The Start

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Allison's POV

"Allison! Get up!" Yelled my brother from downstairs. I groaned an inhuman noise in response, but still got up.

I walked to the bathroom, running a hand through my light brown hair.

I quickly took a shower, washing off the daze I was in.

"20 more minutes!" my brother said. I walked into my room and opened my closet door.

What to wear? I grabbed some simple skinny jeans, along with a baggy tee shirt.

I then walked back into the bathroom. I examined my plain face.

I decided to only put on mascara and lipgloss. When I walked back out of the bathroom I ran my hand through my almost dry hair.

I slid on some black flats and grabbed my vans backpack. Time for another horrible day in a horrible place.

Luckily it was my junior year, only one year left after this.

I flung open my door, and started to walk down the stairs. "Finally! You need to leave now if you're walking." snapped my brother.

I nodded and mumbled a 'bye' which he returned.

I then started to walk down the street.

I looked around at my surroundings, sadly not looking forward.

"Ouch!" I grumbled as I hit a wall. That's when I looked up to see in fact it wasn't a wall, but a very angry Tyler Reed.

To fill you in Tyler Reed is our school's bad boy, he doesn't take shit from anyone, then again no one really gives him shit.

Then there's me. The little smart ass nerd who likes to go unnoticed. Oh joy, great pair right?

"Watch it!" Tyler snapped before I could apologize. That wasn't very nice.

It actually for some strange reason made me mad. This inconsiderate player didn't even give me time to say 'sorry' It was just a watch it.

"Why don't you?" I yelled as he kept walking in the opposite direction.

I immediately regretted my sudden surge of confidence, as he turned around, and stormed towards me. Oops.

"What was that bitch?" He snarled, now very close to my face. My hands shook and my breath hitched from our closeness.

But still my stubbornness couldn't let me be talked to in such a cruel way.

"I said you should watch it!" I snapped with the same ferocity. "Shut up nerd!" He warned. "Or what?" I said rolling my eyes.

I did not need his narcissistic threats this morning.

He then let out a deep chuckle that sent shivers down my spine. "I guess you'll find out." And with that he walked away.

I stood there shocked. What did he mean I'll find out? Oh well. No use stressing out over it now.

Honestly I don't even care, he'll forget about me once he finds a chick to make out with.

I started walking towards school, all memories of Tyler fading as I did.

When I got there it was 8:29. I had one minute to get to class. So I sprinted with everything I had.

When I arrived at A.P English people were still filing in, which made my running useless in a sense.

It was 8:32 when everyone, or so I thought, was in the room. Mrs. Cayte started to talk as none other than Tyler Reed walked in.

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