walk into town, she loved walking when there was no people and no cars passing. It was as if everyone died like there had been a zombie apocalypse or alien invasion."Hello Jeff" Ash said happily seeing her fellow friend in the alley."Heya Ash how's it going?" Jeff said giving a warming smile. "You know same old, same old me wishing I was snail I mean I'm already slow might as well be." Ash said giving Jeff spare change she had in her pockets. Jeff chuckled "your a strange girl Ash and thanks." with that Ash waved goodbye and continued her walk. Ash then made it to a park and sat on a bench just thinking, looking up at the dark mysterious sky and sighing. 'Why do guys have nipples? Why is it the Mario brothers, when that's Mario's first name, unless that's both their last name, so Mario's name is Mario Mario? If I was a cereal what kind would I be?'

After awhile of daydreaming Ash got up from the bench and went to the swings, swinging slow at first she began to go higher her feet leaving the wood chips. Swinging freely she felt as if she was flying. Closing her eyes she enjoyed the cold air pressing against her face, making her pink hair fly everywhere. The higher she went the more she felt free. The butterflies in her stomach every time she swung up then down. Free of feelings, thoughts, life and just everything like nothing meant anything, like time stopped. Correction life stopped.

Then Ash felt warmth on her face, slowly opening her eyes Ash saw a small shade of orange tore in the dark blue sky. 'Here comes morning' slowing her swing down coming back to 'reality'. Checking her watch she saw that it was 5:23am. Her swing then came to a stop Ash got off and headed home.

When Ash got home she realized Jae's room light was on 'shAt he's awake' that meant she'd have to climb through her window. Ash then jumped over the back wooden fence leading to the backyard and a tall tree and it's branch hovering over the roof of the house close to Ash's window of her room. After successfully making it into her room, Ash threw her jacket off tossing it on her chair and laying on her 'lovely' bed. "I've missed you" she mumbled before looking at her clock 5:57am. 'Any minute now', After 3 minutes James swung her door open not even bothering to knock. "Wakey wacky Hanky Franky!" Jae said pulling her sheets off her tired body. "Where's my bacon!" Ash protested. "You get bacon if you're ready in 30 minutes! remember we have to walk cause my baby's in the shop." Jae said with a loving smile thinking of his precious car. "Can't your dad take us I don't wanna walk on my first day" Ash whined rolling off her bed. "No he has to open the church early today." Jae said lightly kicking Ash. "Fine" Ash yawned getting up from the floor walking down stairs to the living room, she then sat on the couch and turned on the TV to looney tunes. "What are you doing?" Jae asked standing behind the couch she sat at. "Jae you and I both know I only take 15 minutes or less to get ready." "Haha no your definition of ready is a band t-shirt and sweat pants if lucky ripped jeans" Jae said serious. "Why is it that the moments I need you to nag me your selling weed, but the times I don't you're not at a corner or alley!" Ash yelled marching up stairs to her bathroom brushing her teeth and hair then picking a dark blue with grey faded Guns N' Roses t-shirt, red shorts and her all white shoes well somewhat, finishing it off with a black flannel. Ash looked at her clock 6:21 am. 'Perfect, time to get my bacon on', Ash said moving her shoulders and running down stairs. "So are we gonna stop by Liz and Ethan's?" Ash asked taking a piece of toast Jae made then sat down at the table."only Ethan I usually give him rides and Liz always has her parents drop her off." Jae said giving Ash a plate of bacon and eggs. Ash practically drooling devoured her food quickly." Ahh that was delicious!" Ash praised rubbing her stomach. "Well get ready to walk it off." Jae said grabbing his backpack and house key."yayy" Ash 'happily' said while grabbing her bag and putting it around her left shoulder. Ash and Jae soon stopped by Ethan's waiting for him.

Once arriving at school they were greeted by Lizeth ending their argument about Batman and Superman." No Batman's the strongest he knows all the justice league members weaknesses!" Ash yelled furious." I'm still saying Superman the guys a frick'n alien!" Jae argued defensively raising his hands."Jae are you high?! His weakness is a green rock!" Ash stated."Heya wimps" Liz said cheerfully with a bright smile."Sup" Ash greeted back."So anyone wanna show me this shithole or not?" Ash said nodding to the school. They all stood quite, honestly none wanting to. Ash sighed heading towards the school and saying " Fine ass wipes, see you fuckers at lunch!" As soon as she walked into the hallway she knew she should have stayed home schooled. 'These dipshit's parents never taught them starring is rude.' Ash quickly speed walked to the office avoiding human contact. Once she made it there safe she got her time table the women at the front desk looking at her pink hair "you like?" Ash asked quick raising a brow the women flustered and said, "It's u-uh different." Ash waved bye at the corner of her eye she saw a dirty blonde haired boy with a mullet. 'Hahahaha he has a squirrels tail on the back of his neck!' Ash then left trying to find her classes quickly so she could sleep a little before school starts. That is until she turned the last corner bumping into someone's chest. "FUCK'N WATER WEENIE!" Ash groaned before landing on her ass. "Who you calling water weenie?" A tall raven haired boy asked towering over Ash. All Ash could think about was an unanswered question 'Is chicken considered a meat or does it have its own category?' "You hear me pinky!" The tall boy asked annoyed, and with that Ash snapped back to reality. "Sorry did you say something?" Ash smiled and asked forgetting what had just happened.

A/n: sorry this sucks (1341)

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