I Will Not Fall

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Allison's POV

"Allison up!" Said Mandy I groaned, but yet again woke from a peaceful slumber.

"Shower go, now!" she demanded "Yeah, yeah!" I called back. When I got out of the shower I found Mandy with a freshly picked outfit.

It was composed of ombré, frayed, blue jean shorts, also a holey light tan sweater, with a black tank under it.

After a bit of argument we changed the shorts to just black, frayed, jean shorts. To complete it all she added black combat ankle boots.

"Gorgeous! Now to the makeup babes!" she gleamed, way too excited,and I laughed.

She gave me a neutral smokey eye, you know browns and creams and tans instead of whites and silvers and blacks.

Then she added a nice coat of mascara.

Lastly a simple shimmery lipgloss. "Damn! You look sexy!" I laughed and thanked her, as she styled my hair in beach waves.

After she got ready, which took her five minutes because she was already perfect, we left.

I had one headphone in as we walked down the street. The Wombats boomed in my right ear.

When we arrived at school no one could keep their eyes off me and Mandy.

I knew why too. We both looked extra hot. The unnoticed nerd and athlete were now being noticed and it felt good, surprisingly.

Whistles and cat calls were exclaimed from the boys. I winked at a few never losing my playful smirk.

I was shocked by my confidence, but hey I need confidence for this.

Mandy on the other hand was kissing cheeks and even some lips. Gotta love my best friend ladies and gents.

We then hooked arms laughing at the bitchy, envious glares from the girls.

Also at the flirts and whistles from guys.

Wow this felt amazing, like I was on top of the world.

"Wow. I knew I was right when I said not so nerdy." commented a cute Damien.

I laughed. "Yeah I guess you were." I glanced at his arm only to see him showing off my number still, somehow this brought a small smile to my lips.

He followed my gaze.

"Oh yeah sorry I didn't text you last night some drama at the house."

I gave a smile "No worries." that's when I heard my best friend laugh.

"Okay the sexual tension here is to much. Imma go make out with hmmm... him!" She proclaimed and ran over to another guy.

Damien and I laughed, then just kept walking and talking a bit.

"Hey you and your crazy friend want to come sit with me and the guys at lunch?" Asked Damien a pleading look in his gorgeous blues.

"Yeah of course!" I said trying not to sound nervous. "Cool maybe we can even hang out soon!" he called as he walked off.

"Maybe." I mumbled with a goofy smile.

The first couple of my classes zoomed by as I waited for lunch with butterflies in my stomach.

Damien was very nice, but I don't know. I was currently walking towards the cafeteria. "Hey hun!" Hollered Mandy.

"Hey!" I said hooking arms with her. "We are sitting with the bad boys today." I told her earning a surprised look.

"Okay. Guess it's a good thing Kyle is sick aka hungover." we both laughed and nodded in agreement. Kyle was very protective of both of us.

And after last night, I kind of didn't want to see if he would be more protective or just not pay attention to me.

As we walked towards the table a few cheerleaders gave us glares. Luckily the head cheerleader just happened to walk by me...

I leaned out my foot ever so elegantly. And bam 115 pounds of Barbie hit the floor. Me and Mandy exchanged glances and continued to walk over there now laughing.

"I'll get you back nerd!" I heard Lindy the head cheerleader, and queen bee I had just tripped.

I just chuckled and smirked. Damien and well everyone was now looking at us.

Damien smirked and mouthed 'Good Job'.

"Hello sexies!" Said Jake. I watched Tyler glare at him. "Hi." I said seductively and winked.

Tyler was burning holes into the back of my head, ha. I was sat in between Tyler and Damien, as for Mandy who was in between Cam and Jake.

I laughed as she flirted. "So sweetheart how are you?" said Tyler I glared in his direction.

"Still mad about yesterday I see?" I nodded and turned towards Damien.

"Thanks for the invite." I told him. "No problem." He replied. Tyler was tapping my shoulder repeatedly.

"What?!" I turned around. "Forgive me please?" he asked putting on puppy dog eyes.

That's when I remembered the vengeance I was suppose to be getting. So I put a hand on his chest and slid it down a bit.

"Fine." I whispered in his ear. I then turned back to everyone and joined in conversation, but not before seeing his expression.

Which was pure shock, don't worry though he quickly threw on his signature smirk and joined the rest of us.


"I can't believe you did that!" said Mandy from beside me in chemistry.

"Well I did." I said, all the sudden a warm arm snaked itself around my waist. "Did what babe?" asked a familiar, deep voice that seemed to always send shivers through my body. "Oh nothing Tyler." I sang.

Me and Mandy exchanged smirks. "Awe that's no fun!" He said as he pouted like a three year old.

Once more me and Mandy laughed. "Hello class! Today we start a project." announced Mr. Radett. "I have picked out your partners."

This got a groan from everyone in the class room.

He went down the list naming names till there was only me, Mandy, Tyler, and Jake left.

"Mandy and Jake and Tyler and Allison." he announced leaving Jake and Tyler smirking, and well Mandy and I too.

I knew we were thinking the same thing. This was the perfect opportunity to get close to Tyler and then beat him at his own game.

I will not fall I reminded myself as I looked at the hot piece of bad boy that was my partner. Damn that's gonna be hard.

"Looks like it's you and me Allison." Said Tyler. I nodded yup me and you. I looked at Mandy she gave me a reassuring glance and my confidence was back.

"Yep. You and I . Obviously we'll have to spend a lot of time together... So open up some time. Because this is gonna be fun babe." I said smirking. Yeah fun.



Oh yeah this is definitely gonna be fun trust me.

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