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•two years later•

Allison's POV
"A! You coming, we're about to hit the road again!" Screamed Damien.

I smiled a little. We had been on the road for two years we have visited every state, and we were now exploring England. My favorite place on this earth.

I ran out of the store and jogged to the car. "Hello love." Smiled Tyler. I laughed in giddiness.

"Hello." He smiled and gave me a kiss on the lips.

"I love you." He said, the words flowed off his tongue perfectly.

"I love you more." I smiled. "I doubt it." He laughed and opened the car door, we hopped in.

I looked in the back seat and a huge grin, that since we left never left my face, spread across my face.

Mandy was back there looking down at her belly as Damien talked to the baby. She was due in a couple of weeks.

Tyler started the car and I held his free hand. I looked down at our interlocked hands and was at peace.

Our wedding rings were touching each other as we held hands. His was the standard guys wedding ring, but had my heart beat carved into it. Mine was a 2 carrot (I wouldn't let him get a bigger size) ring, but my band was his heartbeat.

Because I have his heart forever and he has mine.

As we began driving to our next stop I looked into the rear view mirror and thought of the past. I had made it. We had all made it.

And let me tell you the agonizing years of pain are worth it. Because I have never been so happy.

I survived. Now I'm living.

I leaned over and kissed Tyler on the cheek and then rested my head on his sturdy shoulder.

This was my life, and damn. It was amazing.

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