Let Me In

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Tyler's POV

I kissed her roughly and passionately. I needed her because she was in my veins.

She didn't respond at first making me crave her kiss more. I sighed and kissed her again, this time she let go and kissed me.

Our touches danced together once more, our hands roaming each others bodies.

When we pulled away I held her face staring at her in all her perfection, she had her eyes shut. And when she opened them I saw all the emotions that swarmed her eyes.

Pain. Regret. Guilt. Happiness. Sadness. Confusion. And one I couldn't quite understand. "Why?!" She said after silence. "Why what?!" I asked.

"Why? Why do you want me?! You are so much better off without me! I've pushed you away!
I have to get drunk and high to forget you!

But no you somehow still come back! I don't deserve you! And you you deserve so much more than me." The last part came out as a mumble. I stared at her astonished.

Did she really believe that she didn't deserve me? She was so utterly amazing that my lips or thoughts could never explain.

"Do you really think that?" I asked hearing the pain in my voice. "Yes I do." She said as she got up and walked to her bathroom.

She stayed in there for an hour, I eventually left after it hit the two hour mark.

Allison's POV

And there I stayed numb after two hours of crying he had finally left. I felt scared and vulnerable. I loved him. I fell for him. And now I was gonna have to deny that every day.

"Open the damn door!" Said none other then Mandy's voice. I unlocked it and she barged in.

"Say the truth just say it once." Mandy said looking at me. "What?" I mumbled I sounded fragile and weak.

I hated that.

"Just admit that your falling in love with him but your denying it!" I just looked at her.

"I knew it! You love him! But that gives you know excuse to go bat shit crazy on me!" I laughed.

"Okay you have my confession but that doesn't change anything." I said looking down. "Yes it does." She said before handing me a bottle of vodka.

"Share it?" She asked I nodded taking a swig ignoring the burn as it went down my throat.

I handed it to her she took a swig, then she handed it back to me I took a swig, and the process repeated till it was gone.

"Tell him." She slurred. "I will." I slurred standing up with profound courage. I started walking for his house.

It being across the street. I knocked on it seeing a shirtless Tyler open the door. "Hey." I said trying not to sound drunk.

"Go away." He said menacingly. I just rolled my eyes and grabbed his face kissing him with everything I had.

He responded almost instantly. Then I looked into his eyes a tear ran down his cheek I kissed it away. His eyes now watched me, my every move.

"Let me in." He said looking at me. "What do you mean, this is your house I can't let you into your own house?"

He sighed and brought me to his couch and sat me down. "I mean tell me everything. Everything you're thinking right now." It was my turn to sigh.

"Do you have the time?" I said seriously. "In fact I do." I had to do this he deserved to know.

But I wouldn't start by telling him what happened. I would start with an apology.

But then something stopped me. I would do this soon not now but soon.

"Can I just promise you something?" I asked hoping he wouldn't give up on me.

"Sure princess." His voice and eyes held so much love. Why do you love me? I thought. "I promise I will tell you everything real soon. Okay?" My eyes were begging him to understand. "Okay."

-a month later-

And that day came.

The day to tell him everything.

It was 2:12 in the fucking morning, and I stood outside on his front porch step. And he saw me through his door, eyes wide with a beauty I had always known in him, He opened the door and saw me as me.

As chaos herself. Not as the careless, arrogant, self destructive monster with heels, smeared lipstick, and dull eyes.

No he saw me in all my true disaster, hair chopped short into wild layers like storefront icicles, cold and sharp like my heart, wet mascara running down my face, or was it my black blood leaking from punctured veins?

Clothes sagging from being held under flood waters for too long, and my tears, he saw my tears, raindrops cursed forever to fall from my windows that led to the remnants of my weak soul.

And here I was, I came to apologize for all the shit I had done to him,

All the regrets, the pain, the late night phone calls, the vodka burnt kisses, the soft touches under the stars, all the hurt I have caused like the hurricane I am, but the moment I saw him on the front porch step, my mouth fell apart at the seams after I've tried so hard to stitch them up before.

Looking at him, tears like mine falling off his cheekbone and I broke down,

the frame of my body started to creak and tumble and soon my mind had fallen too.

He begged me to stay like he had many nights before his voice rasping and cracking and god, it was a melody.

And the thought was warm and welcoming, and this time I didn't run, I was ready to talk.

So I said, "I love you." And walked past him inside. Scared I would hurt him again sorry like hell.

So I started, only a fragment of my apology came out before my crying made my words unspeakable.

I turned to you and said,

"I am so sorry for putting you through hell when heaven was there the entire time.

So sorry for putting your heart in a skillet and frying it to a crisp.

So sorry for being a mess. For being me.

Sorry for crying because one time you told me you hated it.

Please forgive me.

And if you can't you should know that I'll never stop saying sorry."

And I looked up at his eyes from the floor and burst into even more tears. And he ran over to me.

"I love you, I forgive you." Tyler said looking at me. I smiled. "I can continue with everything if you like." I mumbled. "Please do." He said and I took in a deep breath before starting.


Cliff hanger.

Song for this chapter: In My Veins by Andrew Belle.

xx Alaska

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