So We Run

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Tyler's POV

We pulled away and I smiled as she did. "I love you." She said with so much honesty. "I love you too, and I think I need to say something." I responded and watched her look worried and panicked as she looked into my eyes with those Hazel ones of hers, oh my god those hazel eyes. "Go ahead." She said those eyes that mesmerized still boring into mind. "My parents warned me about the drugs on the street, but never about the ones with Hazel eyes and a heartbeat." I stated and watched her eyes light up and saw her smile.

I smiled too knowing I had caused hers. "You're the greatest risk I've ever taken Tyler Reed." She said pressing her lips against mine gently. "And the greatest reward." She smiled and I couldn't help but smile too. "Hey love birds." Smiled Mandy. "I should say the same to you too." Responded Allison. "Yeah." Laughed Damien. "Hey let's go for a drive?" I proposed and everyone smiled. We got up and piled into my jeep.

Mandy and Damien took the back seat, Mandy's head on Damien's shoulder, Damien looking down at her smiling as she smiled at him, their fingers intertwined. I wonder if they will ever tell us how they ended up together. I then looked at my princess and grabbed her hand interlacing it with mine. She smiled and turned on the radio. I started the car.

"I'm taking my senior year online." Blurted out Allison. "So am I!" Squealed Mandy. I looked at Damien in the rear view mirror and he nodded. "So are we." I said looking at the girls who were bursting with joy. "It's just a shitty place school is and plus you guys are all I need." Said Allison smiling looking at us. "It is shitty huh?" Replied Mandy. "Very." Mumbled Damien.

I saw Allison's eyes light up with an idea. "We could get away. We could drive, travel." We all looked at her as I pulled over to the side of the road. "What?! We are all doing our classes online. So why not travel with each other for senior year?" She said looking at us. "Okay let's do it." Smiled Mandy. "I'm in." Damien said nodding. "Hell yeah." I said and pulled back into the road. "Okay we are all permitted a small bag for, money, passports, electronics, and a few sets of clothes. Also photos." Said Allison and we nodded. "Okay stop at each of our houses, and then Tyler will pick us up in 20." Once more we all agreed.

-20 minutes after dropping everyone off-

I pulled up to Ali's house with Damien and Mandy already in the back seat. Allison came out carrying a small bag, she hopped in and smiled. "Where to?" I asked as I started driving out of the small town we called home. "Everywhere." Said Allison with stars in her eyes. So I gunned it taking one last look at the small town that was ours. Sure no one would miss us, we were the rejects, but that's how we liked it, we were loners, left and abandoned, and together we were infinite.

I cranked up the radio and we all belted out the lyrics to, Dreaming by: Small Pool.

And yes it was shitty, and life is shitty, but there are people in life that make it a hell of a lot less shitty, so when you find those people keep them close. Never let go, and when you have them, run away with them, like we are doing. Because I must say nothing feels more free, and more better than this moment right here, right now.


OMG I have the epilogue to write and then it's all over. 😵 that seems crazy at the moment.
Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed.

xx Alaska

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