She Changed

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1 Month Later

Mandy's POV

The music blared loudly. I looked over at my best friend. She was currently dancing with yet another random guy.

She had changed so much since that night. I still remember her showing up at my house looking so lost and broken.

So we composed a plan, she was to become THE girl, a bad ass, the player of our school.

Emotionless, bold, and dangerous.

Her wardrobe changed, her attitude, her hair and makeup, her friends, but she never changed when it came to me.

And I was so grateful for this.

Her baggy jeans were replaced with skinny jeans and skirts, her baggy tees were now vnecks or tanks, her converse had stayed though, just a few heels were added.

Her hair, wow. What use to be mid back was now just a couple inches past her shoulders, and it was a dark blue and a little lighter in some areas.

And for some reason no guy could resist her. Her eyes were always bold wether it be wing eyeliner and mascara or a smokey eye.

They were captivating too.

My best friend was the official school bad ass girl player, and I had no idea how I felt about it.

She played the part a little to well. Sometimes it worries me.

"Mandy!" She yelled. "Yeah Allison?" I replied. "Let's go." She said smiling and moving to the music.

"Allison I think you're the only bad ass that wants to leave a party so she can ace a test." I chuckled out.

She smirked and said, "Not anymore." and walked back towards the party. Oh Allison what am I gonna do with you?

Allison's POV

"Allison I think you're the only bad ass that wants to leave a party so she can ace a test."

Mandy chuckled out, and she was right.

So I let go the last thing of the old me, my great grades.

I walked back over to whatever that guy's name is and started to dance again.

"Ali?" Said a familiar voice. Who calls me Ali? Oh well. I don't care.

I turned towards the voice. Tyler. "That's my name." I replied back.

"Oh. Yeah. Well I saw you turned in the project. Thanks for doing it, we got an A." He said a bit shyly.

I could tell he was uncomfortable, weird.

"Yeah, no problem." I said and gave him a smile.

"You look good. Different but good." He complimented. I just nodded, brushing it off, and started to move to the beat of the music again.

I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums
Oh what shame that you came here with someone
So while you're here in my arms
Let's make the most of the night
Like we're gonna die young

Arms were instantly on my waist. Oh yeah that guy was still here. "Hey man I got her. Beat it." Growled Tyler I just looked at him and smirked.

The guy reluctantly let go of my waist, but did thankfully. Tyler was now looking at me in a weird way.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and his arms went around my waist.

I jumped and swung my hips to the beat. Tyler laughed, it was a good laugh. "What?" I questioned smiling.

"You changed that's all." He said barely loud enough for me to hear.

"Elaborate oh wise one." I replied in an exaggerated accent.

He laughed and said, "I don't know just the last time we really talked you wouldn't even dare to be here.

Your hair would still be to your mid back and one solid color besides those pink streaks.

It also would've been straight contrast to your natural wavy hair. But now your hair is only two or three inches below your shoulder.

It's layered and wavy and free. It's blue and highlighted. And I don't know you just look free.

Not scared. Invincible. And your makeup is not your natural cream color on the lids or just mascara.

No it's a smokey eye which makes your eyes pop, mesmerizing. You stand out now. Which is something the old you would've hated."

He finished with a smile.

I ignored the feelings of loss, pain, and sorrow. I replaced them with no emotion.

"So which is better?" I asked with my signature smirk. "I'm not sure." He said looking down. I grabbed his chin with my finger.

I looked into his eyes. His eyes held confusion and another emotion I couldn't quite understand.

"I think this one is."

Then I dropped my finger from his face and moved to the faster beat.

He stared at me for a minute. "Why'd you change?" He asked all the sudden.

"Cause I could. I'm sorry if that bothers you but then again I'm not." I then walked off.

I don't need a damn interrogation. I look and found Mandy making out with, Jake? Interesting.

"Hey Allison!" I knew that voice.

"Damien!" I said with a smile, . He hugged me. "Nice to see you. Looking gorgeous as always." He commented spinning me.

"Thanks. You're not looking to bad yourself." I said with a smirk. "I would hope not." He laughed. I missed that laugh.

Damien and I were on a decent friend basis till that night. I dropped him.

The only friends I kept were Mandy and Kyle, but seeing Kyle was a rarity after the incident with him and Tyler.

"I missed you." I blurted out. Shit.

"I missed you too A." He replied. And yeah he calls me A don't go all PLL on me it's just a nickname.

"Wanna dance?" I asked. "I don't think you can keep up with me." He replied smirking. I just rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand.

My back was to his chest as I danced. His hands slid down to my hips.

I was laughing. He spun me again. Now I was facing him, hands on his chest. Hips swinging, head bobbing, staring into his eyes.

"Why'd ya leave me?" He asked. "I'm sorry. We can go back if you like?" I said dodging the question, I could tell he knew I was dodging it.

"Yeah I would like that." He said. We were both sober so we'd remember this agreement.

I danced the night with Damien seeing Tyler only twice more.

-next day-

"Allison?" Nudged my best friend. "What?" I groaned.

"Your brother said for me to wake you up and tell you he had to go out again." She said mumbling the last bit.

He was always out. Didn't give a shit about me.

"That's great. When isn't he?" She shrugged and I got up.

I looked in the mirror my hair stuck out in different place and my makeup was smudged.

Oh well. I looked into the mirror again. What did happen to me? You know exactly what happened. Reminded a voice in my head.

And I did.


So yeah how was the new Allison? I had writers block, but I then thought up this. Hope you guys liked it. Sorry if you didn't.

Thanks for reading and Allison's new hair to the side.

The song for this chapter is Warrior by Demi Lavato. As assumed something happened that caused the nerd to go bad. So I found that warrior was perfect.

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