Learning To Love Again

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Real quick my lovelies, I truly hope these next few chapters don't bore you, basically these are recovery chapters, yeah there will be a few bumps in the road, but Allison for the most part is trying to go back to the old her.

Tyler's POV

She smiled and skipped downstairs to wash the hair dye out. I just followed smiling like and idiot like I always do with her. She went into the bathroom and shut the door, I made my way to the couch and flipped on the tv.

-30 minutes later-

I was watching a game when she peaked her head out of the bathroom, "Can I have some clothes, mine are old and kinda got soaked?" She said giving a nervous smile I just laughed and nodded. I jogged upstairs and grabbed a tshirt from my drawers, I then walked back downstairs. She was still peaking her head out of the door. "Here you go princess." I said handing her my shirt. "Why thank you prince." She laughed.

I sat back on the couch and focused on the game again. I heard her open the door and walk out of the bathroom humming a song. She then jumped in the coffee table in front of the tv, she danced to the tune of her song and all I could say is, "Rock on baby I rather watch you anyways." She laughed and got in front of me grabbing my hand and pulling me off the couch, she twirled and grabbed both my arms dancing, and yes probably to anyone else we looked insane, but to me it was one of the best moments ever.

I twirled her away from me and then twirled her back into me, hugging her, she laughed and looked up at me smiling. "Is it bad that I am still trying to figure out how you love me?" She asked. "Why is it so hard to believe?" I asked giving her a smile. "Because look at me then look at you!" She exclaimed. "I slept with a different girl every damn weekend maybe twice a weekend no need to think I'm better than you cause I'm not." I said kissing her forehead.

"So! I royally screwed up! You stopped than when we met, but me when we met? I started." She said looking frazzled now. "Listen very closely Allison." I said staring into her eyes. "I have completely fallen for you. Everything you do, everything you say, everything you are. Which yes does include all your mistakes. You're my first thought in the morning, you're my last thought before I fall asleep, and you're almost every thought in between." I said and her face softened and she brushed my lips with hers, but only for a second. "Yeah but why me?" She asked and I sighed, "Because you stand out, and in my eyes you're better than any other girl on this planet." She sighed and rested her head against my chest, we were still standing and holding each other. "I love you Tyler Reed so much more than you can even know." I just smiled that idiotic smile I always smile with her.

Sadly the doorbell rang. I groaned and she laughed untangling herself from me and pushing me towards the door. I walked towards the door and opened it to see Mandy and Damien, hands interlocked, and staring at me. "Hey bastards." I said. "Hi asswipe that is lucky enough to love my bestfriend." Said Mandy smiling innocently I just narrowed my eyes at her. "Where's Allison?" Damien asked, and I opened the door for them to come in. "You dyed your hair back!" Screamed Mandy as she went and hugged her friend. "That I did." Allison said smiling and hugging her friend back. "I like her wardrobe." I said, and Mandy took in my shirt on her bestfriend. "You better not have done the frick frack." She said and Allison just laughed and shook her head no. "What the hell is the frick frack?" I said confused. "John Green reference." Said Allison and Mandy at the same time causing them to laugh.

"Look at this it's like a family reunion." Said Damien standing beside me and looking at the girls who were acting like idiots. "Yup." I said. "Good to see the old Allison." He said. "Eh that's the new one rather than the old ones." I said and it was true she was a mix right now 75% nerd and 25% badass. "I agree that much she seems more confident, but still our nerd." He said and I shot him a look. "My nerd." I mumbled causing him to laugh. "Possessive are we?" I shot him a glare before looking at the girls who were talking like crazy.

"We should go on a double date to the fair tomorrow!" Exclaimed Mandy and Allison shook her head yes before looking at me. "Yeah sounds good." I said and Damien nodded. Allison jumped up and kissed me. I smiled and she did to. My arms around her waist and hers around my neck. "STOP EATING EACHOTHERS FACE ITS QUITE DISGUSTING!" Exclaimed Mandy causing us to laugh and pull apart. Things were nice at the moment, I could only hope they stayed this way. Cause this girl in my arms, is my kinda crazy, and I need her more than she knows.


Song: My Kinda Crazy by: Brantley Gilbert

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