How To Kill Someone

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Tyler's POV

My doorbell rang. I looked over at my phone.

Sunday, 7:23am.

I groaned and got up walking to the door. I opened it to see someone who I thought would never speak to me again.

"Allison." I couldn't breathe. She gave a sad smile.

"Come on in." I said. She stepped inside her eyes not meeting mine. "Thanks." She mumbled as she sat on the couch.

I looked at her and then sat beside her. "You're killing me." I mumbled under my breath.

"What?" She asked looking at me her golden colored eyes looking at me with curiosity.

Her eyes were so beautiful, pale yet bright. As I took them in I remembered what Damien had said.

'Sad and beautiful just like her eyes'

"I asked if you knew how to kill someone?" She looked taken back by my comment, but she soon regained composure and opened her mouth to speak.

"There are many ways to kill someone, but for now I'll just tell you a few.

You hold their hand and then never touch their skin again, see them nearly everyday and pretend they don't exist, act like everything you ever said to them was a lie, that's how you kill someone." I just stared at her in shock, and mesmerized.

I wanted her to keep talking, but instead she got up and walked towards the door, and I let her leave.

Stupid, stupid me.

Allison's POV

I knew he would let me leave, and it may have hurt to show up at his house, but I didn't care.

I walked away and got on my bike. The wind hit my face and I just drove.

All I needed was that visit, to let him let me walk away.

Because I almost thought I was worth enough for him to chase after me, and that belief is such a dangerous thing.

Damien's POV

My doorbell rung. "What the hell." I mumbled groggily I checked my phone.

Sunday, 7:46am.

Who would be here this early? I started to walk towards the door. "Damien?" Screamed the person behind the door.

I opened it and saw Tyler. "Hey man what's up?" I said calmly, but I instantly panicked when I saw the look in his eyes.

"Dude?" I said and brought him to my couch.

"I let her go." He said with so much guilt in his voice.

"What do you mean? Who'd you let go?" I asked scared because I knew who he was talking about.

"Allison. She came to my house and was silent blank, but I saw a bit of her, just a sliver of the old her in there, and when I let her walk away.... It disappeared."

He looked me in the eye and then back down to his knees, running his hand through his wild, unkept hair.

"Come on." I said. "What?" He asked looking up again. "We are going to Allison's." I grabbed him and we got in my truck.

"She's gone." He said as we drove. "No one is ever gone, broken and bent maybe but never gone." How I hoped my words were right.

8:02 a.m.

It was 8:02am as we stood outside of Allison's house.

Her light was on I could see her silhouette in the window. She was pacing, running her hand through her medium length hair.

We walked to the door and twisted it open. She always leaves it open.

It's as if she's welcoming death. "A?" I yelled. "Josh is that you?" She yelled back.

"Who's Josh?" Tyler whispered to me. "Her brother." I whispered back.

"Josh this isn't funny." She said then she walked out of her room. She looked at both of us in a bit of shock.

"Hey A." I said smiling. "Hey." She said still shocked. "We just wanted to know if you wanted to hangout?" I asked.

"No thanks." She said not making eye contact. "Okay well you can stay up there me and Damien are gonna watch a few movies down here." Shouted Tyler.

He was smirking.

She smirked. "Have fun boys." Then she turned back towards her room her pony tail flicking.

"She's crazy." I mumbled. "That she is." Tyler responded.

One movie later Allison came down the stairs.

Tyler's POV

I heard footsteps. I know Damien and I both whipped our head around to see her.

She was still in her sleep shorts and a tank. "Take a picture it'll last longer." She said as she walked towards the kitchen.

"I would love to. Selfie?" I asked. She laughed, a true laugh that was a little to loud, and met her eyes.

People say to make a girl fall in love make her laugh, but every time this girl laughs I'm pretty sure I'm the one doing the falling.

She then walked over to the couch where me and Damien were. "Phones?" She said holding out her hands to the both of us.

Without question we both handed her our phones. Then she sat in the middle of us, and opened all of our cameras.

"Ready?" She said smiling. "Yep!" Damien and I said in unison.

We then took 10 photos per phones (including hers) some silly some cute, all perfect.

When it was all done she handed the phones back out.

"Pick a movie I'll go make some popcorn!" She said hopping up. "What movie?" Damien asked happier now.

"Something scary!" We both said at the same time.

And with that we picked out some scary movies. Boy was this gonna be fun. "Hurry up A!" Damien shouted.


So a bit of a bipolar chapter haha.

Something I Need by OneRepublic is the song for this chapter.

Love ya


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