Break Me? I Think Not

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Allison's POV

When I walked into my house it was silent indicating my brothers had left. He always was the partier.

I lived alone with him now, ever since it happened. I walked into the kitchen and found a note from him. Typical Josh.

Hey Ali,

I'll be back tomorrow morning probably, so don't wait up.


I just laughed and went upstairs. I plugged in my music to my dock and cranked it up.

Snap Out Of It by Arctic Monkeys played. I threw my backpack on my bed and started to swing my hips to the beat.

Unfortunately my doorbell started ringing, interrupting my groove session.

Must be Mandy, I would yell at her for interrupting. But first I walked down the stairs still dancing, because nobody can stop this groove, and opened the door.

My smile instantly dropped as I was greeted by Tyler, not Mandy.

"Nice dancing." he commented smirking. "Whatever, what do you want?" I said trying to control the blush that had tainted my cheeks.

"Turn it down. Respect to Arctic Monkeys but seriously." As he said this I crossed my arms.

"What if I don't wanna?" I asked teasingly. That's when he stepped into the house and pinned me to a wall.

"Then this" before I could ask anymore questions his lips crashed on mine.

My eyes widened in shock, I froze for a minute before pushing him off.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" I yelled, trying not to let tears spring into my eyes.

He just smirked and started to walk out, but before he completely exited he bent down and whispered into my ear, "Challenge accepted remember? You may have not kissed me back that time, but you will."
his voice sent a shiver throughout my body, and with that he walked out. Gone.

My mind swarmed with thoughts. The bad boy just stole my first kiss.

Instead of getting to sharing it with someone I loved it was with someone I hated, Tyler Reed. All I can say is let's play player.

You just added to my hate for you, taking someone's first kiss that's messed up.

And I will get you back, because for the next however long it takes to get you back, my name is Karma, bitch.

I smirked at my plans as they formulated in my head.

I shut the door, but as soon as I did it rung again. "Yes?" I asked not willing to open the door after what just happened.

"Open the door you twat!" Yelled my bestfriend. I laughed and happily swung open the door. My arms wrapped around her and I hugged her.

"Where's Kyle?" I asked looking for his familiar, warm eyes.

"He's coming later, and what happened, your eyes are sad?" She questioned. So I spilled the kiss, his words, my plans.

"That bastard. We are so getting him back. But I gotta ask, are you gonna be able to not fall for him?" said Mandy.

Of course I would be able to. He annoys me and I hate him. Right?

"Hello?" sand Mandy, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Are you kidding me? Unlike some people Mandy, bad boys aren't my type."

She eyed me suspiciously, but finally said, "That was a little rude, but I'll let it slide." She laughed.

I nodded. When we got there I let Mandy do the talking. I sat in the chair, when Mandy stopped talking to the stylist she came over to me.

"Okay so we are gonna cut some of your hair off, put in one or two hot pink highlights, and give you the slightest amount of layers and bangs."

I smiled and nodded with that I watched the stylist cut my waist length hair to just below my boobs.

Then the highlights. Then the bangs, lastly the layers. "Hot damn, you look good sweetie." said the stylist with what appeared a jersey accent.

When I looked in the mirror I looked amazing a confidence boost surged through me.

"Woah, thank you." I called and got up walking over to Mandy.

"Wow babe you could turn a girl." She commented laughing. "Thanks."

Amazing what a haircut and some color can do.


We got home in 10 minutes and did the normal sleepover stuff, you know like drinking lots of alcohol. Which was crashed by Kyle.

But by the time he got there I was quite smashed, thanks Mandy. I don't think I've ever been drunk before, wow.

"Heya handsome." I smirked at Kyle before yanking him into a hug by his tshirt.

"Besides you slightly turning me on right now, what's different with you Al?" Kyle questioned, and I blushed as he basically checked me out.

"Just my hair." I mumbled, looking down. He lifted my chin, I peered into his gorgeous green eyes, "Well I like it."

"Woah, did you guys just catch feelings for each other?" Mandy screamed, snapping us both out of that weird daze.

"No!" We both yelled. "Whatever I'm going to bed, goodnight love birds." She hollered.

I refused to look at Kyle, my best friend's older brother that I had been crushing on since I was little.

I had gave up on that crush though, because Kyle himself was quite the flirt and player.

"Allison." His deep voice was so close. "Kyle." I whispered. I felt his arms snake around my waist and shut my eyes at the feeling.

As I leaned my head back into him, his lips kissed down my neck, which is when I smelled the alcohol on his breath.

I froze, but then I was tasting that alcohol. Kissing him, as he started walking back towards the wall.

I moaned a little into the kiss as his tongue grazed my lips. He chuckled knowing he was teasing me.

Two can play this game Kyle. He tried to put his tongue into my mouth, but I stopped him, jumping up wrapping my legs around him.

His hands were now on my ass, gripping a little more than what was needed to hold me up.

I smirked and then did something I had only heard about, I bit down gently on his bottom lip, and dragged it a bit before letting go.

Apparently I did it right because he groaned, and grinded against me.

"Watch it Al." He mumbled against my lips as his eyes looked into mine now darkened with lust.

I knew this was a bad idea, and I knew sober me and sober Kyle would regret this in the morning, but screw it.

"Or what?" I asked breathing heavily.

Funny I asked Tyler that same question today. Ugh screw him get out of my head.

"Or this." Kyle slammed his lips into mind and like that I didn't even remember any name but Kyle's.

Which I happened to moan into his lips. Which apparently turned him on more because this time he grinded into me hard and more than once.

I gasped, where was this going?

- no where this is the PG13 version -

He carried me to the couch where he continued to make out with me, which was very very amazing.

I was so confident, wow, making out with Kyle, all I can say is
Tyler has a big surprise coming tomorrow. I was gonna look hot. Break me? I think not Mr. Bad boy.

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