Switching it up.

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Allison's POV

I now had no doubt that I wouldn't fall for Tyler. The little butt was bugging me so much right now.




"Come on babe! You can't not talk to me!" Tyler whined. "I can and I will! Now let me do this project!" I snapped back.

"What if I don't let you do this project?" he teased, but right now I didn't feel like teasing him back.

I looked at him with what I believe to be a very scary face.

"Or else Tyler!" I said with the slightest smirk on my face. I watched him think.

If you are confused at the moment Tyler is at my house, we are working on the project, and I have never hated him more.

His thinking face dissolved into a smirk. "Come at me babe." It was my turn to smirk. "Okay." his eyes widened as I leaned in.

No I wasn't going to kiss him. He stole my first kiss, but Kyle restored that in a way.

Maybe Mandy would've wanted me to kiss him as a part of my revenge, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

"A-allison?" he mumbled. Then I smirked, and shoved him right out of his chair. I then sat back in mine and laughed in victory.

He groaned in pain, and I just kept working.

We didn't speak for ten minutes. "Okay so first you tease, me shove me out of a chair, and now we're back to the silent treatment?" He asked, clearly frustrated.

"Hmmm.. yeah that's exactly what happened and is happening." I replied

He shook his head and mumbled something. "What was that Ty?" I said smirking. "Nothing nerd." he replied back.

More silence past, then I felt breathing on my neck.

"Ty what the fuck are you doing?" I asked a smidge nervous. Then the little bastard had the nerve to nip my neck!

"Oh no you didn't!" I screamed as I tackled him to the ground.

I smacked his chest and shoulders repeatedly. He was laughing. Stupid, egotistical, ass hole.

Then I stopped and he looked into my eyes. His mixture of blue and green searched my eyes. Then he mumbled something, that even at this close proximity I couldn't hear.

His eyes fluttered closed for one moment till he looked at me again. Our eyes met.

My breath hitched.

That's when he started to close the gap between us.

His lips met mine, and for a few seconds I was into it, but then I pulled away.

I remembered Kyle, and I definitely wasn't a go after two guys at once girl.

"Stop." I demanded putting my hands on his chest.

"Why?" He asked, clearly confused.

"Allison?" Kyle's voice echoed. "That's why." I mumbled. I hopped off Tyler and walked towards Kyle, I knew it looked bad.

"Please listen to me." I pleaded, he looked like he didn't want to but nodded.

I noticed his eyes flicking back and forth between Tyler and I.

"Look at me also." I commanded, his green eyes looked into mine and softened.

"I tackled him and started hitting him, I was mad and angry. Then we just started talking that's why we were like that when you came in." I calmly stated.

Kyle was about to respond when Tyler opened his mouth and said, "You forgot the part when I kissed you, which I will say I made the move, then you kissed me back, and as embarrassing as this I will also say you stopped the kiss." Tyler said smoothly.

I looked at Kyle, "You did what to her?" His voice yelled. Then Kyle was running at Tyler.

Punches started flying, I knew Kyle hated Tyler, but was that hatred enough to let him win this fight?

"Please stop!" I yelled over them. Both boys stopped throwing punches. "I need both of you to leave, now." My voice was shaky but demanding.

They both opened their mouths to object, I threw my hands up.

"Just stop! Tyler, letting you kiss me was well, I don't even know what it was. Kyle, you're dear to me, but right now I need space. So both of you leave."

Tyler and Kyle nodded and then walked towards the door. "Oh and Tyler." He turned around.

"The project will be done, and I will give you credit, but please do not come by anytime soon." My words were cold and I hated that.

He gave me a sad smile and nod then shut my front door behind him.

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