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"So when was the last time you even had sex?"
Kenya Frasier is a 26 year old writer who meets Rob Pilatus at a support group and they form a deep bond by exploring and balancing their sex lives...
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April 17, 1997
"When I think about now, I guess we weren't really all that compatible." Kenya tells a group of people. She is telling the story of how thoughts of her ex-boyfriend keep entering her mind and how it's starting to affect her work. "I mean we had things in common and everyone says we make a good couple, but we still went our separate ways. I keep asking myself 'Why? Why am I still thinking about this a year later?' ".
The other members don't respond, but listen attentively. "Well, with break-ups there is no time limit when you should get over an ex. Has this affected you in any other areas, Kenya?" the counselor asks. "My work is taking a little longer than usual to complete. I was this close to missing a deadline for an article last month". "How about outside of work? Last week, you said you had gone to your family for the holidays. How did that go?". "I spent Christmas day with them and left the next day to go back to work".
The other members sigh in frustration. "What?" she asks. "Kenya, we love you, but you take work as your escape plan. The holidays are supposed to be a break from it" one member replies. "I know, but it's not easy for me. I didn't not want my family to start asking me about Andre or suggesting I move back home. That's what happened during Thanksgiving and I didn't want a repeat" Kenya sighs.
The door opens and Rob walks inside. "Sorry, is this the therapy group for depression?" Everyone stops and looks at him, while he flips his hair away from his face. "Yes, and your name?". "My name? Rob". "Hello Rob, I am Dr. Harper, psychotherapist and the coordinator of our group. We meet every Thursday evening from 6:30 to 7:30. We come in to talk about our daily activities, any new events, and any feelings we have personally". Kenya looks at Rob and wonders why would he want to be here. He would easily stick out among others with his bright colors and long hair swinging around.
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Rob is offered the floor to tell his story and he mentions his time receiving super stardom and how he had access to the high life. Money, fancy clothes, multiple friends, women, the whole nine yards. During the short time he had it all, he was struggling with drugs and alcohol to hide the horrible truth: Neither he nor Fab Morvan sung on their record 'Girl You Know It's True'. The day the truth came out, the backlash was relentless, millions of fans got outraged and destroyed anything involving Milli Vanilli. Radio stations stopped playing their songs, some even sued the record company and Rob and Fab to get a refund. Even when Rob and Fab and the original singers made their own albums, nothing changed the minds of the public.
Aside from the few personal issues Rob encountered since, he tells everyone he's ready for a new start and believes he will be on top once again. Everyone listens and the meeting comes to a close. "Thank you everyone for coming tonight. Next week our topic is going to be about different types of communication, so stop by and bring a guest if you like. Have a good night" Dr. Harper concludes. Everyone gets up to talk among themselves, except for Kenya who starts packing her bag to leave. Just as she is about to take her first step, Rob stops her by standing in her path.
"Hey, leaving so soon?" Rob asks. "Yep, I got work in the morning" Kenya says. "Come on, the night's still young. I'm Rob, by the way". "I know who you are, I had to write an article about you two years ago. You guys were making an album after everything imploded, but I didn't hear much of you during the process".
Rob gets a confused look on his face. "Hold it, that's not the way it sounds". "Really? So, you never said you would do it again? The lip syncing, I mean". "I didn't know I was being interviewed. Who put you up to this?" Rob says defensively. "I'm just making conversation. The night's still young, right?" she replies. "Are you always this uptight?" Rob asks.
People stop and look at both him and Kenya. "Uptight?!" she answers glaringly. "Yeah, you ask me questions like you're the press!". "I told you I was going home, but you insist on holding me up!". "I just want to talk to you, ask you what your name is, what you do, things like that. So when was the last time you even had sex?". Rob replies.
His answer comes in the form of lemonade being thrown in his face. "Argh! Why did you do that?!". "Aww, you don't like lemonade?" Kenya asks. "Not in my face or on my clothes!". "Well, I don't like being called uptight or having everyone in my private business, so we're even!". Kenya throws out the cup and packs her things. "I'm sorry everyone. I'll see you all later". She goes to walk out, while Rob goes to the restroom.
Later, Rob comes out with a water spot on his shirt wearing a jacket. "What is wrong with her? Does she come off like that often?". "No, Kenya is usually nice and sweet" one member tells him. "Really? I wouldn't want to see her mean and nasty". "Give her some time. She'll warm up to you, but you did cross the line". Rob agrees and leaves.
Kenya walks to the parking lot and drives home. After settling in, she pulls out a composition book with her name on the front, leaving a blank space above. "I still don't know what to call this" she says to herself. Kenya opens it and starts to write.
April 17th 1997
He came back to my mind again and I promised myself not to talk about him tonight, but I couldn't help it. Andre was very important to me and I shouldn't let him affect me like this. I know the doctor said there's no time limit on break-ups, but what about first loves?
If things were not already complicated, we get a new member in our group, Rob Pilatus. Yes, the Rob Pilatus of Milli Vanilli. I thought it would seem strange of him to want to be here, but he wants a new start, so he says. It hasn't been one day and he already acts like he's still this superstar, expecting all to throw themselves at him. The nerve of him calling me uptight for not swooning over him. He's probably going to stay, so I'll just have to deal.
Kenya closes the journal and gets ready to fall asleep for tomorrow.