Chαρτεr 27 - Luna

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Chapter 27: Luna

I looked down at Lotus as she played with her pink dolls. They were actually pink; hair, skin and clothes. I'm not even sure how she got them. It was that one day I was going to check on her and she was playing with them. I know she's only a week, but she learn so fast and can play by herself. When my aunt got a baby it didn't learn that until it was like six months or something. So I got worried and went to the pack doctor that said it was normal for werewolves. That made me relax more.

Lotus smiled up at me with her toothless mouth. I smiled back.

"Mel!" Kyle's voice made me snap up my head.

"Yes?" I answered and rose up. Lotus continued to play with her dolls while I greeted Kyle. "Is something wrong?"

Kyle looked at me sheepishly while his hand went behind his head. "Well, I need you to do something for me." I rose an eyebrow at him.


"CanyouchangelukesinceIcant?" he asked very fast. I stared at him dumbfounded, trying to put what he said together. Since I heard Luke's name, I'm sure it's something about him.

"Did something happen to him, Kyle?" I asked sternly. Kyle smiled sheepishly and I could she a faint pink colour on his cheeks. It was adorable for the big Alpha, but I would never say that. Who knows what he will do ...

"Can you change Luke?" He now said more clearly. His adorable moment was over, but at his question I only sighed. I had taught him it so many times! When will that boy learn?

"Fine, but you need to watch Lotus!" I answered and glared at him. Kyle nodded and I went to see my boy. When I walked up the stairs I could hear laughter coming from down the hallway and the smell of alcohol burning my nostrils. I followed the scent and found four guys and two girls in a room at the end of the corridor. They were sending a bottle of vodka around and a few other bottles lay around them.

I knew they weren't drunk, but from all the giggles the girls let out, it wasn't that soon until they were. Werewolves can be drunk, but it takes a lot of alcohol to do that.

"Excuse me?" I coughed and six heads snapped up to mine. I was leaning on the door frame watching theirs every move. It want illegal to drink at the pack house, but I knew these teens were underage. I was still sixteen and I knew it when I saw people around my own age.

"Luna," one of the guys said and bowed his head. The title startled me and I almost forgot I was mated to their Alpha making me the Luna.

"This is underage drinking! I'll not hesitate to talk to your Alpha about this!" My voice held power, I knew that. The teens looked at me with widened eyes, something that confirmed that they actually hadn't get the persmission, but I knew Kyle wouldn't let it be underage drinking under his roof.

"We're sorry, Luna, it won't happen again," a girl with blonde/white hair said. I knew somewhere inside me that they were lying, but I couldn't just trust on something that I have not proof off.

"Are you lying to your Luna?" I asked, my voice slightly raised, "if you are, you will face punishment." They're faces looked so scared, but they shook their heads no. A cry drifted my focus away from the almost drunken teens. It was my Luke. I had forgotten him. I was such a terrible mother.

"I will speak with you of this later," I said in a low voice, before walking out of the room.


"Night, Luke," I kissed his forehead and his eyes began to drift shut. Once they were; I smiled and walked over to Lotus' crib and repeated what I had done to Luke. It wasn't that late, but I did not want my children to be tired. If I guessed, I guess it would be around 6.30 P.M.

I backed away from the sleeping kids and closed the door carefully. When I turned around, I bumped into something hard and sparks flew around my body. I smiled at this and locked eyes with the beautiful blue eyed boy in front of me.

"Hey Kyle."

Kyle grinned at me. "You are very good with children." I almost snorted aloud at that.

"I do have a younger sister you know," I said and chuckled. His blue eyes held confusion a little bit before turning to understand what I meant. Thea was back in Norway. Mom had made old granny taking care of her.

"I know."

Kyle pecked me on the lips before turning away. How could he jut leave me here, alone, in the scary corridor? I knew I was getting into his head.

Are you okay, kitten? I didn't mean to scare you!

He was just to adorable. Kyle was gone, but I could smell him in his office. Since it didn't sound like there was any emergencies, I went out. I walked down the stairs and out the front door.

What met my eyes, earned a piercing scream. I heard the front door open and feet rushing towards me, but I was frozen in shock. A warm hand touched my upper arm and tingles spread around.

"Mel?" Kyle's soft voice tried to reach out and I knew he was to concerned about me to notice the threat that stood fifty feet away.

"Look," I whispered and slowly raised a shaking finger to the forest. In the trees, at least a fifty wolves was standing, maybe more.
At the lead stood my father proud and tall with a smirking boy on each side.

Cole, my Wolf said bitterly. I hadn't heard from her in a long time. It was good to hear her soothing voice in all this drama.

Cole stood at my father's right, while a smirking Daniel at his left. They hadn't changed much since last time I saw them, but I could notice the hardened face on Cole.

"Hello, sweetie," he said like it was venom. Then he looked at my shoulder than at Kyle. Recognition shone in his familiar green eyes. It made me almost vomit.

"Get the hell away from this house!" I said as calm and slow as I could. I couldn't let them hurt my babies. They were my everything, except Kyle.

Daniel smirked. "Why?" He asked, "hiding something precious?" The mock of his question made me growl at him. My eyes turned black and anger rose up deep within me. No one mocked my Luke and Lotus!

For a split second he looked scared, but quickly regained his blank position.

"You are..." my father trailed of. "Is it something from both of you?" He was making me sick. And the fact that he maybe knew about my children made him more crazy.

"No!" I snapped. I would do anything to protect them. In their sleeping state, they can't make the difference between me and a stranger.

My father's smirk grew over his face. It was absolutely horrible to watch him. All of sudden all the pack warriors from Kyle's pack stood behind us. My father's shocked face was so hilarious, but I contained my laughter. Even if it was hard.

Cole growled, the same for Daniel and the rest of the wolves. The 'moon' mark on his shoulder was away and I wondered of anything they had ever told me was true.

Then the first wolf shifted, clothes ripping, and attacked our line. For a bit time I stood frozen watching everything that was around me.

First when I heard the first howl of pain I snapped out and leaped into the fight.

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