dallison maybe ?¿

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Damien's POV

I woke up in Tyler's house. I groaned. The memories from last night flooded into my brain.

Allison. The new Allison. We were friends again. I was excited for that actually.

Allison and I were close before she changed.

Every Wednesday was our day. We would go to our favorite diner and eat.

Sometimes we would even go to the town's boardwalk. Why she changed was a mystery to me.

I wanted to figure it out though.

"Why are you smiling like an idiot?" Asked Tyler from the door way.

"No reason man no reason at all." I laughed. "Bullshit." Tyler replied. "It is bullshit." I said smiling.

Damn that girl. Yeah okay, I had always had a little bit of feelings for her.

But I always sensed that she had a thing for Ty.

Maybe she did, but now she wants my friendship before his and that feels good.

"So I saw you and Allison last night." He said. Was that jealousy in his voice? Nah.

"Yeah so?" I replied back hiding the excitement in my voice. "Did she tell you anything?"

I knew what he was asking. Did she talk about him? Did she explain why she changed?

"No. Trust me I want to know as much as you do."

He nodded in response. After a bit of silence he spoke. "What do you think happened?"

I thought for a moment. "She got sick of it all, the bullshit, the emotions, the drama, etcetera." He looked at me.

"What bullshit?! She had it all! She hung out with us! The bad boys! She spent time with me! What more could she ask for?!" He yelled.

This made me mad. He thinks she was so privileged just cause we hung out with her? Really?

"You act like it's every girls dream to hang with you! She was different, she is different and you know that!" He just sighed.

"She had attention from people who thought good of her that's enough right?" He asked.

"I guess not." I said and got up grabbing my jacket and keys.

"Where are you going?" He asked. "To get answers!" I replied.

There I was outside her house why was I nervous about this. I got off my motorcycle.

I walked to the door and knocked. "Hello?" Questioned Allison. "Hey A." I said smirking.

She looked sleepy and cute, make up smudged and all.

"Come on in." She gestured inside. "Thanks." I said and made my way upstairs.

"Make yourself why don't ya?" She said sarcastically. "Thanks I will." I said smirking at her.

Allison's POV

"Thanks I will." He said smirking.

"Watch it hottie I might have to kiss that smirk off your face." I replied, and damn you should of saw his face.

He lost his cool composure and his jaw dropped to the ground.

I died laughing. Then he smirked again. "I'm warning you." I said laughing.

His smirk widened. I warned him. I walked up to him and kissed him.

He was shocked at first, so he didn't respond, but then I felt him relax.

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