Oh. No.

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-1 week later-

Allison's POV

My phone buzzed next to me.

I looked over at my phone. It was Damien calling again. I sobbed again.

Finally the buzzing stopped, only to start again. This time it was Tyler.

I decided to answer. "Take a hint!" I screamed into the phone then I hung up and threw it across the room.

"Mom?" I choked out. "I know you probably can't hear me, but screw it. I miss you. Why'd you leave me? Why? You knew I needed you! Did you not care? Why..." I screamed at the sky.

"Why'd you put the gun to your head..." I mumbled before breaking down all over again.

Everyone leaves. Trust no one.

Why do they leave me? Am I not good enough? Probably not.

I walked to my bathroom and wiped my tears. I replaced the pain in my eyes with a cold expression.

Don't feel, I reminded myself.

I changed from my sweatpants and oversized shirt into short shorts and a risky crop top.

I decorated my eyes with winged eyeliner. Then I smiled into the mirror and it was convincing.

I pulled up to the party. The music blared from the woods.

I grabbed my shades and stepped out of the car. "Hello gorgeous." A guy said. I smirked and kept walking knowing he would follow.

Boys. Predictable boys.

"Can I get you a drink?" He said surprisingly close. "Sure." I said. He smiled then walked off I kept walking towards the crowd.

I shook my hips to the song automatically. Warm arms slid around them and I went with it.

I heard a soft laugh from whoever was dancing with me. "What?" I asked turning to face a dark haired guy, with compelling blue eyes.

He resembled Cam in a way. "You are insane." He said but smiled.

"I feel bad for the people who don't go crazy." I said smirking.

"Oh most definitely." He said nodding. "So mysterious stranger who compliments my insanity, what is your name?" I asked.

"Well if I told you that I wouldn't be so mysterious now would I?" He said smirking.

"That's no fun." I replied pouting. "Well my apologies ma'am." His voice went deeper and had a country twang.

"Ooo a gentleman." He laughed at my comment.

"So what are you doing here?" He asked. "Making the most of a Saturday before I have to go back to the sad reality of school."

"What grade?" He questioned. "Well if I told you that I wouldn't be so mysterious now would I?" I replied mimicking him.

"I never said you were mysterious." I faked being hurt. "Well then tell me all about myself why don't you?"

"Okay." He replied thinking for a minute.

"You are crazy, but you weren't always. You were once shy and secluded.

You act like you don't care but deep down you care too much. You are here to forget not to remember. You are escaping. So how'd I do?" He asked smirking.

Truthfully he was right, but I wouldn't give him the justice of knowing he was. "Horrid how many girls have actually fallen for that?" I asked.

"I'm offended I put effort into that. Also I'm training to be a psychologist. You were a test trial."

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