Chapter 19: Support System

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August 7, 1997

"I see everyone here is making tremendous progress and has been using the discussions and exercises to improve their lives" Dr. Harper compliments. "For today we are going to demonstrate the importance of having a strong support system. As you all know, there are times where things are going so well for you, then one day something unexpected happens and we want someone there for us when that comes. We're going to pair off and work on this exercise that demonstrates having support ". Dr. Harper assigns each member to another, but assigns Rob and Kenya to different partners. "How this works is the person who gives the support is the one that will catch the person receiving it. The person who is receiving the support is the one that will fall back into the supporter's arms. Due to us having a small space, we'll have to go one group at a time. We'll start from my left and go around. Alright, is everyone ready?". Everyone replies 'yes' and begin the exercise. 

The first pair demonstrate the exercise and the others follow suit. Rob and his partner are next and he catches him after he falls back. Kenya and her partner go after them. Just as Kenya falls back, her partner's cell phone rings. "Oops, I forgot about that!" He goes to shut it off, but Kenya ends up on the floor, stopping the exercise. "Kenya, are you alright?" Rob asks in slight panic. "Yeah, I think so". Rob helps her up then turns to her partner. "Why didn't you turn that off before you got here?! She could have been seriously hurt!" he yells at him. "Hey, it was accident! I didn't mean for this to happen!". "You should be more careful!". Rob and the other member start to argue and Dr. Harper stops the exercise. "Stop right now, you two! Rob, you have no right to snap at anyone over an accident and Rick, this is the second time your cell phone has been ringing during these meetings. You need to turn it off when you're here, so it's not disrupting everyone!" The two gentleman agree and apologize to each other. 

After the meeting concludes, everyone leaves and Dr. Harper asks Rob to stay to talk about the outburst. "Rob, what was that outburst earlier? Usually my members would not respond in that manner to anyone because they wouldn't want anyone else to speak to them in that way ". "I know, I'm sorry. Please don't throw me out of here" Rob says, almost begging. "I'm not going to have you discharged, but you can't have conflicts like that here. Now, I noticed how concerned you became with Kenya's welfare after she fell, which anyone would, but you looked really frightened and angered". Rob sighs. "I can honestly say I did not expect you two to get as close to one another this quickly". 

Rob is now in complete shock. "You know about me and Kenya?!". "I saw it a mile away and between Kenya's reaction months before with the communication exercise and your reaction to tonight's meeting only confirms it" Dr. Harper tells him. "The only concern I have is that this relationship does not become co-dependent. It wouldn't be fair for either of you to rely on the other to be happy. You would need to show that you can be happy on your own accord and according to your file, I see in the last few treatments you've taken, the comments were that you would want others to be well, but it would be at the expense of your own well-being. That's not what you want". Rob does not argue with this fact. What if he falls back into that pattern with Kenya and the same things happen? He finishes his talk with Dr. Harper and goes home.

Kenya goes and takes out her journal to write another entry.

August 7th 1997

It has been quite a couple weeks since Rob and I told Jordana about us dating. We've been going out more and I've been taking more risks. I noticed how Rob is more focused on going into acting, I'm rooting for him to be a part of the short film Felix will be directing.

I also noticed Rob seems to be getting better about not trying to get unnecessary attention. He did lash out at Rick about the phone, but he really should have turned it off . It feels nice to be looked out for and protected . Things are getting better and I hope they keep getting there.

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