The Truth Behind It All

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Tyler's POV

I stared at her it had been a hectic month, I remember the day she promised she would tell me, and now here she was. "It all started when my Dad showed up." She said not making eye contact.

I always thought her parents had died. "He got into some pretty shitty stuff after my mom killed herself." She let out a dark chuckle that made my heart ache in pain. "That's why my brother is my guardian.

My dad isn't a suitable parent, he was always drunk before all rights were handed over to my brother, he use to think I was her." She said still not making eye contact. "Eventually my brother caught him doing stuff." I cringed at the thought. "And that's when rights were given to my brother.

The day before I turned into well you know, he showed up." I clenched my fist in anger. "He was drunk, but this time he knew I wasn't her. He yelled at me how it was my fault that she killed herself, that if I wasn't such a fuck up she would be here, that if I hadn't made her existence on this earth so horrid she would still be alive."

She sobbed and I hugged her she leaned in before pulling away to continue. "He then threw a few punches and kicks, then he left. Two days later I got a call from the police he had overdosed." She said trying not to cry. She was so strong.

"The day he showed up I ran to Mandy after he was gone, I knew I looked weak and broken, and I hated myself for that I hate myself for that right now." I tilted her chin up so she was looking into my eyes. I kissed her on the forehead once before she continued.

"I told her everything that had happened, but I also told her something else.

I told her I was scared, because this jack ass of a guy who stole my first kiss had done something to me. He had made me feel butterflies in my tummy. He made me have stars in my eyes. He planted flowers in even the deepest parts of my mind."

I smiled knowing that was me, but what came next broke my heart. "But I knew he would leave those flowers to die, that he would kill the butterflies, that they would turn into knives in my heart, that the stars in my eyes would turn into black holes."

I looked at her and felt tears well up in my eyes, and all I could do was hug her and hope she knew I would never.

"She told me that it would all be okay, but I didn't believe her. So we came up with a plan, which I got into, eventually the girl in the plan was me, dull and emotionless. And that was okay I didn't feel, deep down I did, but the alcohol and drugs stopped the deep down."

Tears streamed down her beautiful face, I cupped it looking into her eyes and I saw the pain in them, and all this time I had thought she was okay, as if she read my mind she asked, "It's scary what a smile can hide isn't?"

Her lips held a smile that I had believed. "Very scary." I mumbled and kissed her lightly on the lips before pulling away and looking at her in the eyes again.

"You were never suppose to mean this much to me." She said looking at me with the eyes I had fell for, that I was still falling for. "You are a terribly real thing in a terribly false world, and that is why, I believe you are in so much pain." She looked at me and smiled one that half way reached her eyes.

"You wanna know why I push people away? It's because I've been hurt too many times before. So many damn people have gone in and out of my life. Some because of stupid reasons, but others with no reason at all.

I push people away, because I'm sick of getting attached. I push people away, because I'm tired of getting hurt when they never cared. I'm just sick and tired of it. That's why I leave before I get hurt. Simple as that. But, with you it's not simple as that. I thought you didn't care, but you you come back no matter how hard I push, and that is why I am here admitting that I love you because you have showed you give a shit."

I smiled at the words I love you. "I love you too." I said and saw her smile one that reached her eyes. "You my friend are an idiot."

She laughed before kissing me and I fell into this kiss.

And when we pulled away staring into each others eyes, breathing in each other's air, I couldn't help but think she was beautiful, but not like those girls in the magazines. She was beautiful, for the way she thought. She was beautiful, for the way her eyes sparkled when she talked about something she loved. She was beautiful, for her ability to make other people smile, even when she was sad.

No she wasn't beautiful for something as temporary as looks, even though her face was breathtaking, even though she was perfect with her looks, it wasn't because that, because as I said they were temporary. She was beautiful, deep down to her soul. Oh she is so beautiful.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked staring intensely into her eyes.

Allison's POV

His eyes stared intensely into my mine as he asked me the question I had wished for yet dreaded, "Will you be my girlfriend?" I shut my eyes and internally sighed. I was ready to go back I was ready to let my walls down.

"Yes." I said my eyes shut, but my lips quilled up into a smile. "Bout damn time!" He said picking me up and spinning me around, and I laughed a true laugh that I couldn't contain when I was with Tyler.

"I honestly don't understand why you like me?" I said looking down at him.

"Because ever since I met you no one else has been worth thinking about. Because of the million things you're doing but don't notice. Because of that one strip of your bangs that always falls in your face. Because of the way you run your hand through your hair when your stressed or intensely thinking.

Because the way that when you smirk it reveals only one dimple. Because of the way your eyebrows shoot up in disbelief. Because the way you view things. Because the way you talk. And because the way that you didn't believe you could change me. Cause the truth is every girl may want to change a player, but a player wants a girl worth changing for." He said a goofy smile on his lips.

I bent down and kissed his nose and then his lips. And an intense feeling of happiness rushed over me. It was time to go back, this change was no more. But I might keep a little bit of the confidence, and maybe a lot of the wardrobe. When we broke the kiss I looked at him with all the love in the world.

"Why do you like me?" He asked. "You taught me how to feel the butterflies over and over again. And that is honestly the best way to say it because even if I did want to confess everything to you I couldn't because the way you make me feel is not something that can be put into words." I said narrowing my eyes and smiling.

He smiled too before saying, "I hope you know I'd kiss you in the middle of your sentences if everything you said wasn't so god damn beautiful."



Okay the songs for this chapter are: Unbroken by Demi Lavato, Shower by Becky G, Don't Let Me Go by: The Summer Set, Sparks Fly by: Taylor Swift, Two Is Better Than One by: Boys Like Girls, Into Your Arms by: The Maine, and Kiss Me by: Ed Sheeran.

Thanks for reading. Can't believe I'm in the 400's!!!!!!

xx Alaska Grace

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