Going Back

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Allison's POV

"...if everything you said wasn't so god damn beautiful." He said staring at me with that look, I hugged him not wanting to let go. "So you want to stay here tonight?" He said into my hair. "Yes." I said and felt him move to lay down on the couch he snuggled into me, his arm draped on my waist, his head resting on my head, it was the most comfortable place to be. I looked at him at all his features that were perfect in every way, I remembered his eyes that had been open just a second ago looking at me as if I was his world, he loved me, he had held me as I cried, and in this moment I realized that maybe home is nothing but two arms holding you tight when you're at your worst.

I drifted off into a calming sleep.

-next morning-

I woke up to a lips lightly brushing on mine. I fluttered my eyes open to see Tyler staring down at me smiling. I gave him a smile back and kissed his cheek before getting up and heading towards the bathroom. I stared into the mirror and even though I looked like hell, I saw something that I couldn't help but believe was gorgeous, my eyes had the stars in them again, no longer dull, but bright, at that ladies and gentlemen is what Tyler Reed can do to me. I wiped off the black mascara that ran down my cheeks, I ran my fingers through my hair, and I just smiled happy.

I walked back out to see Tyler sitting on the couch still I sat by him and interlocked my fingers with his. "Can we go get some hair dye this rainbow has got to go." I said laughing at the now pastel rainbow colors that decorated my under layer. "Sure meet me at the car." He said kissing my forehead. I walked out to the car, Tyler came out looking perfect as always.

"Let's go." He said opening my door I hopped in and then he shut the door jogging over to the drivers seat. We had a comfortably silent car ride. When we were inside the store Tyler asked, "What color?" I looked at him and replied, "Dark brown. Like my natural hair color." I walked towards the hair dye. "You'll look gorgeous. I love your natural hair color." He said as he followed me, I grabbed the dark brown hair dye and walked towards the cash registers, when we got there I was about to pay but of course Tyler stepped in and payed for me. "Thank you." I said interlocking his fingers with mine. "Anything for you." He said giving me that look again the one like I was the only girl in the world, which was absurd since there were plenty prettier girls than me.

When we got back to his house I kissed him on the cheek and skipped off to the bathroom, I put on the hair dye and looked and my hair dye gloves messily decorated with dark brown dye. Idea. "Oh Tyler!" I sung evily. "I don't think I want to come near you when you say my name like that!" He yelled back. "But baby I just want a kiss!" I complained back. I heard him sigh and get up he then walked towards me, yet still looking at me like I outshined all the other girls, even with this silly hair coloring on.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and smiled kissing me. "Sorry." I said into the kiss as I brought my hands, which have the hair color dyed gloves on them, to his face. He gave me a shocked expression before narrowing his eyes in vengeance. "Woops! Gotta go!" I said running as fast as I could towards the front door, I successfully made it, but with Tyler on my tail. I ran faster pushing hard to get to the salvation of my house. It was so close.

I was on my porch when I felt arms around my waist, and lift me over Tyler's shoulder. "You twat! Put me down! You bloody wanker!" I yelled beating his back. "When did you become British babe?" He said laughing I just groaned and relaxed. Wasn't gonna get out of this one anyways.

Tyler's POV

She relaxed on my shoulder I took her and sat her on the couch. My phone rang as I was about to kiss her lips. "Hello Damien." I said walking upstairs. I turned back to Allison who was already comfortable and turning on the tv.

"Hi man."
"Is there a point for you calling."
"I'm in love with Mandy and she loves me!"
"How's it going with Allison?" I couldn't help but smile. "Perfect better than perfect."
"Can you give details?" He said sounding annoyed. "All I can say is she's got the eyes of innocence; the face of an angel. A personality of a dreamer and a smile that hides more pain than you can even imagine. And that girl has my heart, she's my world."
"You are so whipped!" He laughed out and for the first time I was okay with it. "Indeed good bye Damien I have to get back to the most beautiful girl ever goodbye." And with that I hung up.

I turned to stroll out of my room to see Allison in the doorway. "How much of that did you hear because I should either be extremely embarrassed or extremely grateful." She smiled and walked up to me hugging me. I inhaled the scent of vanilla and a bit of cherry. "I heard it all, and I love you so much Tyler Reed, the only thing I'm trying to figure out is how I deserved someone so amazing, and how you even went for me." Her perfect in every way voice spoke.

"Allison let me tell you something I could die a million years and still not be good enough for you." I mumbled. "I think the role is reversed here love." She said and I just smiled, because she was so right the day I had 'accidentally ran into her' I was whipped, but I was determined to ignore it, but damn I failed, but then she changed and she didn't fail she was determined not to love, so I was a sap I tried to get her to love me instead of her getting me to love her so I guess you could say the roles are reversed.

"You need to go wash your hair dye out beautiful." I said giving her a quick kiss on the forehead before heading for the couch. I was whipped and damn was I more than okay with it.

A/N lovey Tallison chapter thinking about bringing this story to an end I have another one out kinda like this that's going somewhere, I also have 2 fan fics out for my friend, I have Game On Alpha which I'm hoping to finish up soon, lastly I'm writing one more new story soon, it's gonna be different but I hope you guys will like it as much as you like my other ones.

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