Chαρτεr 23 - Double Trouble

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Chapter 23: Double Trouble

My mouth was open as I took in the sight before me. Cole was standing there with his arm around a girl's waist and smirked at me, not any girl, but Rita. Now that would have hurt me before, but now; no, I had Kyle.

That wasn't the only thing that shocked me, Daniel was with him. How Daniel came in contact with Cole, I'll never know, maybe I don't even want to.

"What are you doing here?" I said nicely through clenched teeth. All three of them smirked and took a place at the booth so I and Kyle sat together at the middle, our arms brushing. That was fine by me, only if the other devilish people were not there.

"Oh you," Daniel started. "We just wanted to meet our ex-girlfriend and see how she's doing," Cole smirked. What the hell am I supposed to do know? I looked at Kyle for help, but he was too busy to glare at the others and have an arm loosely around my waist.

"No, spill the truth." I knew they were lying and I wouldn't hear any of their bullshit and I knew they were not here to see how I'm doing. They're too evil for that.

"What are you doing with Alpha Kyle?" Cole asked and eyed my boyfriend. I let out a small chuckle and the arm around me tightened. Cole looked at both of us and saw his arms around me and the way I leaned in on his touch.

"Oh, you know," I smirked. "I'm chilling with my boyfriend on a date." That set him up. Cole's eyes were filled with rage and if this would happen a month ago, then I would be scared. Now, it's just weird.

Daniel stood beside him and rolled his eyes. Rita looked uncomfortable and nervous.

"But I must thank you; if it weren't for you I would never have met Kyle."

I sighed dreamily. Kyle chuckled and put both arms around me while I grinned like a dork. Daniel put an hand on Cole's shoulder to calm him down. The rage in Cole's eyes disappeared, but he was still angry.

"You're my mate, Melody!" Cole yelled. People at the restaurant turned their heads towards us and some elders shook their heads in disapproval. I glared at him and crossed my arms.

"I'm not your mate!" I spit before standing up, grabbing Kyle and stormed out of the restaurant. Not once I looked back, he deserves everything that would get to him. My grumbles was cut off by Kyle grabbing my arms and made me look up at him. He looked concerned about me and that was very nice, but I'm very grumpy right now.

"Melody!" Kyle said to me as I tried to wiggle free. "You need to calm down!" I couldn't. It wasn't that simple. I couldn't calm down and now I'm sure that Rita was against me. I remember the time when we played prank on Cole and how fun that was. Tears were welling up in my eyes and I cried. Kyle hugged me while I cried. This had been the worst date ever.

Kyle tried to soothe me, but quickly gave up and just sat there with me on his lap. When I was just sobbing he turned my head and brushed my tears away with his thumb. I smiled a half-heartily smile as a thank you. He gave a nod, understanding that I didn't want to talk about it.

"They're only trouble," I murmured. "Double Trouble!" Kyle laughed a little, which made me smile a little. Before the two evil guys could get to us again we quickly walked to Kyle's car. When we settled we drove out of the parking lot of the restaurant. The drive home was silent, but not uncomfortable.

Some people say that someone is perfect, but everyone knows they're not. What I've discovered is that everyone has a past that they're not proud of and if they don't, they don't know what to do now. I had a past, something I never said to anyone; until I met Kyle. He changed everything, even Cole couldn't bring me through to get the truth out of me.

I couldn't be happier and now I know that I want to finish the mating bond. I had decided and I was ready, something I wasn't with Cole.

"Uh, Kyle?" I asked nervously and glanced at him as he drove.

"Yes?" he said, not taking his eyes from the road. I gulped and before I could back up, I said it.

"Why haven't you mated with me yet?"

The question threw him of guard and I could feel he was not expecting that. I could see small sweat drops on his head. Nothing bad could have happened if he said he didn't want to do it with be, well I would of course be heartbroken, but in the end I would maybe be better and have a good life.

"I didn't want to rush you," he started. "And I know the whole thing can be overwhelming, so I wanted you to be ready."

That was sweet. But I really wanted him and nothing he would do could ever change that. I nodded and the car fell silent once again. We got back and he drove up to the pack house and opened my door. Like a real gentleman.

We walked in and I was tackled to the ground by my "twin"; aka Alex. She smiled and I looked at Kyle apologetic, he only nodded at me.

"I'm going up to the room," he said while taking of his jacket. "Come up when you're finished." With a wink he walked up and let me stand there with my mouth open. Alex squealed next to me, but I couldn't believe he said just that. He was a sweetheart at times, but sometimes he really is a cocky annoying guy.

"What was that?" Alex winked as I got out of my trance. I shook my head, clearing my thoughts.

"I'm not sure Alex," I said unsure, I think I have a pretty good idea, but I wouldn't ever say that to her. Then I would ever hear the end of it.

"Well, I'm not going to keep you down here," she said and started pushing me up the stairs. "You go to loverboy and I will know everything in the morning."

I tried to protest, but she had that look where you can't say anything to change what she's set for. Believe me, I've tried. I rolled my eyes, but walked up the slowly up the stairs anyway. I was quite nervous, since I didn't exactly know what I could expect when I got in his room. Or should I say ours? Well, whatever.

I didn't bother knock on the door, but instead opened it slowly before carefully stepping into the room. Around the bed were candles and flowers. Wow, did he make this while we were away? I think this was the most romantic thing he had ever done for me. A small tear escaped my eye as I took it all in. The small flames on the candles moved with the little wind inside here.

"It was supposed to make you happy, not making you cry," a voice said behind me as I heard the door close and the door lock. I wasn't scared, he took good care of me and I wouldn't even think of a better boyfriend or mate.

"I am happy," I said while another tear rolled down. He chuckled and turned me around so I looked straight into his eyes. His eyes asked if I was okay with this and I almost giggled at how nice he could be from time to time. As answer I nodded and smiled at him.

Before I could do anything his lips smashed down to mine and I could feel the fireworks inside of me. He deepened the kiss and I took my arms around his neck and brought him closer to me. He did the same and snaked his arms around my waist. I could feel him fiddling with my dress and I brought myself closer so he could get to the sip.


"That was amazing, kitten," he whispered and I giggled.

I turned around so I was facing him and looked into those blue eyes that held love for me.

"I love you," I whispered back and I was afraid that he wouldn't back, but he smiled at me.

"I love you too," he said back and I grinned like I had won something. I turned back and snuggled closer to him. My back was pressed up to his and his arm was around my waist.

I fell asleep with a smile.





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