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Allison's POV

Math went by pretty fast, all the teacher really talked about was theory. When the bell rung I ran out to the lunch room.

Unfortunately I ran into another wall. I looked up to see a smirking Damien. Dammit another bad boy.

I need help. I don't know how many more not walls but bad boys I can take.

"Hello not so nerdy nerd." I thought about his words, confused. Isn't that somehow ironic or something?

"Hey, sorry about running into you." I mumbled trying to break the silence.

You see Damien wasn't that much of a bad boy, so I had some respect for him.

He shrugged. "I don't care, but I will say you gotta stop meeting the crew this way." I gave him a puzzled glance.

"First Tyler now me. Who's next?" I blushed a bit at his comment. "Believe it or not those were both accidents, and god forbid I run into another one of you guys." I said. Damien faked being hurt.

Putting a hand over his heart and making a weird expression.

I just laughed at his silliness, and soon enough we were both laughing.

"We're not that bad you know?" Damien said after the giggles stopped. "I'll believe it when I see it."

I replied giving him a small smile which he returned. "Well I have to go to my friends that truly aren't that bad, see you around?"

I nodded at him, but before he got to far I spontaneously grabbed his arm. I pulled out a sharpie and wrote my number.

Quite a move for me. "Do you do this to all the guys you run into?" he said smirking.

I blushed a bit, I didn't know what made me do that.

"Nope just you, don't blow it." I said winking playfully. Then we both laughed as we walked away from each other.

I paused for a moment to mentally high five myself, and also scold myself for even attempting to flirt.

When I walked into the cafeteria I found Kyle and Mandy sitting in a corner by the Bad Boy table. Fantastic guys, good job!

None the less I put on a smile and walked towards my friends, who eyed me suspiciously.

When I got there I whispered, "Tell you later babes." In which they both nodded in response.

We then started to chat normally, the bitchy people run downs, the fresh gossip.

See Mandy was known for sports, and so was Kyle they were brother and sister. I've known them since I was born practically, and they were my only friends.

Mandy was in the middle of talking about her tournament when she stopped and looked behind me, shocked.

Her eyes resembled of a deer's eyes looking into a car's headlights.

"What Mandy?" Before she could give me an answer a hand tapped my shoulder. I froze, who was behind me?

I slowly turned to see yet another bad boy in my presence. This time it was Cam.

"Hi?" I questioned, trying not to make my voice shake. "Hey." said Cam smirking. Screw him and his confidence.

"Is there anything you need?" I asked curiously. "Yes actually the boys and I would like to know your name." he said.

This request took me back a little.

"And why should I give it to you?" I asked eyeing him.

"Because by coming over here and talking to you, you have minimized the amount of bad asses you have to run into." he replied smirking, his green eyes held a mischievous glint.

"It was an accident!" I said defending myself, knowing it was useless to.

"Sure it was sweetheart. Anyway what's your name?" he said with amusement dripping in his deep voice.

"I'm Allison." He smiled. "Great nice to meet you, Allison. I hope to see more of you." and with a wink he walked back to his table.

I felt the heat in my cheeks. The way my name rolled off his tongue was seductive yet innocent.

My friends gave me suspicious glances.


"So let me get this straight you've 'accidentally' ran into two hot bad boys in one morning? Not to mention approached by another?" said Mandy, astonished.

We were in gym at the moment, and as much as Mandy would like to deny it she had a thing for bad boys.

So this story was probably satisfying whatever fantasies she has had.

"It was an accident! I'm serious as can be about that. And yeah that is the case." she just shook her head and laughed.

"Okay. But if the bad boys are paying attention to you, you need to dress better, put more effort in."

I sighed, I didn't see why I had to, but I also didn't see a point in arguing with Mandy.

So I sarcastically said, "Okay Mother." she laughed once more. "Sleepover tonight, your house." she demanded.

"Won't Kyle be mad you're leaving him alone with your dad?" she flinched a bit.

You see her dad was an abusive ass. "I thought it would be okay if he came, you know I would never leave him with dad." I gave a nod.

Sure Kyle could come..

The rest of the day went by fast. Before I knew it was time to leave, I hugged Kyle and Mandy bye and started to walk home.

When I was a good mile away from the school, I heard a familiar voice say, "Fancy meeting you here." I turned around to see none other then Tyler.

"Not really, because you're a fucking stalker!" I replied.

He stood there smirking. Then he walked closer, and I backed up.

Obviously angry, and annoyed, he grabbed me and put my back to a tree. "Get off me you, ass!" I yelled. He leaned into my ear.

"You only wish I stalked you." His whisper sent shivers through my body.

"I only wish you would leave me alone!" I spat back.

Part of me told me that I was lying but I pushed it away. What did that part of me know anyways.

"I'm going to walk away now and you're gonna go the opposite direction." I demanded and strolled away. "I can't do that you see." He said catching up to me.

"And why not?" I snapped.

"Well a, my house is down there. And b, I have a challenge to complete." his eyes looked into mine intensely. I froze.

"Good luck with that challenge." I managed to choke out. Then I broke the stare and started to walk.

He followed me until his house came along. "Bye Allison!" he hollered as he went in.

I just rolled my eyes. Then I realized my house is just across the street from his. Shit.



Thanks for reading :) if you can please spread the word about this story I would appreciate it very much! Thanks again and comment any ideas or thoughts!

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